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Everything posted by wacky1980

  1. soft and doughy are still technically solid matter states. so i think you probably nailed it here.
  2. psvue has an [as] on demand channel that puts up all the episodes after they've aired. starting to really like their platform. anyways, i've watched the first 6 eps like three times in the last month to get back into this story. hope it doesn't suuuuuuuuck.
  3. dude needs to work on those calf muscles. also, those pecs look like they got lost and wandered up to the collarbone area. if he smacked my lady's ass, i'd probably laugh at him and tell him to do me next.
  4. i dunno, kinda sounds like a nice escape. room for one more?
  5. the hot girls don't hang out on okc or whatever lameass social sites you're spamming. or they have you on block. they're not responding because they don't see it. you need to start running alts. and maybe start doing some situps, muffintop.
  6. i didn't die in my sleep. that was impressive enough to top my list today.
  7. canadian bacon and sauerkraut. /thread
  8. Heh, I actually thought about it. And I actually do have some Zima.
  9. my sister makes mead. and she drinks it too.
  10. "badass shit" like fermented honey water. come on. we're all adults here. we're talking hard liquor. wow me again.
  11. here, calm down. let me pour you a shot. you're still a peach schnapps kinda guy, right?
  12. i don't know. i have friends who have brought it back from somewhere in northern europe, is all i remember.
  13. dude. brah. homey. you're approaching this thing all wrong. if you're a lightweight, that means the only way is up. you'll be even better after a few more benders. work those drinking muscles buddy.
  14. lol "settle." this guy.
  15. there are loads of functional alcoholics in this world, who hold down jobs and yet don't see the sober side of the pillow for months at a time. being a lightweight isn't necessarily a bad thing, bud. lightweights make cheap dates. hey, that rhymes.
  16. well, too late to back out now! i'm in.
  17. if you have friends overseas, sure.
  18. the real deal, or that knockoff shit that's like flavored vodka? not that it matters. i'll agree to both.
  19. that one almost hit me.
  20. alright, you can come too. but i'm not gonna take it easy on you. i don't care how much of a lightweight you are. you drink what we drink.
  21. i'l ttly buy drinks for the night if anyone wants to fly over to illinowhere. but not for zeni. he's probably underage or some shit.
  22. there's one (1) three-story building in this town, and nothing taller than that (unless you count church steeples, water towers, and grain elevators). i'ma let you city folks handle those big jobs with their big invoices.
  23. no plans yet...so probably porch drinking.
  24. it was moving too fast for the naked eye.
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