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Everything posted by wacky1980

  1. knowing fuggs, it's probably all made up anyways. i have no idea what it really is.
  2. if you're actually discussing details of an actual policy that really exists, this should get you fired.
  3. but what does the puppy die from? is thor zapping one with lightning every time some shmo jacks it into his shower drain? is there some asshole pervert who peeps on dudes pulling their pud in their own bedrooms, and then hops into his car and drives around town til he finds one to run over? is the dog choking on the ejaculate? ew, that crossed a line.
  4. and if they don't have their phone system set up to broadcast all outgoing calls as coming from the main line, then they probably have dated tech everywhere else in their bank too. which makes them more open to fraud and ID theft. banks should be primarily focused on data security. these guys are chumps.
  5. seems like an odd glitch to just randomly happen. principal-no-date is a payment type that is set when the transaction is conducted. when done online, it's batched and processed automatically, but it's not really possible for the system to change it by itself. and it should never touch human hands again, once you click submit. that's like saying your voting machine changed your vote from hillary to trump on its own. and we know that could never happen. find a better bank. if their system is randomly changing transaction type from a glitch, then it can also randomly change dollar amount or account number. there should be bells ringing in their processing department if this happens more than zero times. and for them to act like it's just some weird quirk and not get worried about it, tells me they don't really give a shit about a lot of important stuff. don't let them anywhere near your money.
  6. all beer. 3 floyds brewery launch event last night at the bar. lots of pints of big beers. too many.
  7. chugged a red bull and a quart of water already, and a couple ibuprofen. and then an orange crush. it's starting to go away.
  8. wish i was. hangoverrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr
  9. that's pretty badass if you stop and think about it.
  10. i wonder if you would last longer if you held your bre.... no, probably not.
  11. well...you can...but it won't go back on, and that would be less fun after awhile.
  12. of course. didn't he hide out in a waterfall or a cave or some shit?
  13. nabs has this issue where he says things without understanding how words work. you'd be better off ignoring both of us, really.
  14. quiet. this is already over your head.
  15. but you said it happened today.
  16. none of this happened today.
  17. this is like the 3rd or 5th time you've explained that in this thread. learn to read, folks.
  18. i hate my employees...well, that's not fair. i don't hate them all. i don't even really hate any of them. i'm just disappointed in a few of them right now. it's like, i gave you a promotion, a raise, and a bit of extra clout. and it took you approximately 3 weeks to start abusing your new power. and now you're being a worse employee than someone who i would have fired by now, if i wasn't as invested in you as i already am. no call/no shows are one thing, but when you're responsible for handling orders and maintaining inventory, you can't just not show up. your job is not rocket surgery. and i'll be happy to spend the next month training your replacement you if you can't take it seriously. and you. i've personally helped your ass out of several tight spots over the years. i bend over backwards sometimes to help you. and the level of disrespect i'm seeing from you right now is stunning. i'm trying to help you exit gracefully. and you know this. don't go behind my back and tell other employees i'm making this difficult. you haven't seen difficult. i'll send your ass packing right fucking now. and all of this "oh, i need a mental health day, someone please work for me" bullshit is OUT.OF.HAND. you little shits don't know how good you have it. try living in a fucking auto repair garage, detailing cars for enough cash to eat and put 15 minutes on your pre-pay phone so you can talk to your mom 5 hours away once a week. your kitchen is a microwave and a stack of whatever canned shit was on sale at the dollar store. your bed is a couch in the back room of an office. that's how i lived when i started working here. a mental health day. fuck. you only work three days a week. no, i was right the first time. i do hate my employees.
  19. just make mid learn the songs. then he can play/sing them while he follows you around.
  20. this is big news ... if you're into craft beer, and live in downstate illinois (i.e. not chicago metro). so pretty much just for me on these boards. anyways. three floyds, the indiana brewery responsible for several delicious beers including the almighty ZOMBIE DUST pale ale, has finally secured distribtion in downstate il. i contacted the distributor yesterday to see how soon we might be able to get some. sounds like there will be 7 selections available, starting next week. and since i got in early with the request (supposedly), they will allow us to do a launch event next weekend, with all 7 kegs + a few cases of bottles. holy balls, talk about feast or famine. whenever a friend is heading up to chicago or into indiana (ugh), our beer drinking group always sends a couple hundred bucks with them to grab as many 3F 6-packs as they can. zombie dust is usually restricted by retailers to a couple 6-packs per purchase (at $20 per...ouch) because of scarcity, so it's harder to get in quantity. now that 3F has ramped production and added distribution here, as long as i dedicate 1 or 2 taps in my bars to 3F flagship beers (alpha king or gumballhead), i'm supposed to have access to as much zombie dust as i can afford to buy. brand allocation is a bitch like that. in order to get access to the high-demand stuff, you have to dump a lot of cash into other varieties as required by the distributor. i haven't seen prices on the kegs yet, but i'm assuming our cost will be anywhere from $200-350 each. and i'm supposed to come up with the cash to buy 7 of them by next week. ok, not impossible, but it's not exactly part of my alcohol budget this month. anyways, this news yesterday was just the icing on the cake for us. it's been a busy but very good week of planning for our new venue. we booked out lots of music of the next 6 weeks, a couple private parties, a series of yoga events, a cornhole league, two theme parties, and a "queen of hearts" raffle that is bound to grow into a huge weekly event. but of all the events we have coming up, i'm definitely the most excited about 3F.
  21. oddly enough, doesn't bother me. nope, not one bit. *vomits* totally fine. carry on.
  22. *waves from bank drive-up window* so tired. slightly hungover. yay saturday hours.
  23. yeah, these. i had prime before they launched music and video, and they're nice additions to the shipping thing, but they're not necessarily worth picking up the entire service if you don't already use it for shipping. i pay extra for music unlimited ($8/mo) which isn't too bad of a deal, considering i've yet to search for a trademarked song and not find it. and i use it occasionally when i'm doing the dj thing at the bar. yeah, not legal, i know. eat me PROs, i pay you assholes plenty already. still, nothing beats a solid private tracker. add kodi to a fireTV stick and you have all the streaming services (including youtube once again), plus all your local media, on a single $25 stick. it's lovely.
  24. nothing wrong with making out. it just comes from like, hands or arms or random objects. and it's not that i wouldn't let ever let her touch my face, it was just that it made me uncomfortable as hell (and still does, but not nearly as much). she liked to practice facials when she was in her cosmetics phase, and it took every ounce of willpower to sit through those sessions at first. never had a problem with a scalp massage either. just front-of-the-head stuff.
  25. it took a few years before i became ok with the wife touching my face. the kids have been good since day 1. that's the full sum of people allowed to touch my face. it took me 2 years of fretting before i went to the doctor to have a mole removed from my cheek. it literally took fear of developing skin cancer to make me go along with it. you can keep your dentist visit. no thanks, not for me. not at all.
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