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The anime bombed so hard it got the Manga canceled.


"I’m very sorry to write this but the timeline was not on my side. You see, the editor came to me last week and informed myself to increase the popularity of Keijo!!! This is not something you can do overnight. I was lost for words, as I believed we were doing fine in rankings. Today, I was informed by my editor that my manga is being removed due to the poor reception of the anime. The anime failed to make an impact, for advertising purposes, and the studio is carrying that loss because of it. It is my fault, and I am sorry. The source material should have been better and I’ve done a great burden. I was actually very surprised by the reception overseas. In various conversations, I was told it was greatly talked about in America. I’m glad some of you enjoyed it, but I’m sorry once again for failing. My sincerely apologies to Takahashi-san and XEBEC.”


I can't imagine how an anime/manga with such an awesome concept could go belly up.


The fuck?  Stuff like this almost never gets cancelled.  And even if the anime bombed, I can see them not doing another anime series, but the MANGA being cancelled from it as well?  Jesus, the anime must have bombed HARD.


Long story short, Japan fucking hated it. The DvD sold like 750 copies per volume for a total of about 3750.


Long story short, Japan fucking hated it. The DvD sold like 750 copies per volume for a total of about 3750.


Oh God, that's fucking painful.  And I don't get it, either.  I really didn't find it all that bad.


Although I do have to wonder if this says more about Japan or more about America.


Yeah, just look up Deadman Wonderland for another example of that!


And that WAS a Toonami show with a semi-successful manga which will probably never get a 2nd season despite selling pretty well over here, as its sales SUCKED in Japan!


You might even say that we know how to market action shows better than Japan--so maybe what action anime needs is a "Toonami Japan" block??


Long story short, Japan fucking hated it. The DvD sold like 750 copies per volume for a total of about 3750.

In a more just alternate universe, this happened to Hiatus instead.  Maybe it's time to enlist Quinn Mallory.


Anyway, this is yet another case of something taking off in America but but not doing so well in its home country, like Deadman Wonderland, Trigun, Watanabe, etc.  Hard to believe an ecchi show bombed though.  But yeah I never did get around to checking it out.


Yeah, just look up Deadman Wonderland for another example of that!


And that WAS a Toonami show with a semi-successful manga which will probably never get a 2nd season despite selling pretty well over here, as its sales SUCKED in Japan!


You might even say that we know how to market action shows better than Japan--so maybe what action anime needs is a "Toonami Japan" block??

I thought the Trigun movie was made mostly because of non-Japanese fans.


God damn it Alchemist.


So....an over-sexualized, uncreative, unimaginative anime was cancelled because it couldn't sell its stock of fucking DVD's/Blu-Rays?


Cry me a river. That crap makes me feel uber uncomfortable anyway. Same with Kampfer, Bakemonogatari and the other garbage that's been recommended to me.


The fact that an ecchi show can't succeed in Japan baffled me.  It's like most of their anime production right now, and has been for years!  So why NOW of all times is something like this failing?


The fact that an ecchi show can't succeed in Japan baffled me.  It's like most of their anime production right now, and has been for years!  So why NOW of all times is something like this failing?


I only watched one episode. It definitely didn't overcome its ridiculously stupid premise and get me to watch more. I think that it being about a  fictional sport hurt it.


I'd say the fact that it had no male MC and no harem antics probably was a killer. Also look at this episode description.


"Nozomi faces Kotone in the class-change race, who dodges all attacks while having her back turned, and chases Nozomi using Cerberus, a move where a ghostly image of a dog is manifested from her buttocks. The two collide, and Nozomi wins, as the running around had charged her vacuum butt cannon move. Nozomi and her roommates all advance to the elite class; Kazane, despite losing, had performed well and cornered Mio, which was why Mio used hypnosis, a move she was banned from using. "


...You know how a show like Sekirei can have metric tons of fanservice but grounds itself with likable characters and the boobs feel more like a side dish than the only thing the show has to offer?


Keijo...doesn't have anything but assess.  Literally.


So....an over-sexualized, uncreative, unimaginative anime was cancelled because it couldn't sell its stock of fucking DVD's/Blu-Rays?


Cry me a river. That crap makes me feel uber uncomfortable anyway. Same with Kampfer, Bakemonogatari and the other garbage that's been recommended to me.


