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Everything posted by brianycpht

  1. I think Shippuden might be on its way out next after episode 175 (end of current arc and Viz's "season"). It's not a bad way to end the run for those who have seen it.
  2. Yeah they've already gone and made a lineup promo for June so that's understandable. Do we really need a marathon on July 1st? It's far enough away from the 4th and doesn't give Lupin much time to establish an audience.
  3. The Dragonball Super situation is a continuing problem as more and more discover the 8pm airing. The viewers were almost even last week! If it overtakes 11:30 who knows what they will do. If 8pm thrives then grow that and put the Super rerun at the end of the night if they can. I am crossing my fingers and hoping the Jack rerun is removed after this week. I almost hope the ratings are worse so the move can be made. If we lose 11:00 for now, fine. It's not being used effectively right now anyway. If the ratings continue to be bad and it stays, there is something we don't know about in play. I feel they will make whatever moves they need to do in order for the block to survive. I also feel that there is something lacking in the presentation of the block. Ever since we've been getting the topicals, we've been (understandably)getting less fun stuff that makes Toonami what it is. There hasn't been a lot of videos, speeches , and reviews or much new stuff from TOM and Sara.That along with the stagnant bumps makes the block feel like less of a special place to watch things.
  4. I'm sure he's just as against this as we are. He just can't do anything about it. He can't be happy with these ratings. It's great that Toonami had a successful original, but it needs a rest.
  5. I don't care personally about the rerun, just the terrible ratings that follow. Starting Toonami with a rerun has done damage before. It already has been worse since It started with the Super rerun at 11:30. Also, if you can't get enough Jack Season 5. Starting on Sunday July 2nd, AS will run go through another run at 8 and 8:30!
  6. I wish they didn't seem so committed to this! They've made promos advertising the rerun, Facebook reminds us constantly to rewatch Season 5 at 11 on Saturday, they made a lineup promo with it, etc ... They need to see a trend of low viewership for Jack bombing the rest of the night. I hate to say this, but I wouldn't be upset if the ratings got worse so that they can make this move sooner rather than later. Failing that, we have another opportunity to switch it up after the July 1st marathon
  7. That's the kind of thing Toonami needs.
  8. Maybe then they'll accept the reality that DB does better with Adults and just let them run it later. It's all about the merchandise for them. If that doesn't sell, they may see that.
  9. They sold out to TOEI, who doesn't care what it does to the rest of the night. Super could have brought bigger ratings if the 11:30 was the only airing, how much who knows? But giving people an excuse to watch it outside the block and not come back later for the rest was not a good idea. We may even start seeing 8 beat 11:30! Then I wonder what they would do?
  10. And if they can't do that, I'd be OK if they just gave it back to Family Guy.
  11. You're good. Just keeping myself in check
  12. But how are they doing against the rest of cable (including reruns), we don't know anymore because they won't let us see!!
  13. They need to go outside of the show request list as those opinions represent a small fanbase who actually takes the time to go to the Facebook/Tumbr to request their favorite shows that they won't watch on the block. At this point it's too late for Fairy Tail and MHA, both of whom have their first seasons dubbed on Hulu. You may get people watching the first few weeks, but when they find out they can go and watch the rest, they'll be gone.
  14. I'm pretty unhinged with my opinions today (a lot going on in my real life having me on edge), so sorry if I've been over pessimistic.
  15. He's pretty much stopped Toonami talk (especially ratings) on his twitter and ask.fm. He mostly sticks to music, movies, and social causes. He may have gotten sick of it or told by his superiors to stop.
  16. I think Parasyte was supposed to be a big SDC announcement. I also think that Lupin was supposed to be the big Momocon announcement, but TMS beat them to the punch. Are they doing AX this year? If hey are, that's where they probably will announce the replacement for Aot. But lets be honest, they probably want to rerun that one at 12:30 based on current programing logic.
  17. I never understood the logic behind this, don't you want people knowing about a show that's coming? Do they make deals that run down to the wire like that or is it more of a not telling people for the sake of control. It leaves little time for promotion.
  18. We are in a bad place right now. They gave too much control to TOEI, the supposedly highly requested shows are not hitting like they thought they would, and they are running the hit show into the ground because they seem to think that's their best course of action. They don't have faith in Super to put it at 11 either. Super won't hit even a million if they leave Jack there all summer. But they have to be OK with that unless they are willing to make a change. They also need to work out a new deal with TOEI (hopefully they have that ability with each batch of episodes) or find some other place to put the Super rerun. But let them keep trying this all summer, we'll see what happens next time management sees a overall network ratings crisis.
  19. Some people (like my brother) also kept up with the DB Super fansubs because he thought they did at better job and used proper terminology.
  20. Yeah, its just that the thought process of legally supporting your fandom is just not there amongst the general population. I know so many people who hack Amazon Fire sticks and use some all inclusive Android app to watch pirated content, I can't remember the name. My wife has 5 or 6 people at her job who watch AoT, none of whom are watching it on legal sites despite it being widely available. I also know a lot of people who are "DUBS SUCK! Except for DBZ with the Faulconer score!"
  21. We'll see later today! I bet it didn't do too bad, but limits what everything else can do,
  22. Well, yeah, I forgot to mention those, but I thought I'd just go down the premieres that can be watched elsewhere right now before they air!
  23. Or as my pirating friend says, "Oh well, as long as they are fansubs"
  24. DING DING DING!!! Tokyo Ghoul, DBZ KAI, Naruto, and Gits, and Gundam Unicorn are all available to watch dubbed on the internet. Not all legally, but people don't care about that as long as they don't have to deal with the consequences.
  25. Hey that's not funny! My cat has AIDS! You hurt her feelings!
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