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Everything posted by brianycpht

  1. Do you guys see what Adult Swim is trying to do with Apollo Gauntlet? They make the whole series available at once while also doing the traditional broadcast. Apparently Lazzo wants to do the same thing with Hot Streets when it premieres next year. They are experimenting with bingeable content for some of their newer shows I guess to see how it performs in each method. Granted, they are cheap, 11 minute shows with 6 episode seasons, but it kind of shows that they are looking towards the future. I wouldn't expect them to do this with something like Rick and Morty or anything on Toonami. Remember, AS has always seen the value of putting things online to give their viewers options. Remember the Friday Night Fix where you could stream things before they aired? Granted this probably cut into their anime ratings as people got accustomed to doing that instead of watching. The really need some kind of Roku/Apple tv/Chrome app so that you can watch their stuff on the TV. TBS has one so I imagne they'd be next. What I can see them doing eventually is launching their own way of directly subscribing to them if you don't have cable. They are making a lot of their stuff available though for free without a cable login. Attack on Titan/Jojo are recent examples.
  2. I'm really curious to see how primetime performed and if the new Rick and Morty episodes did indeed help the lineup do slightly better. I'm guessing that Super at 11 probably did something in the 900s and Family Guy did around 1 million. I hope that they stick with this lineup for ahwhile to see if it can grow an audience. I really wish they could just brand the 8pm hour Toonami as well and pair Super up with something suitable but I guess that can be disjointing.
  3. It would probably be for the best IMO,at least on Saturdays where primetime AS isn't doing that great. if that were the case they could : 10:00 Rick and Morty 10:30 Family Guy 11:00 Family Guy 11:30 Toonami (Just make it an even 5 hours or throw on some WS original at 4) 4:30 Rick and Morty 5:00 King of the Hill 5:30 King of the Hill (Since it seems to do well with the 6am Sunday Mass crowd ) Only thing, of course is if, TOEI still has the network by the balls (please AS never let a production company program your network again), then that sort of doesn't work
  4. If the ratings are even worse this week, theres no telling what they are going to do. Saturday as a whole is hurting bad. Toonami needs prime time Saturday to do better .We are getting the newer Rick and Mortys at 9:00, but they are also replaying on Fridays as well. So we are getting the third airing of it on Saturday. If Family Guy is not getting over a million, then neither will Toonami. The only silver lining is that Super isn't losing a whole bunch to Family Guy right now and the blocks retention isn't horrible right now from where they start. If Family Guy starts doing a lot better and Super doesn't rise as a result, then we got problems with that show in particular as the earlier premiere could be eroding the numbers. I think they will continue to play with the lineup, probably a month at a time. I think August will stay just like this for now and hopefully things will improve. We had an all FOX lead in during 2015 after the cut down which really helped things, but they don't seem to be able/want to anymore for various reasons. Maybe they will do that again as a hail mary if things get really bad. The annual loss of 8pm will be interesting because I don't see them airing Super at 9:00/9:30 and then 11:00. Something is going to have to shift at that point. If Jojo falls further, I don't see them keeping it at midnight for the entire 48 episode run. I honestly don't know what show on the lineup would hold DBZ better though. Someone on Twitter was suggesting that Outlaw Star would perform better than Jojo is at midnight following DBZ, which sounds nuts and they'd never do it, but with this Toonami audience that loves nostalgia, who knows?
  5. Looks like we are back to the "We only promote things that are already doing well " school of thought. What is this, ASA? The way they see it is that if something isn't doing great, the last thing you want to do is sink more money into it. Self fufilling profecy because the less you promote something the worse it'll do. JJBASC really needed more promotion than it got to drive home that this wasn't the same Jojo as before. Demarco thinks they ran the promo 2 weeks out, but I don't think it did. At a minimum, the current lineup promo should always be running. Of course we saw a Rick and Morty promo during every break of Toonami last night. Like that show needs more help.
  6. Did they go back to using the previous bumpers for this?
  7. What exactly is a ratings point for 18-34 this year and where would you get that information.
  8. So do you think One Piece leaving was a mistake because it took away some of Toonami's identity?
  9. Off topic: but I predict that AOT S2 will be replaced by FLCL s1 If we get a Labor Day and Halloween Marathon, it should end October 21 Assuming we get Thanksgiving off and the 2 weeks at the end of the year, that leaves 6 more Toonami's! That would fit perfectly
  10. That's cool ! Do you know of any more sites with old ratings? Again this is why we should only really emphasize the 18-34 ratings since that's what they seem to care about
  11. Hey that's where I live! Another good reason not to come here is it'll still be 95 degrees everyday in September! That aside, this Outlaw Star thing may open the door to getting some older stuff in the 2am hour. Funimation owns so much now, I'm sure they can work out a favorable deal. You know what they should get next? A show that they wanted a long time ago :Escaflowne!
  12. In the manga, Krillin casually is seen sniffing the diamond in the background! Love OG Krillin!
  13. Ideally they'd run Dad at 10 and FG at 11. That's what we had for most of 2015. Seems strange they all of a sudden can't. There isn't more on weekdays than there usually is.
  14. Please put Big O or Bebop at 3:30! We'll all pretend it's 2001 again.
  15. Well said! Dragonball aside, the block right now has a lot of niche content that the crew personally likes but isn't a hit with casual viewers. They need to find shows that hit well with non anime fans both male and female. 2015 had those types of shows. Right now we have a bit of a boys club of niche content. I do suspect also that our once popular lead in, Family Guy, is losing steam. Other things that were popular such as Ghoul have past their hype time but may have done really well 2 years ago. That is definitely back if the block content not 12:30 material.
  16. This is why Toonami did better in 2015/early 2016. 11pm is too competitive plus Family Guy always does better at 11.
  17. They really should try and find something that is starting to get big in Japan and jump on it. Take a chance on something. Do the research and not rely on a tumblr/Facebook request. Sometimes by the time Toonami gets to the party, fans have had their fill of it. The time for Mob was last year /early this year. The dub has already streamed and I don't think it's the kind of thing that's people are going to go nuts over. I'm worried too that any new fans OPM created will just watch the sub when that comes out similar to Titan
  18. Supers potential is being wasted because of the rerun status. That and it being at 11 following a weaker Family Guy limits what it can do. There also isn't as much hype for this series compared to people reliving their childhoods with Kai!
  19. I think it would be in the range of a million if it was only at 11. The problem is that Family Guy does worse in the 10pm hour so it won't be as high if it was st 11:30 or midnight. Some people who watch at 8 won't stay up, but their would be a modest gain for sure. Weird thing this week: the 8pm rerun actually outraged the 8:30 premiere.
  20. Daos said it right. There is an issue with the programming. These shows just aren't appealing to a wide audience. That's our main issue.
  21. Some people don't even care if it's in English. Just the sub being readily available can hinder viewership. It's a tricky time we live in.
  22. I think Jojo has a place on the block, but further down. We can't have numbers like this in the 12am hour for a whole year. Personally I think they went the wrong direction and the block should be at midnight again with 10pm American Dad and 11pm Family Guy to at least give it a decent start. Next, they need to stop letting TOEI program the night.
  23. Yeah it was requested back in 2015 originally. At the Momocon panel, Jason remarked at how people were still requesting more Jojo even as they were airing it.
  24. There was a promo, but I only saw it on Facebook Saturday night. Too late
  25. Maybe, but we've seen a downward trend over the last year and their have been several schedule changes this month to indicate thstvthey aren't exactly thrilled with the numbers.
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