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Everything posted by brianycpht

  1. Yeah, for the second arc. It reveals Asuna's in a coma but trapped in a fairy game when you don't know that until the end of the episode and it show Yui comes back episodes before it happens. It also shows Leafa and sort of hints about her true identify as well. For SAO2 the opening shows Kirito as a girl 4 episodes before it happens too. It sort of ruins a pretty fun twist. For a lot of other shows on Toonami she hates how the theme to Tokyo Ghoul showed the white haired Kaneki WAY before it happens. But in general she hates OP/ED and thinks they are too long, even Toonami's cutdown ones. Doesn't look like Netflix has the dub either. That's too bad. Blue Excorcists dub showed up on both pretty fast after Toonami lost the rights
  2. They don't really help their cause with those prices. Too bad Toonami doesn't show movies anymore. Especially if its a bridge between seasons..(Or maybe it isn't I don't know what its about)
  3. What you don't want to pay the Aniplex tax? I saw that thing for preorder $89.99 on Blu ! That's insane for a movie. It probably has some cool extras but still...
  4. I like it! I'm afraid that the more ratings stagnate, the more conservative they'll be with their choices which defeats the point. As far as Black Clover goes, it would be cool if Toonami could jump on that before it reaches MHA levels so they can ride the wave if it blows up. Considering FUNimation dubs dozens of shows a season, you would hope that they would have a few in mind for Toonami. I see on their twitter every time a new simuldub episode releases. I've never heard of any of them either. With all the effort going into dubbing these shows, you think FUNimation would welcome Toonami giving them a chance to be seen more widely. Some of these shows could stand to be big hits even if they weren't in Japan.
  5. The issue with Crystal is that its already a few years old and on Hulu with its dub. However, what's strange is that Viz is releasing the second season straight to disc without it going to Hulu. Its possible that it makes the jump to Toonami later on (I think that with Toonami and Viz being cozy now it probably will at some point) , but six months worth of the show has already been out for 2 years, so we may have a similar situation to Tokyo Ghoul. The other issue could be that something like that will appeal to mostly women, but not men, it being a Shojo series. I think you have the right idea though. They need to find something similar to SAO that has elements that attract both the male and female viewers. Perhaps something that's new, has action with a little romance, featuring strong male and female characters. A story that hooks people and keeps them coming back week after week to find out what happens next. I honestly have no idea if such a show exists that's new or about to be released. Preferably something that isn't so popular that the sub streaming doesn't compete with it. Something that Toonami introduces to the masses. THERE TOONAMI.... GO FIND THAT SHOW!
  6. I'm going to chalk up the Gundam and Jojo thing as some long term deal they had to make in order to secure the rights to the franchises. Sunrise was notoriously hard to deal with and I figure they had to make the commitment. Same with Jojo. It's the only way it makes sense. Unfortunately it went and tied a portion of the block down and stoppped them from getting new stuff. But it was a gamble that these would be huge and they just haven't been. I can't see them picking up more of these franchises with the way they performed before. The thing with Super unfortunately is a mess made by parties that only care about that shows exposure and not about how it affects the rest of the block. Look what happened when they tried to make 11 the premiere. We can only hope that whatever toys TOEI needs to sell doesn't and they resign themselves to just trying to make the show do well. It just irritates me that Toonami isn't reaping the benefits of this show. But I agree. There are outside forces affecting the block, but it's time to start looking inward and control what they can.
  7. Wasn't he just here last week talking to us? What a blow ?
  8. I think they missed the boat on Sailor Moon as its already available for streaming audiences. However, we need to go back and find some newer shows that appeal both to male and female audiences. 2015s lineup of Kill la Kill, Sword Art, Michiko and Hatchin, and Akame had very strong female leads and its easy to see how they had mass appeal over stuff like Jojo, Gundam, and Lupin. You need shows that have strong character relationships, interesting concepts and a bit of light humor. On top of that, you need to find relatively newer shows that people haven't already seen or heard about in order to give them incentive to check them out. Super does well for the 8:30 timeslot which really irritates me as Toonami should be reaping the benefits of this show and its not.
  9. Thanks, its good to get other peoples perspectives on an entire series. I never sat down and watched it they way she is watching it as I mostly saw it here and there on Toonami but a never straight through binge of it. She basically thinks right now the show reached its natural conclusion and had a perfect "ending" and didn't really see where they could possibly go from there besides the further "what do we do now that we are both back in the real world" stuff. One thing she hates is people telling her anything about what is going to happen in a show or knowing anything. For that reason she skips OPs because the show too much of the plot before the show gets to it. So for that reason I basically showed her the Toonami trailer for season 2 and that's it. A few people at her job also told her that there were "controversial" parts in season 1 but literally went right past them without batting an eye. Main problem currently is that she doesn't do subtitles and there is no season 2 dubbed on Hulu which is strange because Toonami already lost the rights to it so you think it would be on there by now. Same with Kill la Kill.
