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Everything posted by wacky1980

  1. i'm convinced at this point that you're spewing bullshit on purpose.
  2. probably the living room. not because it's my favorite, but only because that's where everyone else usually is. my favorite place is probably the front porch in summer / den in winter.
  3. look up "lenz's law" or "lenz effect" or something like that, can't recall. aluminum reacts to magnetic fields.
  4. well that's bullshit. you can "lenz" aluminum out of regular trash if you want to.
  5. aaaaand dolph lundgren closing it out with a back to the future spoof. this fucking movie.
  6. gilbert godfrey and al roker.
  7. margaret cho. i snuck a peak at an official cameo list, and i've missed a fucking ton.
  8. i kept thinking "what's her name? the cuchi cuchi lady?" i had to google her too. also, fabio as the pope. i had to poop so i missed the last few minutes, but i got back in time for that one.
  9. stahp.
  10. tony hawk on a rocketboard.
  11. tara is apparently all robot, maybe except for her head and torso? also olivia newton john.
  12. maybe. she just got pulled under by a shark, off the coast of australia. now we're at commercial. but she's apparently a fucking superhero now. she can fly and shoot bolts of lightning from her hands and caught a helicopter out of the sky already over the last hour. oh, she also spun really fast with a ski over her shoulders and created her own mini-tornado. i'm sure she's fine.
  13. the 3yo is a fan of the series, so we're watching the new one right now. there's been a lot of cameos already. so far i have caught: chris kattan brett micheals geraldo rivera dance mom who went to jail charo (maybe?) i've probably missed a few too. anyone else catch some more?
  14. 160 probably won't be a big issue. i mean, it's not fda compliant, but it's pretty close, and you're not cooking in a restaurant so you can do what you want. maybe you need to consider changing your food prep and cooking techniques to keep the chicken more moist. might make all the difference.
  15. yeah, jeez. fugg is a prescription drug whore. huge fucking difference.
  16. don't know why for sure, but when i read this post, i automatically assumed it was fuggs that posted it. i was actually surprised she'd given up on the ruse so easily.
  17. canadian bacon and sauerkraut pls
  18. oh oh wait i got one. you can't just run over a baby duck and be fine about it.
  19. run. run fast.
  20. i do want to mention one exception to my last point. some merchants may be able to process checks (not ach) in real-time on a particular bank if they conduct what's called "merchant capture" transactions for that institution. i'll go ahead and guarantee you though, some fucking guy using his phone for mobile deposit, doesn't possess such capability.
  21. look up the term "preauthorization". it's a thing nearly every debit / eft transaction does (with the exception of some recurring and offline/stand-in tx), and it's done in real-time. it's also the reason your debit card gets declined for insufficient funds at the point of sale. have you ever handed a merchant a check and they took a picture of it and said "sorry, there's not enough funds in this account to process the transaction." has that ever happened? the answer is no, because it's not fucking possible to perform ach transactions in real-time. so unless you're handing people imaginary checks from your miaginary paypal account and they're processing them with their imaginary check posting machines, you're not getting "within the hour" postings from a written check. not. fucking. possible.
  22. if this place were irl, half the users wouldn't even exist (alts), and the other half would have been sent up to the mental impound ages ago. even with an empty room though, you'd still be here with all your friends, poor zeni.
  23. i hate to break it to ya bob, but ach transactions are not faster than eft/debit. nowhere, near as fast, really. as a matter of fact, there's new ach regulations going into effect next month that ramp up the availability of same-day ach debit transactions. that means within a few hours, ach debits can hit your account, if you conduct the tx at the correct time of day and the vendor/merchant participates in same-day ach. however, ach transactions do not post (and won't for the foreseeable future) in real-time. not only do debit transactions post (preauthorizations) in real-time, but they even check available balance prior to posting the preauth. conclusion? you're full of shit. i know, i'm surprised as hell too.
  24. i hope for his sake that i am. but i really don't think that's the case.
  25. you're not supposed to pull the copper out of your walls when you get foreclosed, just sayin'. also, it's easier (and faster!) to just melt/burn the insulators off. just don't do it upwind of a police station. so you have silver dollars (peace? morgan?) with mint errors, eh? die cracks, or what?
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