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Everything posted by wacky1980

  1. you say that like it's a bad thing. *can absolutely polish off 18 light lagers in the right setting. maybe only 6 of the good stuff though.
  2. It's been teasing us all night, but just won't stick it in there. I can see it on the horizon.
  3. zeni also zeni, same post oy
  4. the finish looks real good so far. going smooth in the bar because i want to be able to squeegee it off, plus it will have work mats on it. the bathrooms are going to remain exposed for now, but i'm not opposed to laying something down in there if it needs it.
  5. damn, DROPPING that knowledge. they've already pulled off some of the forms and it looks like they've done a decent amount of finishing as well. i went by a little bit ago but they were at lunch. the rain (and another tornado) missed us to the north by about 30 miles so we're in the clear again until maybe around 6-8pm.
  6. the slab is only 3-4". i don't know the other factors. i did ask this morning if they were concerned about weather, and they were quick to say no. so :shrug:
  7. the forecast says it's supposed to hold off til after 4pm. that means it will probably start in 10 minutes. *looks at radar* yeap, about ten minutes.
  8. It's going down this morning, weather be damned. Poured the bar and working on the restrooms as we speak.
  9. i was telling someone else here that it feels like you have a bit of radiation poisoning yourself after watching. haven't seen ep3 yet, maybe tonight if we can finish up our youtube edits.
  10. i mean, there's no end in sight and it's already been ongoing for the last week, so...
  11. cement trucks aren't available til friday now, so they're forming up some more today and pouring tomorrow if weather allows. we've had rain every night this week, including a tornado that slid just north of town last night, so everything's pretty saturated. supposed to rain again tonight and tomorrow, but if it's not too bad we'll get something done anyways. can't wait for the wet season to wind down. it's been a bitch of a spring.
  12. tornado sirens. the damn tornado is like 10 miles north and moving away. is it totally necessary to blow those damn things for 30 minutes after the storm has passed?
  13. check that. pouring the buildings *possibly* today, if they can get the cement trucks to show up. otherwise, tomorrow. then forming up the rest probably tomorrow/friday and pouring early next week. might have to get some pics to see if scoob and cracky approve
  14. thanks. they're moving along again today. working hard to get ahead of schedule, in anticipation of rain for the next 7 years. pouring the slab in the restroom and utility areas, rat walls on every exterior wall (i didn't ask for it but ok, he's the pro) and also the slab in the bar area. if they get all that done today, they have the rest of the week to get ready for pouring the rest of the slab in the public areas. shit, if the weather holds off, he might be done by the end of the week.
  15. the difference? jon will be "sentenced to the night's watch" (read: freed) just like in the tv show, only when he continues on beyond the wall (also just like in the tv show) he'll hook up with that hotass val. the end.
  16. one of my employees watched it as it aired and she raved about it. honestly, it's something i would probably enjoy quite a bit. just never really got around to it. and with the summer coming, i don't want to be tatered out on the couch while i should be doing shit outside.
  17. and back to the rain. we got almost 2" last night, and we're gonna get up to that much more this evening. then we dry out for a whole day before the next rainmaker comes through on thursday/friday. i have two xanax left before i'm out again. at this point, i can probably go after my own rx for the shit, rather than bumming off my wife's aunt, the pill queen.
  18. anyways, back to the stuff. plumber cleared out yesterday. concrete guys came in this morning. digging footings by hand like real men lol. i think they're gonna try to get them poured today before the rain starts again. then maybe come back thursday to pour the rest of the restroom and utility areas. if things go well, he wants to form up the rest of the pad on friday and have it ready to pour early next week. we shall see how well all of that goes...
  19. they're not really negatives. it's exactly what drew me to the show in the first place. it just wasn't enough to keep me coming back.
  20. yeah...i dunno. it got kinda repetitive. if you're ok with characters being completely overbaked, with mono/dialogue more rapid-fire than joss whedon writing buffy. if that's your thing, then it's a pretty good time. i just kinda lost interest after awhile.
  21. that was fun for the first season. i lost interest in season 2. at some point, the wordplay got a little too ... wordy.
  22. we haven't started it yet. now that GoT is over, and since chernobyl is only like 6 eps, i won't be actively watching anything anymore. and it's kinda refreshing.
  23. i've only watched the first 2 episodes so far. pretty sure i developed radiation poisoning after that. they do fine work of making it feel real.
  24. that chernobyl will keep me around for a few more weeks. i don't have the energy to torrent weekly series anymore.
  25. it was all the way back in season 1 (i'm pretty sure) when arya asked what was west of westeros. i think it's supposed to symbolize a return to her former, pre-murderer self. full-circle stark stuff. that's what i got out of it anyways.
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