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New lucky trading feature rolled out, players with fewer than ten lucky Pokemon dexed or traded can get guaranteed lucky by trading a July/August 2016 mon, and all lucky Pokemon are now 80 IV at worst by default

3 hours ago, viperxmns said:

I'd keep that Lax, unless you have a better body slam one than that

Or trade for another high level body slam to get lucky

I think I have a better one with body slam but I was thinking of doing exactly what you suggested.

Too bad the magneton only has legacy charge and not both 


Finally ranked up to level 30 after hatching another of the Alolan eggs earlier.

The egg was another Alolan Geodude which is good since I haven't evolved my Alolan Graveler yet.

Also I evolved Houndour into Houndoom.

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Posted (edited)

I was wondering why I've only seen fire type Castforms but saw on my friends list that y'all are catching the normal types. Then I found out it's based on the weather. That definitely explains it xD

Edited by SorceressPol
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  • Haha 1

Did 13 raids on Moltres day. Caught 11 no perfect or shiny and I died a little inside having to transfer most of them out cuz of space. The boyfriend got 2 shiny so that’s as good as me getting one. 

Posted (edited)

Gotta Volbeat from a teacher friend that went on a school trip to Japan.  I still don’t get why Illumise and Volbeat are regionals.  At the very least they should be brought together, even if it’s for a limited time  



Edited by 1pooh4u

i skipped another mewtwo EX raid on sunday cuz i went to game night, but we did a regirock raid, which leveled me up to 34. and the combined prizes from the raid and leveling me up put me at more than 100 over my bag limit, so i missed the 7 day spin streak but i guess it didn't really matter because i had 100 extra items. i bought a bag upgrade and i still had more than 50 over the limit.

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are the special 7k eggs live yet?

because i haven't been able to spin stops or open gifts, i've got like five slots open which i was saving for the eggs once they're live. i was also assuming it's tied to when you open the gift and not when the gift was received, and also that the egg pool is determined when the eggs is received.

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13 hours ago, Admin_Raptorpat said:

are the special 7k eggs live yet?

because i haven't been able to spin stops or open gifts, i've got like five slots open which i was saving for the eggs once they're live. i was also assuming it's tied to when you open the gift and not when the gift was received, and also that the egg pool is determined when the eggs is received.

Yes people are hatching regionals already. They do not have to come from the region they’re from and any gift you have, even if you had it for weeks, if opened now, could hatch a regional if you get an egg. 

Posted (edited)

Motherfucker! Of course I run out of poke balls when I'm trying to get Hitmonlee, and that patch of bad signal where it's at won't even let me get more coins to exchange. Grabbing Ponyta this morning was nice, but I want my kung fu pokemon. :(

Edited by SorceressPol
  • Like 2
On 9/14/2018 at 11:40 AM, SorceressPol said:

Motherfucker! Of course I run out of poke balls when I'm trying to get Hitmonlee, and that patch of bad signal where it's at won't even let me get more coins to exchange. Grabbing Ponyta this morning was nice, but I want my kung fu pokemon. :(

I can kinda relate to that.  I ran out of pokeballs while trying to catch my first Lapras on Friday but

it ran away after I threw my last ball.  Although I caught Lapras at the mall Saturday afternoon so it worked out okay.


Good luck catching the Hitmonlee.  Hopefully more will show up for you soon.

I caught my first Hitmonlee this Thursday.

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Posted (edited)
7 minutes ago, SorceressPol said:

Luckily it popped again yesterday and I caught it, but then Hitmonchan ran away from me an hour later and it's my new goal. This game never lets me be happy for long :D.

I feel you on that.  I saw Ponyta appear in the grass a month ago but I wasn't able to find it.

Didn't get my first one until a week or so ago.  I've seen Hitmonchan appear in the grass too but I haven't been able to find it yet.

I will eventually.  I'm glad you were able to catch the Hitmonlee.


Edited by blueraven1999
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Lol I tried to name my 4th Tauros SonOfABitch but the game wouldn’t let me cuz friends can see names and shit. 

Meanwhile trainer IDs like TeaBagAndy and DeezNutz are A-OK 😆

Posted (edited)

Finally decided to evolve my Graveler.  I think I had around 215 candies on it.

I powered it up a couple times and now it's cp2288.  There was finally a good raid I could beat

(a Charmander one) at the park near me but I had to come back home because of the stupid ill-timed thunderstorm.


I have two Battle in a Raid field research things too.  On the plus side, I won at another gym before I headed back home

so for the Battle in a Gym 5 times Field Research, I've battled 3 times.  Caught another Porygon so now it has 116 candies.

I've seen them in the wild a lot lately.



Edited by blueraven1999
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Posted (edited)
23 hours ago, blueraven1999 said:

Finally decided to evolve my Graveler.  I think I had around 215 candies on it.

I powered it up a couple times and now it's cp2288.  There was finally a good raid I could beat

(a Charmander one) at the park near me but I had to come back home because of the stupid ill-timed thunderstorm.


I have two Battle in a Raid field research things too.  On the plus side, I won at another gym before I headed back home

so for the Battle in a Gym 5 times Field Research, I've battled 3 times.  Caught another Porygon so now it has 116 candies.

I've seen them in the wild a lot lately.



Porygon, Chansey and Lapras have been pretty common spawns since the event kicked off. It’s fun catching stuff you don’t  see a lot 😁

Edited by 1pooh4u
Posted (edited)
25 minutes ago, 1pooh4u said:

Porygon, Chansey and Lapras have been pretty common spawns since the event kicked off. It’s fun catching stuff you do see a lot 😁

I haven't seen Lapras very much (only two of them so far), but I've seen several Chansey and 5 or 6 Porygons.

I've seen Ponyta, Geodude, and Rhyhorn more than anything else lately though.  Which is good since I don't have Ponyta's and Rhyhorn's evolutions yet.

I think I have 90 something Ponyta candies.

Edited by blueraven1999
  • Like 1
11 minutes ago, blueraven1999 said:

I haven't seen Lapras very much (only two of them so far), but I've seen several Chansey and 5 or 6 Porygons.

I've seen Ponyta, Geodude, and Rhyhorn more than anything else lately though.  Which is good since I don't have Ponyta's and Rhyhorn's evolutions yet.

I think I have 90 something Ponyta candies.

I wish we could make the content of the gifts. I would happily give items people need like candy and stuff 😁

kinda excited over the prospect of sharing EX raid passes with a friend when that rolls out 😁

  • Like 1
6 minutes ago, SorceressPol said:

Did you finally get something useful from an egg? xD

Yes I did 😊 and people that say, “bitching, whining and complaining doesn’t get you anywhere” obviously never tried it before 😆😆

  • Haha 1
Posted (edited)
24 minutes ago, viperxmns said:

It most definitely was, congrats 

Thank you.  I was pretty sure the egg was from one of you guys but I have no idea who

since I've had 9 eggs stored for awhile and I only hatch a couple eggs every few days or so.


I'd have to check but it might be a egg from New York.  That really doesn't narrow it down much though.

It doesn't help that two of the eggs in my party hatched one after the other.

Edited by blueraven1999

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