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Everything posted by brianycpht

  1. Wow that's pretty low! I didn't see that ! Who are the other 300,000 people? Kids ? Or older people?
  2. Looking back over the last year of ratings it's obvious that we are seeing lower numbers mostly due to the lead ins going from Bobs Burgers and American Dad to Samurai Jack, Rick and Morty , and Venture Bros. Family Guy rises a bit but if it can barely hold a million Toonami doesn't stand a chance. However, from AS point of view, they are spending less money over all on Saturday so maybe it offsets things. It is kind of sad that Toonami relies so much on the FOX shows doing well. But it's possible that we had inflated numbers because of it. That combined with the decline in cable puts us where we are now. I don't think Toonami is doing anything wrong other than the Super situation. However, even THAT was doing 1.2-1.3 when led in by pure FOX. What we are seeing here is more the pure dedicated Toonami audience and less of the casuals who hang around after FOX shows. This is the audience that AS can count on week after week and sell to advertisers!
  3. Maybe TOEI needs to understand that Dragonball does better in the US with young adults vs young children? And that 8pm on a Saturday is a bad place to premiere anything. The DVR ratings for 8pm Super are probably great as well. It just does Toonami no favors. Who would've thought that with a lineup of Super, Buu Kai, Titan broadcast dub, Jojo on the horizon, we'd be having this issue.
  4. Ha ha I get it. Seriously though Toonami needs to somehow convince TOEI that having it premere at 11:30 is better for the show.
  5. Maybe trying Super on another night would be good but I think Toonami would be scared st the prospect of having no Dragonball next year. It was a bad deal plain and simple. TOEI only cares about how Super does and not how it affects the rest of yhe night. AS seems to be playing cheap with Saturdays with FG the only thing that's not an original. Venture in prime time though never seems to work and that's brining things down a bit. I don't think this is really Toonami's fault. If it was KOTH, AD, and FG before. We'd be back to where we were before adjusted for cable deflation! After 8/4s encore of the Rick premiere we shouldn't need two slots for it anymore. Just one for an encore of Sunday's episode should suffice.
  6. All that is true , but then again we have bigger problems with the lineup when Family Guy at 11:30 does just shy over a million.
  7. A lot of people thought they should have a simuldub for Super, but it's a TOEI show. They don't have full control of how it's released
  8. The people over on the Kanzenshuu forums seem to think that Toonami only has exclusivity to the first 26 episodes and any day now Funimation is going to make an announcement about putting out episodes dubbed on FunimationNow ahead of Toonami because DBZKTFC came out so fast. They said they don't want to have to rely on Toonami's release schedule anymore to see it. Man are people impatient these days
  9. Yeah and unfortunately Toonami depends on how well Family Guy does
  10. Toonami does not have as strong lead ins as before. Venture and Rock are never going to do as well as 2 hours of Bobs and American Dad. That plays a huge factor where the night starts viewerwise
  11. That would be nice, but I'm predicting more of the same type of ratings at 12:30. We'll see though, they need to really hammer home that this is a whole different, largely episodic, more modern, no funny accent Jojo that has a good mix between humor and action.
  12. They'll still run marathons as long as they cost next to nothing. Movies of course unless it's given to them cost too much for a 1 time airing.
  13. http://adultswim.x10.mx/ About Time!
  14. Yeah I forgot about that one. What's interesting though if you watch the ads during the shows, it's primarily fast food, video games, shaving stuff, ect... There really is no secret who AS is really targeting. As far as Lupin goes, I think this was purely put on out of love for the show. The crew loves Lupin . I asked Demarco on ask about a year ago if he thought Lupin failed on AS and he attributed it to primarily the age of the show. So I'm sure someone thought a newer Lupin would do better. At 2am, it can't really do much damage. Since they don't seem keen on moving HxH, I would love for 2AM to be used for things that are a little niche or older.
  15. But apparently, It CAN still be sold on iTunes along with Symbiotic-Titian!
  16. Do you think Toonami has a female viewer problem? It just kind of dawned on me that the lineup we had in 2015 (KLK,SAO,M+H, AKG) had a lot of girl power and shows that appealed to both genders. I'd say for sure now that Toonami has primarily shows that appeal more towards a male base. Could be this is who they are after though I suppose. Doctor Who's problem is the timeslot.Not a lot of people home at 9:00 PM on a Saturday. I believe it is a heavily DVR'd show. This is what I would point to when people insist that Toonam's main issue is "That it's on so late!". It would actually do worse earlier and would get murdered by competition in the desired demographic.
