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Everything posted by brianycpht

  1. I'll never understand how Tokyo Ghoul ended up being so highly requested if people have such disdain for it
  2. This is what sucks about the current setup on the block. The lineup is locked until January and there won't be any space for awhile. If Funimation were to get Re:Zero and Toonami doesn't have a slot open, they probably won't wait and it'll go to their service and Toonami can't get it as a dub premiere. But it sounds like something that could do very well if they get it first.
  3. Retention is great! I hope they stick with 11 and give it a chance to work out.
  4. That and Attack on Titan reruns will move to the top of the block back to episode 1!! We need to resimulate 2014 in order to get the block cut in order to resimulate the legendary ratings year of 2015! Next : Month of old movies in December
  5. Ghoul has been on Hulu fully dubbed for awhile, which is why Toonami picking it up and airing it in an early timeslot wasn't a good choice. With Super, he lucked out because TOEI still thinks it's the 1980s and big TV deals are where it's at. I think for this reason AS makes more money off if Super than other shows. Hence why they can air it so much and they get to giveaway Super merchandise.
  6. I like that he does that. It tells fans what shows arent coming to the block so they don't get their hopes up.
  7. What's weird is the episode listed for 9/2 "Charge" is episode 11!! The only thing that makes sense (if not an error) is that they need to hurry up the run and either ditch the time-slot or something new is coming.
  8. It should be episode 6. That can't be right
  9. And the way our luck will go, ratings will start picking up around that time as people finally get used to Toonami at 11. I personally think that they should leave it for an extended time to give it a chance to work. This will also be the time where a marathon is going to occur every 4 weeks which also throws people off! Maybe we'll get lucky and just lose one Super and one Rick on the front end. The Titan thing could be a limitation on how many DBZs can run a night as well. It was originally announced as nine episodes. The 7/4/15 marathon according to Preflight had a similar reason for having a Titan rerun at the end!
  10. I have a feeling that Shippuden is going away after Pain. I don't know why I think this but if they are ever going to clear the deck for new stuff then they have to take something away, especially something that is years behind the dub releases and stands little chance of finishing on the block. I also think they want Boruto and unlike the Dragonball situation will probably not want 2 Naruto franchises on the block. If they go past Pain then there isn't really a good stopping point after that.
  11. Somewhat related news: According to the backdoor schedule it looks like the DBZ KAI Marathon will only feature 8 episodes. Attack on Titan will still run at 3:00 with Jack at 3:30. I think its plausible that the following week they double up on Titan in preparation for the annual loss of the 8pm hour. I'm predicting that we lose a slot and the block shifts down a half hour after that's done (the other lost slot being the 2nd Super rerun). We lost 8pm on October 1 last year so I think tis safe too assume we will at this point as well. We'll see and I hope I'm wrong, but we may have just expanded briefly in order for them to get their money out of Titan Season 2. EDIT: After making a mock schedule, there's still the matter of what they do with one more slot (Jacks old slot). Maybe my theory is completely off base. I am really curious to see what ends up happening to Toonami once we do lose that hour though!
  12. Well I mostly meant the timeslot thing, but you're not wrong about Supers quality either! There needs to be a better way of picking shows. Maybe these ratings will tell them something. Please no Mob, MHA, or Fairy Tail. It's too late for those shows and the majority of people who wanted to see them have already. I'm sure Ghoul was on the request list for about 2 years when it was picked up. It probably would've done great then. But now it's too late. They really need to get something that is on the verge of becoming popular in Japan before the US has already streamed it to death.
  13. How did anyone think this Super deal would work out favorably? The DB fans have never been the most loyal but it did increase audience potential. Now you have given them an excuse to stay away from Toonami all together. Then you release Kai TFC on Blu Ray all at once giving those same fans a reason to avoid that show too. There's talk on the Kanzenshuu forums of how they wish Super could just go to Funimation Now so they don't have to put up with Toonami's slow schedule. Apparently they've dubbed up to the Goku Black arc and they think it's Toonami's fault they can't see those yet. Plus they are praying that Funimation starts simuldubbing the current episodes and just putting them online as well. Little do they know TOEI
  14. You mean end Toonami? Doubtful. They still have Super, HxH, FLCL 2/3 that'll take them into 2019. Plus we are probably getting Boruto and the inevitable One Punch Man season 2 and SAO3 whenever they happen. There's a lot of things that can still come to the block. I do think the block should drop Shippuden after Pain (end of September) . That can open up the door for more classic stuff to come to the 2am hour (or we put Lupin/Jojo there and plug in a new show earlier )
  15. Next summer round this time should be interesting. Kai, Jojo ,and Gundam will be done and gone and HxH will enter its final year . They'll really have to figure out what shows are going to carry Toonami foward .
  16. That's the problem. They took a big risk with Jojo and with no big things coming that can fill the timeslot they are stuck with it. Nothing from later in the block can really move up to 12 and fix the problem either. Shippuden might hold DBZ better, but the part it's at right now is going to be a long stretch of episodic filler. Unless they are secretly working on the dub to Boruto and that's coming soon, then I don't know what they can do.IBO isn't the answer either as that couldn't hold midnight either. The night starts out real low due to how prime time is configured and it makes that first large drop that much more painful.
  17. I don't know what they put there instead. That's the problem they are having I suppose. It might be too late for HxH to be on earlier since it's audience is established already and I'm not sure a bunch of new viewers will flock to it now. besides sliding the whole block back again, I don't know how they deal with Jojo's performance.
  18. I'd love for Jojo to dip into the 500s. How low will AS tolerate for a midnight show?
  19. Why the hell did they keep that "Finding the Dragon Balls scene?" They could have at least cut it down significantly. They are missing the whole point of Kai. Im not expecting great things either. Multiple things this week probably are just not connecting with the audience. That Naruto filler won't help the back end at all. I'm sort of resigned to the fact that this is what we are going to get from now on with the Saturday schedule that we currently have. The only thing that's gonna treally boost things up in the beginning is if they stick more FOX stuff before Family Guy. Really curious to see what they do with 3:30 after Jack finishes up
  20. Yeah, we'll see shes going through her DVR of Hallmark movies and reality shows that she built up over the summer. By the time that clears out, maybe the dub will be up on Hulu. Aniplex seems to be pretty cozy with them so its strange that neither that nor KLK is up anywhere yet. I think not having the option to immediately and easily watch the next episode broke up the interest a little.
  21. Get used to this because it happens a lot. They put random episodes set during original Naruto days in the middle of fights. It's almost like they do this so people who watch later can just skip it. It's obvious they were buying time. This is why I think Toonami should drop Shippuden after this arc because it just becomes painful.
  22. If only he didn't eat that entire bag of candy first
  23. Like Shippuden filler bad?? Thanks for the heads up.
  24. Of all the movies they could show, it makes sense to air this one since I'm sure it ties into the main story somehow. Unless they decide to pull a DBS and make a Ordinal Scale arc in season 3 . Aniplex likes to keep these things to themselves usually to protect disc sales, but it would be cool to see.
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