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Everything posted by wacky1980

  1. silver ikes? for $200 apiece? surely not. or are we talking foreign silver? it takes about 150 copper cents (us pre-1983 or canadian pre-1997) to make a pound. you might get $2 for that copper on the scrap market, probably less. congrats, that 80lbs of copper you've saved might possibly net you up to $40 after cost of face value is deducted. but you'll probably only break even, if that. saving copper only makes sense if you plan to sit on it until the chinese suck it all up and drive the cost up about 10x. which is not likely to happen anytime soon.
  2. while i'm being that guy... what 1970's silver coins appraised at $3500? is it ten pounds of proofs or something? foreign coins perhaps?
  3. like i said, i don't want to tell you you're wrong. maybe i'm wrong, and i've just never happened across any documentation for that series of bank notes. but it's something i would be really interested to see proof on, whenever you're done plugging the delaware with your giant hog of course.
  4. i hate to tell you you're wrong (nobody likes to be told they're wrong, esp when it comes to collectibles) but from everything i've ever read or researched, there's never been a series 1929 gold certificate issued by this country. i'm really hoping your memory is just wrong, that you have 1928 gold certs or 1929 "brown seal" frbn's, because those are both collectible and valuable. 1929 gold certificates are most likely counterfeits.
  5. what's this certificate, like a cert of authenticity or something? gold certificates are standard bank notes issued by the treasury. they're printed with gold ink overlay and say something like "$xxx in gold coin payable to the bearer on demand" across the bottom.
  6. for the record: 1928 $100 gold cert 1929 $100 frbn
  7. that's more believable. fifty $100 gold certs in sequential, ungraded raw/uncirculated condition, would probably be worth $25-50k as a set. possibly more, depending on serial. and whatever the market demand is, i don't know right now because i haven't really followed it lately. but they've gotta be 1928's though, or 1929 frn (not gold cert).
  8. are you thinking 1928 by chance? 1929 is just...impossible, not just spectacularly improbable, but impossible.
  9. right, didn't think in that direction. i have some granite that was blown off the side of the crazy horse monument.
  10. anyways, pics pls.
  11. i don't believe you. sitting on $500k in cash bills that are possibly worth 5-10x face value? nope, don't believe it. that many sequentials (one would also assume mint condition/treasury strapped) would be documented somewhere. then there's that whole bit about 1929 not being a series year in which $100 gold certs were actually printed. 1928 would be possible, but i'm still suspicious that there's that many sequential bills that aren't documented as a collection.
  12. my oldest verified possession is probably a dime from 1851. i have other coins that are older, but they're so worn that it's impossible to verify the exact year they were minted. one of them is an 183x date. so that's probably the oldest thing i have.
  13. She's not a member. Playing Outlast, getting skeered of every little thing. I keep tapping on the window to try and make her piss herself. Oh the lols.
  14. I just enjoy good beer. This shit is $20 a bottle. I'm getting my money's worth. Wifey is playing something on PS4 and kiddos are all sleeping. Life is fucking good.
  15. I just got here. Been sipping on this conflux #2 for an hour or so. Front porch, critters singing. Free ballin and happy as shit. What's your excuse?
  16. i didn't care. was getting laid.
  17. shit no, my high school gf lost it in devil's lake, wisconsin, maybe a year after i got it.
  18. last time i used a wallpaper is was some original stuff i made for my business. not sure if i have it saved anywhere.
  19. no, it's very much what i'd rather be doing. i'm just lazy right now after eating dinner and posting here for the last 30 minutes. gotta wait for the last kid to crash out first.
  20. all black. amoled screen using an all black wallpaper saves battery life.
  21. like, at this very moment? uh, probably plugging the wife. come to think of it, i might go do that anyways.
  22. wifey cried crocodile tears when mj and prince died. it doesn't bother me though, when a celebrity dies. unless i feel like we're missing out on whatever gifts their talent could have brought us, then maybe a bit. in that regard, heath ledger's death felt like we were robbed of some good shit, but i don't think i ever really got upset about it.
  23. in an attempt to keep you on topic... i took some pictures of the last total lunar eclipse on 9/27/15, the "blood moon" eclipse that was probably one of the most impressive i can recall. i don't think it was nearly as impressive as next month's solar eclipse is gonna be, but to each his own. or her own, i suppose. -_'
  24. here's a fun interactive map of the eclipse. click on your location and it will tell you what percentage of the sun will be obscured, plus the times of the start and end of the eclipse for you. https://eclipse2017.nasa.gov/sites/default/files/interactive_map/index.html
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