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Everything posted by wacky1980

  1. nah, i'm just playin. wife and i are both included in the lawsuit.
  2. i don't think they can be sued for getting fooled into running an inaccurate story.
  3. lol. lowkey harvesting of active numbers for the next round of robocalls. or better yet, sold off to nefarious 3rd parties and cloned for dirty, dirty criminal activity. YOU ARE REALLY FUCKED NOW!!
  4. i might watch it tonight. if i turn it on though, and it's a fucking potato quality, i'm deleting it and waiting.
  5. i'd like to watch you wander through your day, masquerading as an upstanding member of society. i'll provide the laugh track. my bank is a small one. 3/4 of the staff are women. however, 3/4 of the executive / administrative level and up are men, including 100% of the board and all but one loan officer. we have a couple officers who hit creep-level with how they talk to secretaries and tellers (i'm sure they'd say they're just making conversation, but it's more about body language than actual language), and our president has a tendency to bed female staff on occasion, but pretty much everyone else avoids crossing that line like the plague. i manage IT and bookkeeping. it's been my goal since starting here 8 years ago, to keep my departments as informal and loose as possible. helps lighten the mood and break the monotony. we crack jokes and use language that would curl toes in the front offices, and sometimes we get chewed out for it (well, usually just me). but we've never, to my knowledge, had an issue with someone being uncomfortable to the extent that it caused an issue. the bar is juuust a bit different. i used to get hit on a lot when i pulled shifts as a bartender (younger, thinner, more attractive version of me anyways), most often by older women with whom i wouldn't entertain the thought. that sometimes got a bit awkward, but it was usually just annoying and never got offensive to someone who's not easily offended.
  6. no idea what reaper shots would be. ghost pepper, yeah. pureed some ghost pepper to add into a homemade hot sauce one time. fuck. me. there's also a local creamery that makes a ghost pepper cheese. too hot man, too hot.
  7. first time i went to vegas, i ate at one of those fancy (what i was told anyways) seafood buffets at the rio. not the best 3 days in vegas ever. yes, i know. sober in vegas. that was first mistake.
  8. i ain't special enough to see that folder so, oh well. i gotta pump those numbers up.
  9. must have happened pretty rapidly. i was only gone for an hour or so for lunch, and i didn't see any of that.
  10. where'd that thread go? i didn't even get to see how it ended.
  11. i'm about 3 hours from the point where the totality paths of the 8/21/17 and the 4/8/24 eclipses intersect (makanda / cedar lake il) and i had plans to go down to that area for both of them. i can't take the young kids on a backwoods hike this time around though. in 7 years, maybe...
  12. it's for adults. i can't put kegs around town though. someone will just steal them instead of turning them in for points. those fucks.
  13. this is good. i'm gonna add it to the list.
  14. got the camera setup finished over the weekend and tested out some settings on the full sun. i think i can still get a better product, but so far things are looking good.
  15. need ideas for items / tasks / pics / vids to include in a scavenger hunt. you weirdos can surely come up with some good shit.
  16. handing your phone over to sick people is a sure-fire way to get sick yourself. i'd ask if you understand how disease transmission works, but i'm pretty sure you have plenty of experience in that department.
  17. how do people put dicks in their mouths without puking? i don't know, but they do (thank jeebs). so why worry?
  18. don't lie. it's just gonna take you that long to dig your way outta all that pusssssaaaay.
  19. lol, this thread right here.
  20. solar is nice, but not exactly cost-effective at those levels. i've looked into it, but it's not something that will recover its cost anytime soon. to install a system capable of 12,000kwh annual production (my average over the last year), you'd be looking to spend at least $20k on materials + installation cost, so probably around $25k. it would take me 11 years to recover the cost, assuming the batteries held out for that long (they wouldn't) and the panels continued to output 100% efficiency over their lifetime (they don't). as you scale down, you're gonna be looking at the same amount of time to recover the cost to install whatever size solar array you're considering. until the cost to install solar reaches $.50/watt and less, it's not gonna be a viable option for a majority of people. i'm gonna start small though, and install four 100w panels on the hobby shed i plan on building next spring. should generate enough to run some lights and maybe a radio/tv and wifi repeater.
  21. before we signed on with one of those aggregate programs, our bill was maxing out at $1100-1200 per month in the summer at the bar. at our old house, the summer cooling bills would regularly go over $200, and the heating bills in the winter would be in the $250-300 range. that was a tiny-ass, newer, 700sqft split-level. we've been in the new (100yo) house for a year now, and our cooling bills have been about the same and heating has gone down by about $50-100/mo, only now we're controlling temperature in a 2300sqft house. i guess they don't build 'em like they used to.
  22. i don't have a basement bar right now, but i plan to fix that after i pay off the new roof going on the house next month. our brew bar is in my brother-in-law's basement.
  23. more than i care to admit.
  24. well, it's an actual bar. 2 commercial under-bar bottle coolers, a draft cooler, a 3-door display merchandise cooler, and a walk-in cooler. all that produce heat in order to chill beers. then the air conditioner has to remove all that heat, plus it's been 90+ degrees outside for the last month. and all the neon lights and tv's on for 16 hours a day. adds up. sometimes the bill is as low as $600 in the winter.
  25. $225 this month at the house. but that's nothin' compared to the bar's utility bill for this month. $1030. no shits.
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