  10. I honestly think she hopes the rest of the show are those 2 going on dates and getting married. ? But she's a sucker for emotional character moments (she liked the Yui stuff) so the AIDS thing might get her (I actually forgot about that whole thing to just now)
  11. Shippuden did so well in comparison because Lupin did so poorly. I'm hoping it goes to after Pain, but if it would help the front so be it. These drops are terrible and it almost seems like Outlaw Star would hold DBZ better than Jojo.
  12. The first season. The first 2 arcs where he met the girl, then she was trapped in the game and he had to go rescue her. It ended with him meeting her in the hospital. She watched the whole thing over 2 days. I've seen bits of it on Toonami (season 2) and it seemed pretty cool. Just don't know why people hate the second season (not arc although the sister thing was weird)
  13. AS has a problem similar to Jack where tons of people show up for Rick and Morty but don't stick around for the next shows. They don't seem to have much loyalty to the rest of AS. I'm thinking people just aren't digging Jojo sad to say.
  14. My wife just blew through season 1 and really enjoyed it , particularly the relationship love story stuff. A friend of hers said to not watch the second season as it "ruins" the story and she wouldn't like it. Is this accurate ? is the second season universally loathed like that?
  15. This is the way I believe. Toonami could take some of these shows and give them exposure they won't get in a sea of streams. Shows that haven't had a chance to break out. Yes it's risky, but it's better than what they've been doing.
  16. I forgot to tell you, I asked the guy on that site why Hunter X Hunter is never listed and he says that Adult Swim lists it as a rerun. I'm sure its another night where Family Guy didn't do so hot. It doesn't seem to matter what they do. If they want Toonami on earlier they have to deal with a lower rated Family Guy which starts the night off low. That late you can only expect a show to try and hold the previous one and if the night starts out at 1 million, its just downhill from there. They are doing well in 18-34 though which is what they really care about when it comes down to it.. Man I just looked at Rick and Morty on Sunday and it did another night north of 2.5 million! The reruns of the season do not seem to be helping Saturday too much though unfortunately. Kind of the age we live in, reruns just don't play well when DVRs and On Demand allow people to catch up easier. This applies to the people who only catch DB Super at 8:30 as well. I really wish they were allowed to really premiere it at 11. EDIT: I had a comment about Jojo not having a bad drop, but I misread the numbers and it did!
  17. I want The Devil is a Part Timer! he reviewed that once on Preflight. Note: I'm not saying that its a show as mentioned above, just that Gil likes it!
  18. All of Kai is out on DVD. They released the whole Final Chapter very quickly in 3 sets from April-June. I'm going to throw out an odd theory. I think that Toonami is going to part ways with Naruto Shippuden after the Pain arc (episode 175) ends in September. It's just a hunch, but I have a feeling that they will use the 2am hour to air remastered classic shows or shows that were exclusive to streaming and now can run on Toonami in sort of a second chance theater. I just think that once a show's dub has run on a streaming service for awhile, putting it on Toonami in an early timeslot isn't going to do much good. But it could be used to fill out the back end a little if they can be picked up for cheap.
  19. I don't mind IBO, but that is kind of the point when they (exception of OPM) being current with the industry with newer not as well known properties. With Gundam they were sort of misguided by nostalgia and their own love for the franchise.Before it was sort of the dub premieres of last years Japanese hits. Now we are sort of seeing th dub premieres of the hits of 2013-2015 (Jojo, Lupin, Ghoul, HxH). Many of these shows are already super popular with the anime crowd who has already seen them subbed. These same shows have no mainstream appeal either. The 2 shows Daos mentioned are good examples of things that might have gotten an audience and more exposure. They have a great partner in Funimation that is dubbing dozens of shows a season. Toonami could take one of those shows and make it a hit by putting it in front of millions of people who wouldn't have seen it otherwise. The shows they are playing now would have been better 2/3 years ago, unfortunately it took this long to get them dubbed. It's my hope that they stop only paying attention to the popular request backlog (that means you Fairy Tail) and sit down with Funimation and try and find the hit of tommorow.
  20. Shows really need that mainstream appeal. Things like fun humor, romance, character development go a long way with casual viewers.
  21. I'd say throw one of them on and see how it does. If we keep picking up known popular shows, your limited to people who haven't seen them.
  22. And that's an issue, once something is already popular, the masses have already seen it. By the time Toonami can get MHA, it won't have much value at the top of the block anymore. This is kind of what we are seeing with HxH, Ghoul and Jojo. It would be cool if we could get stuff that is just on the verge of blowing up. They would need someone to really do the research about what's coming in Japan and to take a risk on an unknown property. Toonami has made names out of things that weren't even hits in Japan. Would be nice to see that again.
  23. I think the point of diversion was when they picked up IBO. What they really should've done is run MHA after Dimension W. They maybe could've gotten it on the cheap before it blew up huge. At some point though Netflix is going to have to chill or they may collapse under their own weight!
  24. I think they've abandoned Friday premieres for now and are just throwing everything on Sunday live action or animated.
  25. They may do that as well. I'm sure it would be up to if Tyler the Creator OKs it since it's his show (does he have his is production company? ) How does that not have a premiere date yet? That's crazy From what I've seen the ratings for Appllo seem like o be on par with other stuff so I'm not sure it cut into that much at all.
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