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Everything posted by wacky1980

  1. tf is this mess? people dropping in on different names all over the damn place. secrets and surprises, my lily white ass.
  2. even with an automated system such as this, there would still need to be a bartender or some lesser level of babysitter on hand to avoid abuse of the system. i can't imagine people are just given free reign once they drop their ID and credit card. that's stupid. besides all that, i'm not sure how they skirt the legal requirement of having an actual person doing the actual serving, because afaik there's no such thing as a "self-serve" retail liquor clause. these systems have been around for a short bit though, so i'm sure they have it all figured out.
  3. are you kidding? all of this is real. ALL OF IT.
  4. them was just jokes.
  5. but...why would you paint it sideways?
  6. i don't know the math, but as a general rule of thumb, you don't port small boxes. you can try to calculate it yourself with this calculator if you can figure out the required fields to make the calculation.
  7. you should be mounting the speakers on the outside of the box, not the inside. also, there's a lot of math behind porting: diameter of hole and length of port tube vs volume of cabinet and air displacement of speakers. if you don't do it right, it can actually make the cabinets sound worse.
  8. i looked into the req's for streaming 5 channels on their service. 50-70mbps for full 1080p quality. i mean, we have that much bandwidth at the bar already, but dang. i don't want to deal with buffers when there's a popular game on.
  9. what's not surprising, is that peter griffin can fit an entire cantaloupe inside his anus.
  10. wife trialed the ps vue service yesterday while our cable tv was out at home. i was surprised as hell to learn of all the sports programming on there (mlb, nfl, nba networks, college bball networks, regional sports channels, seventeen espn's, etc). a lot of that programming simply isn't available through our cable tv provider, which sucks because we also have that provider at the bar and we have to tell our customers "sorry, we can't get [x] game because our provider doesn't offer that channel." so i got online and chatted with a playstation rep, and i asked about commercial pricing for public viewing areas. in short, they don't recognize a difference between in-home (private) or commercial (public) viewing, so there is no commercial package. if we chose to, we could set up their service at the bar and stream to 5 devices (convenient, because we have 5 tv's), and it wouldn't cost us any more than if we stream to our tv at home. so for $45/mo, a person gets basic cable ($80/mo with our current provider), plus all those sports packages. and there's not the 10x markup for public viewing. it's not one of those grey area, "our service is only supposed to be for in-home use" scenarios either. dude told me we can fire it up in the bar and pay the same price. they just don't care. BUT...that may change at some point, if they start to get pushback over it. right now, no one's giving them hell. in comparison...directv offers a "commercial xtra" pack with all the normal channels and sports channels...for $150-600/mo depending on occupancy. but all the sports packages are additional, from $40/mo for college sports up to $500/season each for the pro packages. fucking no-brainer here. only thing we need to do is buy a couple roku tv's to replace some older ones that need replaced anyways, and a couple roku boxes for the projectors. another great thing about the ps vue service is you don't need a playstation at each tv to use it. our internet is currently 50x50, which should be plenty to stream 5 channels at once. it should actually cost us about half as much to double our programming, which will also result in more business because we'll have more of everyone's games available. i mean, this almost feels illegal. there's probably some performance rights issues with this arrangement, but the people at playstation don't care, so neither do i.
  11. i just drilled a 1/2" pilot hole and used a jigsaw with a metal cutting blade. took a little while, but it turned out pretty good.
  12. lol...thousandaires. is that even a thing people brag on? like, in actual real life? also, knowing millionaires =/= being able to write policies for them. you don't just pick up multi-million dollar policies. you honestly think someone's gonna put their fortune or livelihood in your hands, just because you might know them or you gave them a toothy bj for free at that house party a decade ago? when they already have half a dozen agents with proven skill and impressive books of business, regularly knocking on their doors? nah, they'll surely just give you, a green agent with no book and no clients, and a horrible track record of stability in any line of work, their full trust and business. you can give up the ruse now. you're not going into the insurance business. this is just another troll thread. yuk yuk, good show.
  13. nope, no ports. lock that box down. the rigid metal walls sound great without a port.
  14. you can make a pair of shitty $30 speakers sound great if you build them into an appropriate cabinet. go buy some 4-1/4" car door speakers and cut them into an old 30-caliber ammo can. bass falls from the sky and fills up your boots.
  15. personally? no. but my wife was a licensed agent and wrote commercial and auto for a few years. and one of my good friends runs an independent agency. if you think you'll actually get to write any of those large accounts fresh out of cert school, you're 100% not learned in how the industry works. again, please pretend that you're giving it a shot.
  16. maybe it's an illuminati thing, to interbreed the best, fittest, most athletic individuals from around the world. and build an army with the offspring.
  17. that's not how agency works. especially not for new agents. but you should definitely pretend to give that a shot.
  18. that's a good one. yummy citra hops. i'm drinking local tonight. just finished a spiteful brewing "working for the weekend" double ipa. and then cracked open a 4 hands chocolate milk stout. fuck monday morning.
  19. you should get off your ass and wash a plate or two. that fancy sunday lunch deserves the best, right?
  20. chris mazdzer broke the drought for the us men's singles luge program, winning the states' first olympic medal in that sport ever. he took silver. mazdzer also medaled in hardest to say last name, and placed in the top 5 for best undressed man on the team. dude looks good.
  21. 17yo red gerard brings home the first olympic medal (gold) for the usa with this slopestyle run. youngest snowboarding medalist in us olympic history. i think i maybe landed one 360 in my entire snowboarding "career". this, this child, stomped down a 4x360 with backflips on top. what am i doing with my life??
  22. now keep in mind, i'm a lighting nerd from way back. the pyro show i just witnessed, combined with the (tens of?) thousands of channels of lighting control, kinda made me hard.
  23. it's national pizza day and casey's doesn't have any damn pizza specials! so disappoint.
  24. biggest story out of the opening ceremonies: a new friendship thing happened.
  25. the choices tell a story. but in what order?
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