BUU8800 Posted December 28, 2016 Author Posted December 28, 2016 Lupin III: Part II 138 In which Lupin faces the amorous Lucia and a horde of snakes for the mysterious treasure of Pompeii which eluded even his grandfather! Well this one was pretty silly. Lupin probably should have died about 10 times but oh well. The gang working together to banish Lucia and her food-named lovers was fun. Fujiko and Goemon's scene especially. Pretty ironic that the treasure was snake poison serum all along. Quote
BUU8800 Posted December 28, 2016 Author Posted December 28, 2016 Lupin III: Part II 139 In which Fujiko helps a dying old man steal Lupin's body! Very entertaining episode, I'm a sucker for body swap stories. I see they went the route of switching voices too. This is probably the scummiest thing Fujiko has ever done though. Right up there with that episode where she indirectly murdered that woman Zenigata fell in love with: Seeing Goemon and Jigen going after her was very nice: Lupin totally woulda been screwed without their help: As bad as Fujiko was though I can't criticize her too much since Lupin was worse! By switching the old man with Zenigata and destroying the machine he effectively murdered him! Good thing there's no real continuity in this series. Several funny jokes too. The subs I used had Lupin's fourth wall joke use President Obama...in 1980! I laughed pretty damn hard at Lupin's brainwaves actually taking the shape of pin-up girls too: So yeah, quite the episode except...damnit show! I said no more Zenigata in drag! Quote
granzchesta Posted December 28, 2016 Posted December 28, 2016 Poco's Udon World [END] Kiss Him Not Me [END] Definitely expected that ending but still rooting for best boy if there's another season ;D Quote
BUU8800 Posted December 29, 2016 Author Posted December 29, 2016 Sound! Euphonium, Season 2 13(END) Final Thoughts: And so the third years graduate as this season mercifully ends. Yeah this wasn't good. Much of this season revolved around Asuka, but any chance of me liking her went out the window with her role in that garbage level drama that played out during the first 4 episodes. It's great that Kumiko grew to stop hating her, I did not. Reina's infatuation storyline wasn't any good either. Really the only one I enjoyed this season was Kumiko's with her big sister. A pretty astounding downgrade in quality for a sequel to a series I liked. This was so bad though it got me thinking more about the season one drama I disliked and now I think less of it too...that's pretty damning. This was easily the worst show I watched this season. 5/10 Quote
EyeOfPain Posted December 29, 2016 Posted December 29, 2016 Sound! Euphonium, Season 2 13(END) Final Thoughts: And so the third years graduate as this season mercifully ends. Yeah this wasn't good. Much of this season revolved around Asuka, but any chance of me liking her went out the window with her role in that garbage level drama that played out during the first 4 episodes. It's great that Kumiko grew to stop hating her, I did not. Reina's infatuation storyline wasn't any good either. Really the only one I enjoyed this season was Kumiko's with her big sister. A pretty astounding downgrade in quality for a sequel to a series I liked. This was so bad though it got me thinking more about the season one drama I disliked and now I think less of it too...that's pretty damning. This was easily the worst show I watched this season. 5/10 I think it picked up enough after that first arc, but that was a poor use of time. Also: Ninja Girl & Samurai Master 13 [end?] Girlish Number 12 [end] Brave Witches 12 [end] Empire of Corpses The Princess and the Pilot Quote
BUU8800 Posted December 29, 2016 Author Posted December 29, 2016 I think it picked up enough after that first arc, but that was a poor use of time. Also: Ninja Girl & Samurai Master 13 [end?] It certainly tried, but it would have taken far more to win me back. Honestly it was probably already too late. If MAL's any indicator though my opinion is the vast minority once again and I'm just a hater so...oh well. And yeah, as far as I'm aware Nobunaga is continuing...not sure why exactly but it's only a short I guess. Quote
