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we've stuck our noses in other people's (countries) shite for so long in the name of the almighty USD, that 'we' can't get out. too invested 

desert sheild/storm being a fantastic  example. 'we' (u.s troops -army/marine) to babysit fields. desert oil fields. (ghawar, how ya' doin'? 3rd MARDIV at your service), 

while simultaneously getting woke to the great military complex. maybe. 

but I digress.

watching some folks here with all the examples, and answers, calling the next shot, don't forget, that your 'dream chess play', is someone's real life, that has absolutely yNO business. NONE being over in a country that offers and has NOTHING for them. 



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Amazing stuff going on right now.



Anonymous U.S. officials have said Israel conducted a strike inside Iran. But the strike was so precise and so limited, that Iranian state run media are casting doubt on whether it occurred. Here's an example of an official spokesman for Iran: 




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I actually saw one post on an IRGC social media account which, if I understood, gave a warning to Western media outlets to NOT make a big deal out of the Israeli strike because it could change Iran's strategic calculus. Which was self aware.


"We've decided to downplay this, and you should too."

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IAEA confirms no damage made to Iran's nuclear sites in Israel's attack

Israel returned fire last night, and their choice of targets is very notable. They chose to lob pot shots at the cities that hold Iranian nuclear weapons facilities. Those pot shots appear to have made it all the way to the target city. Israel just let Iran know that if they were serious they could take out the Iranian nuclear program. That stands in stark contrast to the Iranian attack that was entire wiped out before it made it to their targets.

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On 4/19/2024 at 7:17 PM, Master-Debater131 said:


The lunatic fringe for.... not wanting Israel to indiscriminately slaughter cities with no regard for who is or is not guilty....?

Maybe you should apply your flagrant disregard for basic human rights to the American justice system. What would it look like if it were as eager to find guilt as you and Israel are toward Palestinians?

Edited by naraku360
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17 hours ago, Master-Debater131 said:

Here's the problem that no one seems to want to discuss....

Palestinians feel that they have no room for discourse because any discussion about oppression at the hands of the Israeli government are met with calls of anti-semitism, and it's not without good cause.  In part because the Israeli government has lumped in its grave mismanagement of the IDF's operations in with the wholly justified operation to eliminate Hamas as an functional entity, criticism of Israel is escalated into and conflated with extemist calls for the elimination of the Jewish state.  Even generally well-respected organizations like the ADL have sided with the Israeli government rather than acknowledge that Netanyahu and his cabinet have abused Israel's standing.

This is a problem a long time in the making and just every American administration since Truman has had a hand in it.  We didn't create a proper two state cohabitation in the very beginning and when successive Israeli administrations punted on reforms that would have allowed Palestinians to exist side-by-side with Israelis, we did nothing.  That, ultimately is what's behind the current crisis:  a fundamental refusals to acknowledge that Palestinians have an equal right as Jews to govern themselves on the land they've occupied for nearly two millennia.  It's not zero-sum - you can't deny Jews the right to their ancestral home so that the Palestinians can continue to live there, and you can't force Palestinians to leave the place they've called home since the Roman diaspora.  Both have to co-exist in the same space.

This all-or-nothing attitude tends to pervade every discussion without every being explicitly uttered.  When it's not identified, it becomes ignored to the increasing peril of both.  Extremist groups like Hamas are no different than their white supremacist counterparts here in the US.  Like white racists, they find it easier to frame out their extremist charter when they have a conflict to lend moral justification to the "goal" of their cause.  For years, conservatives have been using crime as a justification for  restricting or outright eliminating programs designed to help minorities overcome institutional gaps on the basis that it gives people the incentive to turn to crime.  In turn, that widens the socioeconomic gap and leads to more people turning to crime.  Hamas has been able to exploit the sheer disregard by Israel and it allies for the physical and economic well being of Palestinians to justify terrorism which, in turn, makes it extremely difficult for Jewish citizens to side with commonsense measures for Palestinian self reliance, which, in turn, creates an unwillingness for Palestinians to accept the presence of Jews.

We are at a point where neither has a path to coexisting with the other, and that will only lead to the eradication of both.

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The media and Congress focusing on Pro Palestinian protests on University Campuses instead of on Israel bombing the shit out of Rafah (southern Gaza) and Netanyahu saying he will continue to do so is crazy to me. 

