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Everything posted by wacky1980

  1. is it, like, a job requirement for plumbers to be reeeeally bad at sticking a timeline? even one they offer up? or is it just this one plumber.
  2. No shit, right? Tonight was a shorter evening of work. It's only 12:30 and I'm already home. We finished the cooler and got it running (down to 39*F when I last checked) and turned on some lights. I also got the bar top put together, and I'm pretty pleased with the result so far. We'll be routing... routering... uhm... finishing the edges and installing it tomorrow, and painting the bar room as well. Carpenter plans to finish out the bathrooms, build the foot rail, and hang the last couple doors tomorrow. Plumber keeps letting us down, but he promised he'd be in tomorrow to install fixtures...
  3. went until 3am last night, getting the cooler *almost* finished up and wiring the sub main back to the main panel. i hate myself a lot today. not sure if i can keep this pace up for another 2-3 days, but if we want to get open on thursday i don't have much of a choice.
  4. tbh, i did use a fancy sprayer for all of my painting. i had to tape off a few spots and use a shield around doorways etc., and a lot of the work was on a ladder/scaffold, but i never touched a roller or brush and i painted about 2500 sqft in 5 hours with lots of breaks. rollers are for pussies. i'm a tough manly man after this last 6 weeks of construction labor, so i can say stuff like that now.
  5. that's what i thought too. that stuff doesn't weather very well on its own, so i figured i'd thin out some kilz outdoor primer and spray it on everywhere to help protect it a bit and to get the whitewashed look. it's not 100% what i was hoping for, but it's close enough that it will work (at least for the rest of this season). until the wife decides she wants a different color/effect, that is.
  6. i'll post up a new thread once we're all built out. but sure, some progress pics. for reference, this is where we started in april of last year. the pole in the center of the shot is still there, so it's a good reference point for this one from yesterday morning after i got the fence & stage buildings whitewashed. pole is at the right side of this photo. asshole neighbor threw up the "no parking" signs a couple weeks ago because he's an asshole. people have parked on that lot for decades, and he got pissy when we were doing the building demo last summer because we had to use some of the lot for staging the demo area. i got his permission and everything, but he just turned into a jerk afterwards, so this is what we're dealing with on the west side of the lot. this is inside, looking at the bar. yesterday afternoon, after i got done whitewashing that building. i think the whitewash is a good look. it won't look so bland once we decorate and get everything else painted and cleaned up.
  7. I spent all day outside yesterday, painting with my new sprayer. Got a good burn on the arms. I couldn't even scrub the paint off last night, the burn was so hurty.
  8. this thread is getting ready to wind on down. plumber may be done as early as tomorrow night, finishing up the manifold, installing the water heater, and hanging fixtures. all the interior walls are paneled, and ceilings are getting done today. i have to finish building out the cooler, which i intend to work on this evening. power is getting finished up in the bar building tonight as well, including wiring in the breaker box and installing a few light fixtures. going to build the bar/back bar tops tomorrow night and get those installed, if everything else before it goes smoothly. as for outdoor areas, i got almost everything painted yesterday before i burned all the way through 10 gallons. got one more high wall and a fence row to hit and that will be done. still gotta build 7 more picnic tables, but that will probably wait til wed/thu. and we have to build that shed, which will probably take at least a couple hours. then finally, it's time to decorate and bring in all the greenery. and that's it. we're opening the doors on thursday, whether we're at 100% or not. i think we'll be pretty close.
  9. spent all day yesterday working on the cooler. insulated between studs with styrofoam, and then added 4" of polyiso in layers on the inside of the stud walls. i have a couple gaps to fill and tape over, and that will be mostly done. it's raining again today. plumbers are in too, so carpenter thought it was better to just clear out and give the plumbers the space to do work. they're supposed to be finishing the rough-in and pressure testing the water lines. judging by their past performance, i doubt they get that much done today. assuming good weather this weekend (and that's never a safe assumption anymore), i'll be painting my ass off. i have enough product to do about 4,000sqft, and enough wall space to spray on every bit of that. if weather does not allow for painting, then i'll be doing more work on the cooler, installing the draft system and trimming out the shadowbox for the beer taps, and setting up the refrigeration system.
  10. BUMPDATE as anticipated, last week was mostly a bust. materials didn't come into the store by time i was there to pick them up last week, so no movement on the cooler. but i did get bathroom fixtures and paint supplies and a few doors. going back into the city tomorrow night to pick up the rest of the stuff. got all the wiring pulled and started wiring in boxes and a couple fixtures last night. should get that finished up this evening. carpenter is trimming out some walls and hopefully paneling the restrooms today if he gets that far. then he'll be coming back tomorrow to panel the bar room and possibly ceilings. i'll be building the cooler all day thursday. then the plan for the weekend is to get power dropped into the second building and paint ~everything~. next week, bring the plumber in to install the fixtures, plug everything in, and get final inspections out of the way. then we can soft-open (hopefully) by next weekend. didn't get any new pics lately, but i will tonight...
  11. hence the name. when i first realized that, i 🤯 all over the place.
  12. bump because relevant again. a nasty one just blew across the area. it's calm out now, but we had some high winds and two bouts of hail with this one, plus up to 2" of rain (i'll get an official number when i check the gauge at home). but i got a pic of some mammatus clouds in the aftermath, out behind the bank. always one of my favorite cloud formations.
  13. this cake has tiny, white, severed penises (penii?) on top of it. amusing. also. happy birthday, grandpa.
  14. every dive has a backdoor betty. names have been changed to protect the identity of individuals involved in the story.
  15. shit kinda fell apart last week. weather didn't cooperate, so the carptenter didn't get more than a couple hours of work in. plumber roughed in the bathrooms. i got some electrical done, but not as much as i'd have liked. and i'm taking off for a couple days starting this afternoon, to be a pallbearer in my grandmother's funeral back north (ugh). so i won't be getting shit done til at least wednesday evening. in the meantime, carpenter is hard at work this week. should have the rest of the wall panels up today. tomorrow he should be adding roof tin and trim. i also purchased all the lighting fixtures, bathroom fixtures, paint, and doors. should be going after those materials thursday, and hitting it hard this weekend. well, the custom garage door that will close down over the bar service area was a special order and won't be in til at least 7/1. but everything else should be ready. with all the delays of the last and next few days, it looks like we're gonna have a real hard time hitting our target opening of 7/5. probably gonna have to push that back a week. bummer. i'll try to get/post a couple pics this afternoon before i breeze outta town. heading to rural northern illinois, so probably won't have much in the way of reception to make with the pics from up there.
  16. The bar hussies? They still doing well. Betty developed a limp but she got paid so 🤷‍♂️
  17. hey that my line
  18. You can have huge dick all times Your moma show this wow pic at bike rally.
  19. what do you think would happen if you called the fbi to complain about a banner ad?
  20. you should probably give that a shot.
  21. it's real. other people have seen the ad themselves.
  22. nah, leave 'em in place. there's some great stuff popping up in these screencaps. they might not be paying all the bills around here, but every little bit helps.
  23. looks fine from here. the wind wasn't too horrible, maybe 40-50mph max.
  24. it got windy. it rained. it thundered. we had tornado warnings. the usual.
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