EyeOfPain Posted December 29, 2016 Posted December 29, 2016 It certainly tried, but it would have taken far more to win me back. Honestly it was probably already too late. If MAL's any indicator though my opinion is the vast minority once again and I'm just a hater so...oh well. And yeah, as far as I'm aware Nobunaga is continuing...not sure why exactly but it's only a short I guess. If you can't forgive/like Asuka, the rest doesn't work; I understand that. Hummingbird/Kitsu.io only lists 13 episodes for Nobunaga, so I'm not sure if it's split cour or what. Didn't seem like it from the preview, but who knows. Quote
BUU8800 Posted December 29, 2016 Author Posted December 29, 2016 Pretty much. MAL just has ?. Combined with that title card preview for 14 it made me assume it was just continuing, but we'll see soon enough I suppose. Quote
Blatch Posted December 29, 2016 Posted December 29, 2016 Full Frontal with Samantha Bee: "December 19, 2016" (title not found) Space Ghost Coast to Coast: "Late Show" Shonen Maid #1 [hey Poke: You ever get the suit mucus?] Quote
BUU8800 Posted December 29, 2016 Author Posted December 29, 2016 Lupin III: Part II 140 In which Fujiko gets Lupin involved in stealing the diamonds of Salmon Whitney, a rotund scientist capable of controlling rats/mice and salmon! Well even though Lupin saved Fujiko yet again, I'm not gonna count her actions this episode as a betrayal. She even stood up for him to Whitney in the end. I enjoyed Goemon's tree runner and the wintry landscape. However the nicest thing this time was Lupin's little arc with the mouse: See kids? It pays to be kind to animals. Quote
blueraven1999 Posted December 29, 2016 Posted December 29, 2016 Buu: Those mouse pics with Lupin were really cute. Thanks for posting Watched Pokemon Sun & Moon 1. I don't like the animation, but I already like the show more than X&Y. Quote
StarPanda Posted December 29, 2016 Posted December 29, 2016 Your Lie in April 6-24.... 8/10 Wow great show nice animation,characters,music. Simply beautiful. One of the best scenes I've seen for a final episode Had some issues with a few things but overall a great watch Quote
BUU8800 Posted December 29, 2016 Author Posted December 29, 2016 Buu: Those mouse pics with Lupin were really cute. Thanks for posting Sure! Hope ya like pigeons because... Lupin III: Part II 141 In which Fujiko tasks Lupin and crew with stealing a diamond chandelier from Moscow during the 1980 Olympic Games! Oh hey! I was wondering if they were gonna have an Olympic tie-in episode. This one was pretty good, but I think we've had enough diamond-centric episodes lately. I liked Natasha...Goemon you perv slicing her clothes off. Definitely didn't see the twist of her being Dunchone's daughter either: So while Fujiko betrayed them, again, I almost wished she got away with it, for Natasha's sake. However, in the end animal treatment made the difference for a second episode in a row, this time involving a pigeon: Be nice to animals kids! > Quote
blueraven1999 Posted December 29, 2016 Posted December 29, 2016 Pokemon XY ep 88 Buu: The pigeon pics are nice, but I think the mouse pics with Lupin were cuter. I like both though. Quote
blueraven1999 Posted December 29, 2016 Posted December 29, 2016 WWW Working!! 10 Interesting ep. The last two eps have been better than the norm. If the show ends this well, I'll up my MAL score from 6 to 7. Quote
blueraven1999 Posted December 29, 2016 Posted December 29, 2016 Sound! Euphonium S2 ep 7 I liked the music a lot this episode. Quote
BUU8800 Posted December 29, 2016 Author Posted December 29, 2016 Lupin III: Part II 142 In which an old friend of Jigen's, Lord Weather, challenges Lupin to steal his prized racing horse, Red Arrow. Yeah, we're getting closer now to the two episodes MAL claims Hayao Miyazaki directed. While this isn't one of them, I wouldn't be shocked to learn he had a hand in this one too. All the characters look much closer to how they do in Castle of Cagliostro, and Lord Weather looks near identical to that film's villain. Still need to watch it btw, I've only seen clips. Plotwise Lupin isn't nearly as caring with horses as he is mice and pigeons. Skydiving with one and overfeeding another to the point of comedic obesity...oh well! Lupin III: Part II 143 In which the president of a failing bank challenges Lupin to rob it in hopes of using the accompanying publicity for revitalization! Another Cagliostro-heavy design outing. Well they certainly had fun with this episode. It seemed to have much more life to it than a lot of other recent ones. Humor was on point, from the Looney Tunes-esque opening chase with Zenigata to the look at the random cheating wife reveal during the drill scene to some of the publicity gags to Goemon breaking his