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they gave me some paper towels, a bunch of house cleaning and bathroom stuff, a bag of jelly beans, some hot cocoa packets and some literature about Jesus and his twin brother or something. weirdos. I should tell them I'm Mormon


doesn't matter if its true or not, the result is the same


but if you're into that kind of thing, more power to you :P

i'm just not a fan of mid day religious interruptions... or sales pitches 


They've been watching you masturbate and want you to clean up your life and your bathroom.  Be thankful that they care.


And Jesus did indeed have a twin brother, several apparently......Which I think kinda dissolves the notion of twins, but religion is stupid that way



I was raised by a very religious mother so I'm used to it  :D they also left a nice pair of socks  :o



i sure hope they had some sweet religious graphics on them!



my mom was extremely religious when i was a small child, but thats basically over and done with now.






It was nice of them to leave you a goodie bag, though I don't really like it when people leave religious tracts.


I used to have some Jehovah's Witness neighbors and they would leave tracts in my mailbox until they realized they weren't going to convert me.


personal experience tells me that saying such things would only make getting rid of them more difficult


its like a challenge


I think I scared ours away. During their last visit when I said, "Sorry man, I don't do church," the guy kept repeating "Don't do church" like a broken robot, and he seemed really eager to get away from me. It's been 3 years since then, and that's the longest they've let us be.


they gave me some paper towels, a bunch of house cleaning and bathroom stuff, a bag of jelly beans, some hot cocoa packets and some literature about Jesus and his twin brother or something. weirdos. I should tell them I'm Mormon

They haven't bothered with me since I put the Kanji on the front door.

no just the same stuff about Jesus and going to heaven


Fun fact- JWs don't want to go to heaven when they die- there's no air up there and it's pretty boring. When you die a JW, you go into a hole in the ground. Only 144 thousand people will actually go to heaven, where they'll meet Jehovah and come back as teachers; restoring earth to the original Garden. Then all the dead will rise again and have eternal lives in paradise, lion will lay with the lamb, all that jazz.


They promised me the dinosaurs would come  back too and I could hang out with them, but I think they were just making shit up.

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