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Everything posted by wacky1980

  1. i wore a pedometer on festival day this year, and i put down like 36000 steps (~17 miles) in a space roughly the length of one block, and those steps included a lot of manual labor and beer drinking. i'm confident i could do 25 with the shoes i have on right now. but today's boxers aren't really made for fitness stuff, so the nut chafing might kick in before the feet gave out.
  2. i'm pretty close to closing out my list today. finished uploading my fdic exam paperwork, upgraded an ATM, and am about done with a 1st-of-the-month processing day at the bank (always the second worst day, behind last-of-the-month). also before going into the bank this morning, i finished up my monthly gaming and liquor inventory reports for the bar. i'm about 55 minutes away from going home, plopping my ass down with the kiddos, and enjoying my evening. unless we have to work on stuff for the block party we're hosting on sunday, then i might have more work to do tonight. but that will probably involve drinking some beer, so can it really be that bad?
  3. he learned everything he knows by reading packard threads. so, pretty well i'd wager.
  4. ask the people in houston how their full-web-access-cellphones are working on the networks that all went offline after the cell towers' backup generators all ran dry.
  5. your superior homemade radio and trendy apple II home computer will kill that thing dead before you have the chance to form your next ill-conceived post. just keep that in mind.
  6. ...yet. at any rate, a single sla battery producing 110v ac power is not going to do much. might keep your minifridge cold long enough to keep your insulin from spoiling until after happy hour this afternoon. but probably not.
  7. that cpap machine will kill your little 7ah battery in a matter of hours, if not minutes.
  8. you're so fucking smart.
  9. prove it. go now.
  10. absolutely. if you think it's worth it to protect your gear, it doesn't matter if it only cost you $100. like i said earlier, i keep my home router and modem (probably $150 total value) on protected ups, because it's worth it to me to keep my wireless internet running during a power outage. the ups would have cost about $100 on its own if i bought it (battery died so bank tossed it, but i brought it home and put a new batt in it for $20). then again, we put a new display cooler in the bar back in april. it cost about $3600, and i plugged it straight into the wall. why? because it would eat up surge protectors like fat chicks eat black dicks. not worth it.
  11. i don't personally own expensive enough gear to worry about dropping protection on the circuits. but i've worked in studios that have $50k+ of recording equipment, and i manage IT at the bank i work for. if you're buying gear that runs $1000 and up, it makes good financial sense to buy $50 circuit protection for it.
  12. also, even the most expensive surge protectors can/will wear out over time, especially if they're dealing with constant "dirty" power (high/low/fluctuating voltage). and a surge protector does jack shit on a non-grounded circuit.
  13. the basic surge protectors will protect against a surge in that they have a circuit built-in (usually 15A). they don't generally protect against voltage spikes (in either direction), or if they do, they aren't very sensitive. good surge protectors will smooth out voltage irregularities, protect against ground fault, short, surge, and sometimes reversed polarity. then there's the thing where a lot of items labeled "surge protector" aren't really doing anything besides acting like a regular old power strip.
  14. surge protectors on PCs. power conditioners on pro audio stuff. ups for modem/router.
  16. fuck yeah.
  17. i appreciate a good floral ipa. but high gravity beers in general, imperial stouts and belgians. really anything as long as it's done well.
  18. like a little bitch, no less. aww light, nooooo.
  19. gimp, free online photo editing software. i don't have to pirate photoshop anymore.
  20. i always wanted to be as cute as this feller.
  21. am i getting paid for this?
  22. quick and dirty. fucking watermarks.
  23. damnit.
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