sword! I'm sure that'll be swiftly forgotten. There were several very nice head on or near head on shots in this one too: I was surprised that really everyone won in the end, even the president. Well I guess not Zenigata but...the chase continues! Lupin III: Part II 144 In which a pair of elderly thieves from his grandfather's era are hired to kidnap Fujiko away from Lupin on her birthday! Holy hell! Fujiko was kidnapped...without betraying Lupin for once! This was an okay episode for the most part. Lupin's preparation for Fujiko's birthday at the beginning were sweet. The whole publicity motivation behind the main evil guy felt too similar to the previous episode. The brother's catchphrase never really caught on for me. Maybe I just missed something. The whole stadium setup, Zenigata getting imprisoned, and Fujiko in the glass case for what was probably a full 24 hours was a bit ridiculous and not in a good way, but I did like her scene with Lupin at the end: Too bad it won't last. Quote
BUU8800 Posted December 29, 2016 Author Posted December 29, 2016 Flip Flappers 13(END) Final Thoughts: And so Cocona and Papika escape Pure Illusion together and...the end! > Well I guess it's an ending anyway...sure. I can say Salt IS Cocona's dad now. Mimi was a much better mom than Ragyo...which I only bring up because visually this reminded me a lot of Kill la Kill. One word to describe this show? Random. Very. I recently learned the lead writer left midway through so maybe that's a factor. The show had some nice female leads, at times vivid colors and fluid animation. But it certainly was very random and confusing, even when it decided to focus on a single plot these last few episodes. Well I had fun anyway. Nothing great, but solid 7/10 material I'd say. And with that, the last Fall series I watched not continuing into Winter has ended! Here's how I'd rate and rank them from best to worst: 1. Poco's Udon World - 8/10 2. Keijo!!!!!!!! - 7/10 3. Girlish Number - 7/10 4. Flip Flappers - 7/10 5. Drifters - 7/10 6. Okusama ga Seitokaichou!+! - 7/10 7. Mahou Shoujo Nante Ii Desukara, Season 2 - 7/10 8. Nazotokine - 6/10 9. Sound! Euphonium, Season 2 - 5/10 I feel like Poco's high above the rest, the next 3 or 4 are interchangeable. Then a few shorts, then Euphonium. A pretty disappointing season overall, probably the weakest of 2016 for me, which sucks since Fall is my favorite actual season. I will say Saiki beats Poco, but I don't count it for Fall. 3-gatsu has a good chance to too, but it's only half done. There are other Fall shows I meant to watch but didn't. Maybe I'll discover a gem or two amongst them someday. Well now I can post my Top 10 Anime of 2016 list, but not now. Sometime between now and New Years though certainly. Quote
Judy Posted December 29, 2016 Posted December 29, 2016 Been watching streams of DB Super, but eh...I'm just so over Dragonball. My girlfriend doesn't really like anime, so watching it has been few and far between. My favorite anime that I'm following pretty religiously right now, is Koutetsujou no Kabaneri...really awesome series Quote
CAC Posted December 29, 2016 Posted December 29, 2016 Forgot to post yesterdays update. Ajin 2nd Season eps. 12 - 13 End Drifters eps. 10 - 12 End Kizumonogatari II: Nekketsu-hen (Movie) Keijo!!!!!!!! eps. 10 - 12 End Quote
granzchesta Posted December 29, 2016 Posted December 29, 2016 Finished Sound! Euphonium S2 I'm wondering if a season 3 is possible Quote
BUU8800 Posted December 30, 2016 Author Posted December 30, 2016 Lupin III: Part II 145 In which Lupin takes to the skies to rescue Fujiko from a madman with a stockpile of atomic bombs! Well...I say rescue but considering Fujiko beats the tar out of all the bad guys nearly single-handedly maybe that's an exaggeration. Seriously, the girl's like Rambo or something here: Just contrast her pro-activeness here with the previous episode that had her in a box the entire episode. If you couldn't tell by how different she acts her appearance is a dead giveaway that Miyazaki directed this one. Tell me she's not a dead Nausicaa wringer in that fourth pic. Very similar anyway. Speaking of similarities the bad guy's an inspiration for Dr. Robotnik no doubt: Another sign Miyazaki worked on this? The airplaines, his love for them is obvious. Definitely reminiscent of what was to come with Porco Rosso or Wind Rises: Overall this was quite different from most other Lupin outings, but not in a bad way. A beautifully animated, exciting adventure. One of the best. Quote
