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Everything posted by Distinct Lunatic
I put together a semi-fancy PC last week
Distinct Lunatic replied to Rogue_Alphonse's topic in Free-For-All
It's a 7-8 year old case, which means production of it has stopped long ago, which is why the price is the way it is. -
I put together a semi-fancy PC last week
Distinct Lunatic replied to Rogue_Alphonse's topic in Free-For-All
pictures aren't working -
You could use this as a chance to master your chakra and gain enlightenment by successfully masturbating 37 times in one day.
this cunt here
Curious to find out who Sesshomaru shacked up with. A lot of folks kept going on about him and Rin, even though pretty sure series creator Takahashi dismissed that pairing long ago, saying it was a father-daughter connection between the two. By the end of the series Sessh is more accepting of humans, so perhaps he went on to have halfbreeds of his own.
It also depends on your age and marital status. I started buying my car from a dealership when I was 24, me being required to have full coverage by the dealership. At that time it would have cost me somewhere above $200 a month, close to $300 for full coverage (want to note that I've been driving for around 5 years by that point and to this day have never had an accident or gotten a speeding ticket), back then my mom had me put under their ins. policy, me listed as the primary driver of my car, because of that I was only paying a little over a hundred, but once I went over 25 years old that's when the price dropped a lot for me, me getting my own ins policy then.
I was originally paying around $130 a month for Auto full coverage through progressive, but when I bought my house back in March I switched over to Liberty Mutual. I would have been paying around $110 or so for house insurance when bundled with progressive, but with LM I went down to $100 for Auto and all my premiums were doubled, house ins. dropped only by $10. In all though I got a really good deal switching
I'd say the manga was more deranged, with A LOT more rape and murder than the anime, which might sound impossible but they managed to pull it off. When it came to the pedo clown I think the way they introduced him was by having the prime ministers ripped son and all his goons rape and murder everyone in this one town. When it comes to that one guy Bols' family, in the manga they had his wife and daughter raped and murdered on his grave. There was even this one chapter where 3 girls that were bought by some lord all went on to be raped by the people there, including the dogs, all three of the girls dying in the end. The series as a whole is deranged filth because going for shock is quite literally the only thing the creator knew how to do.
You think I care what you think?
the funny thing is the manga still ended up ending mostly the same way as the anime, only a few variations.
I hate the show so very much, I feel like my brain cells die every time I think of it, that's how much I despise that show. 3 out of 10 for me, but me being petty I'd give it a 1 out of 10.
Prego chick and I already had a fairly heated argument.
Distinct Lunatic replied to PhilosipherStoned's topic in Free-For-All
I'm not Mumbo -
Prego chick and I already had a fairly heated argument.
Distinct Lunatic replied to PhilosipherStoned's topic in Free-For-All
Alpha males don't ever have this problem. We know what we want, we don't play any games. -
FUNimation adds NIS America catalog to streaming
Distinct Lunatic replied to Jman's topic in Anime & Manga
And with that freak out you brought my opinion of you back to the cry baby I associated you as back on the old boards. -
FUNimation adds NIS America catalog to streaming
Distinct Lunatic replied to Jman's topic in Anime & Manga
Have you been living under a rock for the last year and a half? Funi showed their true colors, that and people are tired of them inserting their bullshit political agenda into series they work on. The mainstream series like DB and MHA Funi won't put that shit in since they get mainstream attention, but lesser anime series that don't get that level of attention gets riddled with their dumb changes and pushing their agenda. -
Mine is, 1. Get some sick gains in OSRS 2. Cut grass 3. Get more sick gains in OSRS 4. Go to work but no exp waste with OSRS 5. Return home and eat and get some more gains in OSRS 6. Continue watching the rest of DBS but no exp waste
There's this one city right next to mine where a large amount of the houses are built on a slope, it being a case where it can be pretty dangerous whenever it snows. There was one lady I used to work with that lived out there and she mentioned that around that time of the year she has to way down the bed of her truck so it's able drive up to her house
I’ve been out of the Pokémon circuit for awhile...sooo
Distinct Lunatic replied to Still Me's topic in Free-For-All
One thing I want to add after reading what I posted, it looks like one might say a character that speaks and voiced dialogue is what I'm looking for, those are only part of what I'd want in a pkmn game. The important part is being more character driven, where it really feels like you have an impact on the story, things not just happening around you. Branching stories like in 3H would be cool, but I know it'd never happen because of the competitive nature of the pokemon games, some folks using the game to cultivate a team to use against others in competitive aspects, that stuff just getting in the way of that. Maybe there could be something Nintendo could do to make that style of play still easily available, but unlikely since the Let's Go games have clearly shown that you'll be given whatever they feel like with no way to change it up (referring to how a lot of folks would talk about if they had the option to have mechanics like traditional games, and not safari-zone everywhere with no wild battles) -
I’ve been out of the Pokémon circuit for awhile...sooo
Distinct Lunatic replied to Still Me's topic in Free-For-All
It took me a good while to put this out, I had things written out twice but I deleted them since they failed to convey how I feel about this. As a gamer I've come to greatly prefer games that are character driven and with a narrative, where it really feels like you're playing an active role in the world inside of the game. I hate games that do the mute "you are the character" protagonist. I know that's very unlikely to ever happen again with Pokemon (considering they long abandoned making games outside the main ones after going 3d with XY and onward), with the way the main pkmn games are marketed for a global appeal, but I'm fkin tired of it really. In pokemon games it legit feels like you're just a statue with legs, the entirety of the plot just so happens to occur along the linear path the game sets you on. I'd personally love to experience Pokemon but in the form of a proper rpg with character dialogue (preferably voiced, something Nintendo did with Fire Emblem Three Houses, and parts of Zelda BOTW). Your character having an actual input on what happens in the story or the narrative, more so than a dialogue bubble that sometimes pops up, but still leads to the same text output. Going onto FE3H a bit, a lot of folks, myself included, compare Fire Emblem Three Houses to the Persona games, which I consider a fucking insult to the Persona games. I love FE3H but hate it at the same time, I really love the characters and the branching story, but hate how lazy its game design feels. I think its great that every single script is voiced, even those by random NPCs, something most games, even Persona 5 wouldn't do, but like 70-90% of 3H feels like you're playing the same content despite 3 and a half routes. I'm pointing to FE3H as an example of Nintendo willing to do something different with a longrunning IP of theirs, though I think they failed as far as the protagonist goes with Byleth, who feels even less than a plank with legs, considering unlike Joker who speaks a lot more (mostly game menus or screens, and sometimes during drawn cutscenes) but him and P5 feels a lot more alive because they have a large amount of animations, in 3H's they use so few animations, even less for Byleth who only nods and raises his hand. I'd like to see a pkmn game that improves upon what Nintendo did with 3H, having a character driven narrative, making it feel like you're playing a role in that world. Problem is it's never gonna happen since Nintendo won't put in that much effort for something that will mostly end up in the hands of kids who have so little patience with games where if something challenges them too much they'll just drop and play some shitty mobile game or Fortnite. As a game like that would take significantly longer to develop compared to the copy/paste formula of current pkmn games. And as far as narratives go, they probably wouldn't want to invest too much into that and take away from people having to watch the pkmn anime for a proper story and narrative. -
I’ve been out of the Pokémon circuit for awhile...sooo
Distinct Lunatic replied to Still Me's topic in Free-For-All
It's Nintendo/Gamefreaks next gimmick that will go the way of Mega evolutions and Z-moves, since that's the only thing to come from the pkmn games now is gimmicks, not improvements.