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Distinct Lunatic

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Everything posted by Distinct Lunatic

  1. meh, redheads are overrated, so are blondes in my humble opinion. Red, yellow, pink, the only thing that matters is if she has a big heart and a cute little ass.
  2. Not here to judge or criticize, but with all the time and effort put into that fanfiction in art form of yours, with that talent you could go on to make your own original series, and maybe even profit from doing so.
  3. The only FF game I've ever played legit was 12, I got it back in the day for like $5 or so from Gamestop, I didn't care for it. Back with the 360 I tried giving 13 a shot but didn't play more than 30 minutes at the most of it. I might look into getting the 7 remake if they release it on pc.
  4. If you ask me the real reason we haven't seen any aliens is they more than likely checked out our internet to know what kind of species we are and deemed that we're complete fucking weirdos, and a lot of us would want to fuck them.
  5. Realistically I'd imagine that's what humans would do. Lets say some hundred to a thousand years from now we were the highly advanced race, about to travel the stars with faster than light travel. The best thing for us to do would be not interact with an upcoming alien species, to let them grow on their own. But at the same time we very likely would watch and observe them since knowledge is greatly desired. Just as with a bunch of folks taking some trip to the African safari or whatever to study and watch animal species, there would be humans that in this scenario would want to watch and study this primitive alien race. That does raise the question though, maybe all the alien sighting stories sprinkled throughout history did happen. That reminds me of one of those shows that airs on the Science channel I saw years ago, that was talking about some tribe in I think South America that were very well informed on many things, them claiming some race (don't remember what they said the name was that they were told) shared a lot of astronomical things with them, them saying that the alien race came from Sirius C star, this being long before even Sirius B star was discovered, and to our current point right now they say they can't find a third star, however there are irregularities with the orbits of Sirius A and B stars, the math pointing to there being a strong likelihood of there being a third star. Perhaps aliens have visited us in the past when and because we lacked electricity and any decent technology and so on, them able to do just about whatever they wanted as far as observations goes without alarming the whole planet, but maybe because we're now a modern species with electricity and better technology and so on, they're not likely to drop by again.
  6. But a diamond is a woman's best friend, maybe some alien guy out there working a 9 to 5 every day decides he wants to do something nice for his girl, so he goes to a planet made of diamond and brings her back one the size of their house that way he can get some alien pussy, or what they simply call pussy.
  7. Get ready for your imminent probing
  8. On the subject of diamonds, eventually (In like hundreds of billions of years) our sun will become a black dwarf, essentially a ball of diamond. In its last billion years it'll become a red giant before shrinking down into a white dwarf, white dwarfs being the cooling remains of stars like the sun, however it'll take longer than the universe has been around for it to cool down, but once it does it quite literally will be nothing more than a ball of carbon smaller than the Earth in size. You could quite literally stand on top of what used to be the sun.
  9. Supposedly there's one planet out there they say is made of diamonds, that's where I'd go if I was an spacefairing alien. They believe it's a diamond planet since it orbits too closely to the black hole remains of a star, something believed to not be possible since planets that close would be vaporized by an exploding star, since it survived that they believe it must be made of strong carbon based material i.e. diamond.
  10. How Can Time Be Real If The Bible Said Nothing About Dinosaurs Or Aliens?
  11. In my humble opinion that nihilistic attitude is complete shit, and says wonders about you as a person. At least other atheists argue in favor of living their lives fully, or doing things to better our lives and so on, but that pessimistic and nihilistic way I see as the worst, making one not far off from being a mass murderer.
  12. Realistically speaking, the whole going after ours resources plot point things like movies and what not use is very flawed and unlikely, Anything found here on Earth can be found in much greater abundance and much closer to home out in space. Mining things like asteroids for metals and radioactive elements, or doing so for other planets in their solar system.
  13. Them nibbas need to remaster the Ezio trilogy, and I mean a proper remaster.
  14. What keywords should be used for search?
  15. Shit, what I miss, who did what?
  16. When it comes to online stuff like with FB I go by my first and middle name, not my last name. The main reason being to avoid my parents or whoever trying to add me, another being if you were to search for my name you'd get my step-dads older brother. As for how I ended up with his name, it's pretty funny if you think about it, and also interesting when you think about it in terms of cause and effect, something like a butterfly effect. The straight answer is my step-dad and real dad both met in prison/jail and became friends, after they got out my real dad invited him to stay with him and my mom, and supposedly my real dad at some point thought my mom was cheating on him with him (which I think probably was happening) it leading to them fighting and eventually divorcing (I once heard my mom say that she never even wanted to marry him in the first place, they were forced to by their parents when my sis was born). As for me, I guess they thought I was my step-dads kid, but some years later they finally tested that out in which case found out I was also my real dads kid (something I legit thank God for, I do not want to be related to my SD by blood). As far as cause and effect goes, and butterfly effect goes, my step-dad's dad died back when he was around 6, and if that never happened then my life would be drastically different today. After his dad died I heard his mom married a complete asshole (basically what I got from him when my mom married him), him and his 2 older siblings going on to become alcoholics and doing drugs, something that could have been avoided if their dad was still around (him being a military man, serving in the air force and later working air traffic control). My step-dad spent somewhere between 1 and 3 years in jail for a crime he committed while drunk, and considering how he wasn't allowed a license for over 20 years (it not being until a few years ago he could finally get one) as well as a random comment I heard him say when I was a kid, I think he got drunk and stole a car. And if he never went to jail he'd have never met my real dad. So there's the possibility that my parents would have stayed together longer, that said though I likely wouldn't be fond of my name then, right now my initials are E.B, if they were together I'd be R.C the 3rd, him and his dad having the same name, that's definitely something I'd never want. So in short I'd want to keep my first name but change my last.
  17. Settle down sugar, you'll get the D later I promise.
  18. I am myself, and this is my fanboy that clearly wants my dick so much he can't just leave me alone and has to talk about me at any and all opportunity. Silly rascal.
  19. Fortunately or unfortunately I am not them, I am my own person.
  20. True, and I do imagine step-dad would probably be bothered at first but eventually ignore it. I'm also not sure about all that would come from doing so, like with legal papers and stuff. Would I need to go and update everything, needing new credit cards and such? There's also with my mortgage papers if I'd need to change anything there. I'm assuming probably not since your birth name and legal name are both acceptable, your birth name still being classified as your name. Also not sure if I'd have to update things with my social security, and so on.
  21. Jesus, your lord and savior, here to find out of all living or non-living celebrities which would you do the nasty, tie the knot, and put down.
  22. I couldn't do that, despite being an alpha male I worry too much about upsetting those around me.
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