blueraven1999 Posted December 30, 2016 Posted December 30, 2016 Buu: That sounds like a really good episode O0 Watched Pokemon XY ep 90. Quote
BUU8800 Posted December 30, 2016 Author Posted December 30, 2016 Lupin III: Part II 146 In which a young genius on the run from the KGB challenges Lupin to a heist off! Odd role for Fujiko in this one. Not exactly wanting to betray Lupin, but she was definitely helping the kid. That middle stuff with her meeting the CIA coulda been better explained. In the end Lupin caught on to his illness and helped the kid too, getting his reward: Lupin III: Part II 147 In which Lupin is tasked to rob a train guarded by Zenigata to recover a crystal mermaid modeled after Fujiko after the artist takes back his promise to give it to her! Nothing too remarkable about this one...except perhaps the Goemon human snow plow! > Poor Zenigata, he was doing fine until that idiot got him drunk, yet still takes all the blame. Such is life. And in the end the mermaid shattered, perhaps for the best. Quote
EyeOfPain Posted December 30, 2016 Posted December 30, 2016 Lupin III: Part II 145 In which Lupin takes to the skies to rescue Fujiko from a madman with a stockpile of atomic bombs! Well...I say rescue but considering Fujiko beats the tar out of all the bad guys nearly single-handedly maybe that's an exaggeration. Seriously, the girl's like Rambo or something here: Just contrast her pro-activeness here with the previous episode that had her in a box the entire episode. If you couldn't tell by how different she acts her appearance is a dead giveaway that Miyazaki directed this one. Tell me she's not a dead Nausicaa wringer in that fourth pic. Very similar anyway. Speaking of similarities the bad guy's an inspiration for Dr. Robotnik no doubt: Another sign Miyazaki worked on this? The airplaines, his love for them is obvious. Definitely reminiscent of what was to come with Porco Rosso or Wind Rises: Overall this was quite different from most other Lupin outings, but not in a bad way. A beautifully animated, exciting adventure. One of the best. Does she just get captured in every episode now? Expelled from Paradise Grave of the Fireflies Gunbuster: The Movie Gunbuster 2: Diebuster Quote
BUU8800 Posted December 30, 2016 Author Posted December 30, 2016 Naw, but at times it certainly can feel like it. Her betrayals are more common as far as that goes. > Lupin III: Part II 148 In which Jigen's sniper skills are put to the test during a diamond heist! Well...that's how the episode's advertised anyway, but it's really only half the story. Goemon saving Lupin's life takes focus near the end. Nice faces: Definitely a guy's night out episode as for once Lupin tells Fujiko to take a hike when she comes around for a share after the job. This confused me initially since we saw her with Lupin earlier on, but I guess they weren't working together then or...something. > And they say Lupin has the monkey face! > Lupin III: Part II 149 In which Lupin faces Patra Lawrence, the grandaughter of Lawrence of Arabia, over Mohammed's treasure in Mecca. You know...here I was about to praise the show for introducing this badass who outshot Jigen, outdueled Goemon, and outfoxed Lupin to come out on top. Except no, it was Fujiko all along and Lupin played her. Damnit show, I shouldn't be falling for this so late in the game! > I'm just not used to Fujiko being so...badass. Then again she did become Rambo in 145...how quickly I forgot. The oil stuff was kinda boring, although I liked it as the hidden motivation. Silly Fujiko, you can't fool Lupin...unless the plot requires it! > Lupin III: Part II 150 In which Fujiko promises Lupin anything if he can steal her a piano. Another basic episode without much to say. The titular zoo disguise segment was fun...all 2 minutes of it. And once again no Fujiko for Lupin in the end...better luck next time. Lupin III: Part II 151 In which, after a botched diamond heist, Fujiko is captured by Zenigata and must be saved by Lupin and crew! Yay! Fujiko captured again! Yeah, well worn territory, but I liked it. The Cagliostro-esque visuals are back, making for livelier animation at least. Not on 145's level, but the changes in design are so jarring it almost feels like a different show. Lupin's car escapes with Jigen/Goemon were fun, and that bridge jump was a pretty nice spectacle. Zenigata seemed smarter/more competent than usual...until the idiot ball kicked in near the end anyway. Fujiko and Lupin's beach dance was adorable, but in the end it's tough luck for Lupin yet again. Quote