  17. I'm not convinced. It did a little better, but it's not worthy to lead the block.
  18. Jack did marginally better because Family Guy did. I don't want them to think all of a sudden that Jack reruns are a great idea anymore.
  19. To be honest pretty much everything is going to be available on Crunchyroll at this point before Toonami can air it. The question is whether viewers actually care about watching the English dub over the Japanese sub. We are entering a period where many anime fans do not have a preference over one or the other . That being said there are still many people who prefer dubs exclusively. Since one piece is gone and they don't seem to want to move Hunter X Hunter to 2 AM they may end up using the slot for more niche anime that may not perform well in earlier time slots. Also likely it can be used to air older titles that people may want to see you again that they can get for cheap. I am very curious to see what they do after July 4 will they move some stuff around. I still think Jack at 11 it's not doing us any favors . We are also getting to the point where the 26 episode run of DB super is coming to a close. Will they keep going beyond these episodes. I'd like to think so however the initial press release mentioned that AS was running season one. If they do not have new episodes I shutter to think that they may even rerun DB super at 11:30 but that's just crazy talk
  20. I'm not predicting much higher or in par with Unicorn. They literally waited until the last week to promote it and s many may not have known it was even airing.
  21. I think it should run for a 3rd time at the top of the block, we really want to make sure everybody has seen it! ;D ;D
  22. While a little better, they should still in no way be satisfied with this. I hope this doesn't give them incentive to keep Jack at 11.
  23. I Notice that Jason no longer takes Toonami related questions on his ask.FM and his Twitter is mostly music/movie related. He seemed to get frustrated at fans panicking over falling ratings last year.
  24. At least now we have some consistency Remember when ASA would trade their strategy every couple of months -All Anime -Hour of Comedy! Then Anime -Back to all anime - Anime-comedy-anime -Weekday premieres -5am premieres It was like whiplash. They constantly changed the schedule to the point where sometimes the guides would be wrong. Then we went into the period of no promotion where the logic was "Well no one watches, so why should we promote it?" Then the ratings for the anime would be mocked in the cards every week. It's really that culture which created our own rating obsession (at least fir those who follow it). Demarco tells us not to worry about ratings but we've seen how reactive they are to them when they get bad. Even the comedy block isn't immune. Every time they try and change up the standard lineup, it's not long before it reverts. So we know from past history they will do what they have to. They can fix things before it gets worse. It's just concerning because some overall network ratings crisis apparently caused the block to lose the back end in 2015. How low is the bar and why don't they seem to care?
  25. What we're also seeing is a drop in viewers since Toonami isn't led into by extremely high rated Family Guy. When it was airing at 11:30 last year and in 2015, it was normal for it to hit 1.7-1.8 million viewers ensuring DBZ Kai would start the night at 1.4-1.5 million and it would go down from there. If Family Guy did 1.9-2 million we'd usually keep millions until at least 1:30 AM. Now we have a few changes: -Family Guy is airing in the 10 hour where it doesn't do as well -AS Viewership is down -General I'm compatibility between the Family Guy -Jack-DB audiences -Super being a rerun from 8pm and more of that audience watching it there There seemed to be more compatibility between the FG and DB audiences even when it led into Super I feel if Super actually premiered at 11:30 it would give Toonami a better start, but a bad deal was made. Jack was an anomaly that had its own audience that was uninterested in the anime that followed as well, so despite it getting mega ratings the rest of Toonami didn't thrive since the anime shows no longer had the benefit of being led into by the more compatible Family Guy. I think Toonami would actually benefit by moving back to midnight with Family Guy in the 11:00 hour. But if AS has originals that they want to run in the 11:00 hour or the Super deal forbids it, then this is what we're stuck with. The ratings are not going to ever be at prior levels again with the current setup unless you have a show at 11 that can hold or gain Family Guy as well as stick around for DB. FLCL will not be that show as it's a little out there.
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