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Everything posted by wacky1980

  1. saturday night in toledo ohio is like being nowhere at all
  2. it's not about filling them in; nothing will do that (in a way that costs less than just replacing the glass entirely). it's about reducing their appearance so they're not such an annoyance. but again, i've never tried it myself.
  3. "they" say to spray some wd-40 on the screen, and it seeps into the cracks and makes them kinda disappear. i've never tried it so ymmv.
  4. i'm sitting here on the couch, with zombieland on in the background, sipping on a barrel-aged imperial stout. my birthday gift to myself, after a day of doing absolutely nothing birthday-related. well, that's not 100% accurate. the boys sang me "happy birthday" about five times. but beyond that, it's just another damn day. and i'm really good with that. thanks for the shout everyone.
  5. grassy ass, mi amigos! 39 years on this earth. and i've spent 16 of them in this community. fuck me, that's a lotta years. we're all growing old together. ain't that neat?
  6. i get one from my parents every year for birthday and wedding anniversary. it's basically the cost of dinner, since we live far enough away that they can't actually take us out for most special occasions.
  8. crapcakes
  9. i have a headache. nope, not from a hangover or anything like that. what did i do to deserve this?? and no pills in sight. maybe i'll try drinking a red bull or something...
  10. if you're hungry, definitely eat until you're full. i don't think there's any doctor who will tell you otherwise while you're pregnant. and i don't want to ruin your morning coffee or anything, but some of the changes you go thru while pregnant, don't revert back once you're no longer pregnant/nursing. the coffee tolerance may never come back. or it may change, and you'll only like black coffee instead of doctored up. the human body is so fucking strange and interesting.
  11. my wife and i were platonic friends for the first like 3 years, while we were both in other relationships. we both became single within a couple months of each other. it wasn't until that point that shit just kinda happened.
  12. i'm getting ready to leave the bank for "lunch" i.e. run down to the bar to mix up a few gallons of frozen cocktail stuffs, followed by stopping in at the courthouse to pay first installment of property taxes. might actually get to eat lunch at some point too. sup chu?
  13. i think it's going to slow to an eventual stop, and will just disappear into the bermuda triangle. nothing to see here folks, move along.
  14. shit, i was thinking of your pimp. nevermind, carry on.
  15. so your boss is the owner of the place you work?
  16. i bet your boss, if s/he actually exists, is clearing 80k.
  17. i secretly wish for the day facebook wants me to jump through those hoops. i have no problems abandoning my account and moving on with life.
  18. i saw some fuckery going on this morning. glad to see it's just fb jail and not the real thing for murdering your neighbor.
  19. we're calling in all of our children. they've been out in the wild, spreading the message. now it's time for our triumphant reunion. a reunion of blood and balloons.
  20. on some level, i think it's an insult in every dialect.
  21. bless your pea-pickin' heart.
  22. life makes sense now. apologies.
  23. lol, i just noticed this post. i'd like to get your definition of "service job" before i respond to it.
  24. aww, a vanity search. good thing i didn't discuss customer accounts, right?
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