BUU8800 Posted December 30, 2016 Author Posted December 30, 2016 Alright, gonna hold off on more Lupin until tonight so instead here, from best to worst, is my Top 10 Anime of 2016 List: 1. Flying Witch 2. Amaama to Inazuma 3. My Hero Academia 4. Boku dake ga Inai Machi 5. And you thought there is never a girl online? 6. Shouwa Genroku Rakugo Shinjuu 7. KonoSuba: God's Blessing on This Wonderful World! 8. The Disastrous Life of Saiki K. 9. Bakuon!! 10. Amanchu! I had Poco's Udon World at #5 before the ending with everything else bumped down and Amanchu off the list. I see 4 of these already have sequels in the works, 2 of which premiere next week! Alright, now to go picture hunting for an MAL update... Quote
DragonSinger Posted December 30, 2016 Posted December 30, 2016 Fate/Zero 8 I'll probably finish the first season today, start the 2nd one tonight or tomorrow, and then roll into Unlimited Blade Works once I've done enough work to earn more free time. Quote
1pooh4u Posted December 30, 2016 Posted December 30, 2016 I will be watching the second season of Aijin Demi Human on Netflix tonight. I'm sure it's shit to the anime connoisseur but I liked season 1 Quote
DragonSinger Posted December 30, 2016 Posted December 30, 2016 Fate/Zero 14. Caster and his master are crazy as fuck. Quote
1pooh4u Posted December 30, 2016 Posted December 30, 2016 Fate/Zero 14. Caster and his master are crazy as fuck. I'm going to check it out, thanks! Quote
DragonSinger Posted December 30, 2016 Posted December 30, 2016 I'm going to check it out, thanks! This is my first time watching it, and the fights are beautifully animated. The action has been amping up in both style and emotion, so I've taken mini breaks in between episodes. Even knowing Fate background from the first tv series and spoilers online doesn't lessen the intensity. Going into episode 16 now. Quote
1pooh4u Posted December 30, 2016 Posted December 30, 2016 This is my first time watching it, and the fights are beautifully animated. The action has been amping up in both style and emotion, so I've taken mini breaks in between episodes. Even knowing Fate background from the first tv series and spoilers online doesn't lessen the intensity. Going into episode 16 now. That sounds like an anime I would like. I liked ajin cuz I just thought the artwork was beautiful, at first it hits the eye weird, but then I really started to appreciate it, also the things the ajin could do were pretty friggin' cool ;D Quote
granzchesta Posted December 30, 2016 Posted December 30, 2016 March Comes in Like a Lion 11 Very refreshing to watch after the last few episodes. I love the sister squad. Quote
DragonSinger Posted December 30, 2016 Posted December 30, 2016 That sounds like an anime I would like. I liked ajin cuz I just thought the artwork was beautiful, at first it hits the eye weird, but then I really started to appreciate it, also the things the ajin could do were pretty friggin' cool ;D I've seen a few episodes of Knights of Sidonia on Netflix without it bothering me visually, so Ajin probably won't be an exception. Ajin's been on my watchlist because I saw a lot of people really into its second season, so you're in good company. Quote
DragonSinger Posted December 30, 2016 Posted December 30, 2016 Fate/Zero 18 Okay, this is a way more fucked up backstory than what I was expecting. Quote
DragonSinger Posted December 31, 2016 Posted December 31, 2016 Fate/Zero 25 A little wonky with explaining things in the last ten minutes but it didn't take away from the ending of the series. It did also get a little weird with choking female characters in the last few episodes which would have stuck out less if it weren't for the sausage fest. Quote
BUU8800 Posted December 31, 2016 Author Posted December 31, 2016 Lupin III: Part II 152 In which Minnesota Fats challenges Jigen after exploiting his weakness...his hats! Wait...what? Yes, apparently Jigen's only good with a gun while wearing his hat to aim. If that sounds idiotic that's because...it is! I can only assume we've seen some hatless sharpshooting from him before I can't recall from memory. He doesn't even rise above this by the end either, he just tricks Fats into an avalanche and Fujiko buys him a new hat. What? > Part of me thinks they only wrote this to draw Jigen in a dozen different hats. Quote
