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Everything posted by wacky1980

  1. i'm about to take a drink of bud light orange. not because i want to, but because i need to know how to describe it if i want to effectively sell it. i'm kinda gagging here. in 3... 2...
  2. buddy really doesn't need any backing up, but would you get off his nuts already? it's so fucking ... desperate or needy or whatever tf. i'm almost embarrassed for you. let it go, for christ's sake.
  3. i'm not even sure how that would work. they'd think you had a stroke, probably.
  4. it's right up there next to making babies and eating raw fish for the first time.
  5. i'm setting shit in place to make an offer on another commercial property. why construct a new building for your microbrewery when you can just buy the adjacent lot and use that building? that's my adult thing for right now.
  6. aaaaand today i'm reminded of why i sometimes reeeeally hate this job. some asswipe decided to whip up some fraudulent checks on one of our cusomters and deposit them all across the country. i'm currently negotiating with depository bank #3 on filing fraud claims. this is worse than watching molasses dry in january.
  7. i was trying to give you the benefit of the doubt, although you don't really deserve it at this point. you're welcome.
  8. run a google image search for "old south coca cola pork loin" and for kicks, check the link on the image he posted. i can't imagine he was actually trying to pass that off as his own creation, but it's packard so who knows.
  9. they're just so damn good! i'd never really looked at a recipe until the last few days. surprised to find out that the haze and fruity, grassy goodness with relatively low bitterness is all done with standard brewing ingredients (no additives, weird adjuncts, special hop varieties, etc). the main difference between a standard american IPA and an NEIPA is the hop schedule. in most ales, hops are added quite heavily during the boil to extract a lot of the bitterness, but with an NEIPA, hops are added mostly post-boil and quite heavily "dry hopped" during fermentation for aroma, while letting the yeast and grains do most of the work on the flavor side. anyways, i'm trying my hand at building my own recipe. after studying a few recipes from reputable pro brewers, as well as dozens of recipes by other homebrewers and a lot of discussion on best practices and science behind those practices, i think i've devised a solid first version recipe that should (hopefully) produce a decent beer. it also requires a significant adjustment in my brewing methods, as i've never used the "whirlpool" method after boil, and i will have to do a lot better on limiting exposure of the fermented beer to oxygen because this particular style apparently is very sensitive to oxidation. i expect to modify this recipe a few times before settling on a final version. anyways, here goes: wacky1980's no-name NEIPA 5 gallon batch final volume 1.067 OG - 1.017 FG - 6.6% ABV 63 IBU - 5.6 SRM color 10lb UK pale malt 1lb dextrine 1lb flaked oats 1lb flaked wheat 156° single infusion mash for 60min .25oz Citra hops @ first wort hop .25oz Simcoe hops @ first wort hop .25oz Amarillo hops @ first wort hop 60min boil .25oz Citra steep 40min @170° .25oz Simcoe steep 40min .25oz Amarillo steep 40min .50oz Citra steep 20min @ 170° .50oz Simcoe steep 20min .50oz Amarillo steep 20min pitch London Ale III (Wyeast 1318), ferment @ 65° .50oz Citra @ high krausen, 8 days pre-kegging .50oz Simcoe 8 days pre .50oz Amarillo 8 days pre 1oz Citra 4 days pre 1oz Simcoe 4 days pre 1oz Amarillo 4 days pre i just got done filing my taxes and my refund is bigger than i was expecting, so i'm gonna go ahead and buy ingredients for a couple batches worth this week, and maybe one or two brewery upgrades i've been eyeing. if anyone wants to give this beer a taste, come find me in about a month.
  10. and this is sim city
  11. lol, sure thing chief.
  12. Time to set up camp in that unemployment line, eh packie?
  13. So that happened.
  14. gonna flip it for a minute. coming into work on a saturday of a holiday weekend (for some anyways) is actually one of the better things about my job. i don't have the customer load or the pile of maintenance to grind through. i'm in the process of printing a statement cycle of about 1900 statements, and i can tend that print job without distraction. and i have almost exclusive use of the coffee pot. double-strength batch it is reminds me of why i sometimes reeeeally hate this job.
  15. idk about any of you folks, but i just watched my team win on opening day. do you know what that means? PERFECT RECORD BEBE! bring your baseball chatter here. also, go cubs. #everybodyin #hashtagsareforwinners
  16. mine are pissed every morning because i'm shutting them in the back of the house at night. god damned cats run all night, and one of them has taken to nursing on blankets. so now they can get fucked while i'm in bed. that annoying af purring / suckling / kneading bullshit when i'm trying to sleep. NO i say.
  17. so you should have some reviews under your belt. they'll be lining up to come aboard.
  18. wife thought she was part cherokee. did the dna test and found out she was right (like 7% or something) but she's mostly iberian peninsula and british isles. she's also a descendent of mary surratt, who helped conspire to assassinate president lincoln. and going back even farther, she's from a line of nobles named shelton in norfolk, england. that line produced anne boelyn, the second wife of king henry viii. i have no desire to track all that stuff down about my own ancestry. i'm irish, french, and scandinavian, and that's good enough for me.
  19. if it's raining bad enough, go rent a boat and uber people around with it.
  20. what is the real value of x in the equation: log₂24 - log₂3 = log₅x
  21. yes....those are are similar expressions in this instance. but what's the solution?
  22. what's 2 + 2? (this should keep her busy for a little while...)
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