You'll be sad again when you find out what dethroned One Piece in Japan.


This is why the anime industry is in trouble. Too many cheesecake / weeb pandering shows that appeal to a horny niche instead of spending resources on stuff with wide appeal.


I was right!  The collapse of the anime industry continues!  All because of this moe/ecchi/harem bullshit!


That's a shame that he was pressured to cut the cord even before the anime released. It was a fun concept, but too eccentric for the general audience when they've been on more of an isekai/light novel kick lately. His publishers also dicked with him by refusing to promote his work or get him enough assistants for him not to pass out from exhaustion. Judging from the situation, it seemed like the anime gave him just enough legroom to end the manga without it being abruptly cut off by the publisher or karoshi.


That's a shame that he was pressured to cut the cord even before the anime released. It was a fun concept, but too eccentric for the general audience when they've been on more of an isekai/light novel kick lately. His publishers also dicked with him by refusing to promote his work or get him enough assistants for him not to pass out from exhaustion. Judging from the situation, it seemed like the anime gave him just enough legroom to end the manga without it being abruptly cut off by the publisher or karoshi.


Japanese love sports themed anime. The problem here... is this wasn't a real sport so it had no built in fanbase.


So that was the first thing working against it. The second was no male MC, so no harem type antics or relationship drama going on and lets face it that's a big deal in lighthearted anime like this.


And from what people are saying it wasn't particularly compelling plot wise either.


The second was no male MC, so no harem type antics or relationship drama going on and lets face it that's a big deal in lighthearted anime like this.


I thought we're SICK of the "harem cast with only 1 main male character", but then again, we're not part of the Japanese demographic.


The anime bombed so hard it got the Manga canceled.


"I’m very sorry to write this but the timeline was not on my side. You see, the editor came to me last week and informed myself to increase the popularity of Keijo!!! This is not something you can do overnight. I was lost for words, as I believed we were doing fine in rankings. Today, I was informed by my editor that my manga is being removed due to the poor reception of the anime. The anime failed to make an impact, for advertising purposes, and the studio is carrying that loss because of it. It is my fault, and I am sorry. The source material should have been better and I’ve done a great burden. I was actually very surprised by the reception overseas. In various conversations, I was told it was greatly talked about in America. I’m glad some of you enjoyed it, but I’m sorry once again for failing. My sincerely apologies to Takahashi-san and XEBEC.”


I can't imagine how an anime/manga with such an awesome concept could go belly up.

there was nothing in it worth watching


at least not to me :|


Japanese love sports themed anime. The problem here... is this wasn't a real sport so it had no built in fanbase.


So that was the first thing working against it. The second was no male MC, so no harem type antics or relationship drama going on and lets face it that's a big deal in lighthearted anime like this.


And from what people are saying it wasn't particularly compelling plot wise either.


The main appeal for sports anime either comes from the fujoshi who want to see male bonding, or a more serious show if it must involve women. Keijo's concept was too eccentric to fit either bill. It wanted to be ecchi, but it also wanted to be taken seriously, and that can be kryptonite for a big dumb show.


The male MC point works against it on an ecchi format, cause guys who are watching fanservice anime like to have a blank slate avatar for them to imagine themselves in their scenario. Keijo didn't offer that to them, and was coasting off of the hope that they would be able to enjoy it for the titillation/plot without having to feel personally involved in it.


The last point is subjective though. It was a fun series that was amusing to watch and easy on the eyes. If a plot being compelling is a litmus test on sales, then there's alot of uncompelling plots that shouldn't be selling nearly as much as they are.


there was nothing in it worth watching


at least not to me :|


Apparently that quote was either mistranslated or made by an imposter, as the author now says the anime sucking did not get the manga cancelled.


The male MC point works against it on an ecchi format, cause guys who are watching fanservice anime like to have a blank slate avatar for them to imagine themselves in their scenario. Keijo didn't offer that to them, and was coasting off of the hope that they would be able to enjoy it for the titillation/plot without having to feel personally involved in it.


This seems to fail in manga/light novel/anime in general.  If you want male audiences to project themselves into the story, DO NOT portray their character as NOT a character!  They tried to do this by adapting the Kancolle game, which has no real story, into an anime, by portraying the Admiral as a silent, off-screen, mysterious presence- the anime wasn't successful enough to have a continuation.

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