Blatch Posted December 31, 2016 Posted December 31, 2016 BAKUON!! #8 Space Ghost Coast to Coast: "Flipmode" Quote
EyeOfPain Posted December 31, 2016 Posted December 31, 2016 Harmony Vampire Hunter D: Bloodlust Flip Flappers 13 [end] Night on the Galactic Railroad And with Galactic Railroad, that should be all the BD movies out of my backlog. Quote
BUU8800 Posted December 31, 2016 Author Posted December 31, 2016 Lupin III: Part II 153 In which, while on the run from Zenigata with stolen cash, Lupin and company encounter a nun. Kept waiting for that Fujiko reveal for the nun, but it never came. How sweet then of Lupin to literally build a new church with his stolen money...willingly or not. ;D Lupin III: Part II 154 In which Lupin's group steals a large gold reserve with Nazi origins! So they managed to fit in one final Nazi episode before the end eh? I was about to lose my shit when Hitler actually showed up until it was revealed to be Lupin. Still...why did that Nazi guy act surprised at the deception? Is Hitler still alive and looking the same as in 1945 in the 1980 Lupinverse? I'm overthinking it. > I figured they'd actually succeed for once as soon as Nazis got involved. Nice, betrayal free team effort. I know there's no real continuity, but with next episode being the finale their comments about being able to retire gave a nice sense of closure. Fujiko's giddiness at this realization was especially adorable: http://i.imgur.com/r5Y1mbt.png/ [/img] Quote
1pooh4u Posted December 31, 2016 Posted December 31, 2016 I've seen a few episodes of Knights of Sidonia on Netflix without it bothering me visually, so Ajin probably won't be an exception. Ajin's been on my watchlist because I saw a lot of people really into its second season, so you're in good company. I just happened upon ajin I was watching The Devil is a Part Timer ( I think that was the name. The devil comes to Earth and works at a burger joint) but then I couldn't find it on Netflix anymore. I'm glad I'm not the only one into Ajin. I don't watch a lot of anime anymore and even when I did I was and I guess I still am, someone that enjoys pretty much anything. If I get wrapped up into the universe I like it. I really like this anime called myriad colors phantom world but people that know anime thought it was so so. That's why I don't recommend stuff Quote
DragonSinger Posted December 31, 2016 Posted December 31, 2016 I just happened upon ajin I was watching The Devil is a Part Timer ( I think that was the name. The devil comes to Earth and works at a burger joint) but then I couldn't find it on Netflix anymore. I'm glad I'm not the only one into Ajin. I don't watch a lot of anime anymore and even when I did I was and I guess I still am, someone that enjoys pretty much anything. If I get wrapped up into the universe I like it. I really like this anime called myriad colors phantom world but people that know anime thought it was so so. That's why I don't recommend stuff I think Devil is a Part Timer expired on Netflix a few months ago, and thank you for reminding me to check what's leaving it in January. I think having generic taste in anime happens to a lot of people because anime is the only medium that constantly provides shows which contain tropes not seen on regular tv. And since it's nice just having access to those tropes, it might be more easily enjoyed than the regular stuff even if it's a plot you've seen a dozen times(I am totally guilty of this with 'A group of misfits possessing powers run a business or secret government organization to solve magical problems' anime). As for what I'm watching, Fate/Stay Night: Unlimited Blade Works season 2 episode 6. I'm putting the rest of the series on hold and might do a rewatch later. Watching this directly after Fate/Zero is ruining it for me. The drop in quality of the writing just makes UBW look lazy too. The underlying storyline about Shirou could be an interesting take on the 'I'm going to save everyone' protag, but it seems like the studio is unwilling to put in the effort to give it depth. Instead, too much screentime is given to Rin and Shirou flirting with each other instead of properly building up to the fights, and by the second season, there's really been no attempt to truly develop any of the characters. *Sigh* Fate/Zero friggin spoiled me. Quote
PokeNirvash Posted December 31, 2016 Posted December 31, 2016 Rewatched Kuromukuro 5, Oreimo 2 11, and March Comes In Like a Lion 6. Quote
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