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Fantasy Football Champion
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Everything posted by Gemini

  1. Making jibberish sound like an actual European language is the best thing ever.
  2. lol Dak gonna dak. Cowboys lose.
  3. Oh, yeah. I forgot to mention that we ended up winning the game 39-37. Quick question: Is this a Scorigami? Also, C.J. STROUD IS THE MAN! WOOOO HOOOOO!
  4. We're having to use a backup running back as our emergency place kicker. Success? We're currently leading the Bucs 33-30 with 7:22 left in the fourth quarter, and Tampa Bay has the ball. It's 3rd and seven.
  5. I bet this went throught its mind after making this thread:
  6. (This is where I meant to put that funny haiku I wrote, @The_annoying_one.) Haikus can be fun If you know how to write them. It isn't that hard. (Also, that's what she said.)
  7. I just realized I clicked on the wrong thread. lol
  8. I just ordered some pizza for myself and the grandparents from Domino's. I'm getting an XL Brooklyn Style Wisconsin 6 cheese pizza with extra cheese as well as pepperoni, olives, and mushrooms, and they're getting a large hand-tossed ExtravaganZZa (Domino's version of a supreme pizza). Mmmmm...six types of cheeses on a pizza.
  9. I swear it looks like Godzilla's trying to suck air into his asshole just so he can propel himself across Japan by farting it out like a radioactive jet engine.
  10. Okay. Black beans are allowed. But only black beans. And before you (in general, not necessarily directed at you, disco) question my credentials, please note that I'm from Texas, and Texas chili is our officially-recognized state dish. Also, chili made with cut roast sounds gooooooooood. I need to get some diced ribeye so I can make some with that. Num yummy, indeed.
  11. Real chili doesn't have beans in it. So-called "chili" with beans is a beef and bean stew. I said what I said, damn it!
  12. Well, that's one way to roast a chicken.
  13. I'm suddenly thinking of "Rooster" by Alice In Chains. Thanks.
  14. Thanks. I'm staying away from bowling from now on as well.
  15. Exactly. I'm not gonna get involved. Enjoy your fun, whoe'er ye be.
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