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Everything posted by wacky1980

  1. i'll be god damned if that isn't his dinner plate. by all rights, it should be in the center of the table for everyone to get a good stab at it, but it appears to be right in front of him, with silverware and a drink to the immediate left. this fucking guy, he serves himself an entire plate of unseasoned pork loin that looks like it was carved by mj fox after a rough night of drinking. tell me packard, how many blue-hairs did you have to knock down to jump the entire buffet line when the fresh pork hit the warming table?
  2. i'm still pretty sure that's a pic of open asshole.
  3. there's also a usb token involved for additional security. i think the main reason for using ftp in that scenario is security, tbh.
  4. looks like an undercooked pork asshole.
  5. something i've never done is mess with wiring in a fuse box, but that will end soon enough. the apartment above the bar is still wired to a fuse box, and it's getting pulled out when we renovate it next winter. i'm so excited. did you have to cut through lathe & plaster to wire the room, or was it updated over the years to drywall/paneling/etc?
  6. lupulin powder honestly, it might be snortable...i've just never tried. it would probably not end very well.
  7. i use secure ftp to transfer files to/from the federal reserve every day. i don't have to; i can use a browser interface if i want to. it's just easier and faster to ftp the files.
  8. i feel ya op. this last two weeks has been murder on my mental/physical health. the best part is that we are gonna ratchet up the stress next week, and that will probably last the whole month of april. i need to quit one of these damn jobs before they tag-team my ass into an early grave.
  9. i was leaning against a tree for balance (had to be still for awhile while the deer wandered in). when i finally took the shot, a lot of the noise bounced off the tree and caught me full in the right ear. i was deaf for a day or two on that side after one shot.
  10. inorite? that's all i ever used, with the singular exception of one kill i made with a .44 winchester.
  11. illinois has recently (late 90's i believe) opened up the list of allowed firearms to include center-fire revolvers or single-shot handguns, but when i was a kid, it was only shotgun or muzzle loader. if shotgun hunting, you had to use a plug to restrict a load to 3 slugs. i used my semi-auto 12ga ithaca deerslayer, and i was as good with it at <75yd as i was with any rifle. i'm pretty sure i landed fatal shots more often than i missed over the years. never got my monster buck though
  12. some states only allow shotguns, handguns, and/or muzzle loaders for deer hunting.
  13. you'll watch when i send you the cam link. don't lie.
  14. you've stolen my heart. that's at least worth a trip to cancun and matching tribal tats.
  15. it's an easy way to blacklist a stolen phone. drop a serial # on the list, it kills the phone across all participating providers.
  16. she must have thought you stole the phone. tell me, did you steal that phone?
  17. i have a rifle that i keep in the house, but i keep my shotgun and pistol at my parents' in their gun safe because i only use them for hunting and i only hunt when i'm visiting my parents. looking to pick up compact handguns for myself and the wife (ruger lc9s / sr9c) for conceal carry, after we pay off a couple leftover debts from the old house later this year.
  18. they say it's much better when you drink it in the netherlands. but i'd bet it would be at least marginally better if you weren't drinking a bottle that you found warm and half-drank in the restroom trash can.
  19. the catcher will accept passes from anyone. he's baseball's town bicycle.
  20. oh well, it was a good run. i'll give it a couple weeks and stop by to offer discounted gutter cleaning. i know that shit needs done.
  21. shit guys, i just let him in before leaving for work. wife and kids were all still asleep. he seemed like a good dude so i just went with it. come to think of it, those lightbulbs looked a lot like ass plugs. i better call the wife, brb.
  22. they're not bad, unless you're the best man. then you have shit you're responsible for. as a simple groomsman, you just stand up and follow the leader in a rented suit. and you drink for free. so there's that.
  23. turns out i'm not walking with big mama #1 or #2 (ok let's be honest...#3 or #4 either). it's worse. i'm walking with a moderately attractive crazy ass. first thing she tells me is that she just got a divorce, and her ex has the same first name as me. apparently that's ironic to her... second thing she tells me is that we're skipping up the aisle after the ceremony. fuck. ass. she was quick to notice i was wearing a wedding ring. wasn't too thrilled about it either. it's a good thing i'm happily married, because i know i'd be smashing that by this time tomorrow if i wanted to. but no. i really...reeeeeeally want her to latch onto someone else so i don't have to fight her off all night. i'm too old for that shit.
  24. if the day lasts 24 hours, where does the night fit in? hmm???
  25. heads of state who writhe and wrangle who look at your face from more than one angle can cut you from their bloated budgets like sharpened knives through chicken mcnuggets hey @Zenigundam can you guess the next line?
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