I’m not saying allow antisemitism at protests but Congress wasting time on it as Israel gets 26bn in taxpayer $ to continue to drop bombs which obliterate entire families in an instant, is also not the way. 

I haven’t forgotten about the Israeli hostages and I’m not trying to disrespect them or their families, but Netanyahu doesn’t gaf about them. The IDF has killed some themselves and I doubt any are still alive.    

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On 4/21/2024 at 6:19 PM, Master-Debater131 said:


Its OK, its just anti-Israel protests. Not something far more sinister at all.


Your commentary on Israel is what's antisemitic. Very much so, in fact.

How do you know these people were targeting Jewish people? Were they able to use their Jewdar? Did they look at them and figure it out by how Jewy they look?

Your unwillingness to accept that supporting Israel is not synonymous with being Jewish is deeply antisemitic. Whether or not my grandfather was, or my mom is, Jewish has literally nothing to do with Israel. If my grandfather were alive, he'd be viscerally repulsed by what Israel is doing, as is my mom. He was, and she is, Jewish by virtue of practicing the religion. Israel has nothing to do with it.

But please, tell me how antisemitic that is. My quarter Hebrew ass be busy visiting my mom for a seder supper tonight while you behave indistinguishable from your 2016 nemesises, hated by you for throwing accusations of bigotry at the drop of a hat.

It's totally not offensive to compare Jews to nazis for daring to have nuance in their opinions or anything.

You don't oppose antisemitism. You are antisemitic. You don't get to "fight" antisemitism with antisemitism. That's not how it works.

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8 hours ago, 1pooh4u said:


I haven’t forgotten about the Israeli hostages and I’m not trying to disrespect them or their families, but Netanyahu doesn’t gaf about them. The IDF has killed some themselves and I doubt any are still alive.    

There's a reason why they haven't been bragging about how great flooding the tunnels has been going despite how proud they were to start that project.

They are still supposedly doing that, but no one is allowed to report about it. 

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13 minutes ago, katt_goddess said:

There's a reason why they haven't been bragging about how great flooding the tunnels has been going despite how proud they were to start that project.

They are still supposedly doing that, but no one is allowed to report about it. 

The Israeli government and the IDF are outrageous liars.  They haven’t destroyed a single tunnel.  Now the IDF is saying that report about mass graves is completely unfounded. Bullfuckinshit!  Over 25k people are dead. In some cases there’s no safe way to have a proper burial or there are no family left to bury the dead. There definitely are mass graves. I have no doubt.  


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You can't leave mass amounts of dead bodies out in the open. It spreads disease to the rest of the population and to be even more blunt, the smell gets into everything possible and is all but impossible to remove. To deny that there are mass graves at this point is bullshit. There aren't enough people left healthy to bury each murder victim individually and there hasn't been reports of plagues yet to show that bodies aren't being dealt with in some way quickly. :|  

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On 4/22/2024 at 1:56 PM, scoobdog said:

Here's the problem that no one seems to want to discuss....

Palestinians feel that they have no room for discourse because any discussion about oppression at the hands of the Israeli government are met with calls of anti-semitism, and it's not without good cause.  In part because the Israeli government has lumped in its grave mismanagement of the IDF's operations in with the wholly justified operation to eliminate Hamas as an functional entity, criticism of Israel is escalated into and conflated with extemist calls for the elimination of the Jewish state.  Even generally well-respected organizations like the ADL have sided with the Israeli government rather than acknowledge that Netanyahu and his cabinet have abused Israel's standing.

This is a problem a long time in the making and just every American administration since Truman has had a hand in it.  We didn't create a proper two state cohabitation in the very beginning and when successive Israeli administrations punted on reforms that would have allowed Palestinians to exist side-by-side with Israelis, we did nothing.  That, ultimately is what's behind the current crisis:  a fundamental refusals to acknowledge that Palestinians have an equal right as Jews to govern themselves on the land they've occupied for nearly two millennia.  It's not zero-sum - you can't deny Jews the right to their ancestral home so that the Palestinians can continue to live there, and you can't force Palestinians to leave the place they've called home since the Roman diaspora.  Both have to co-exist in the same space.

This all-or-nothing attitude tends to pervade every discussion without every being explicitly uttered.  When it's not identified, it becomes ignored to the increasing peril of both.  Extremist groups like Hamas are no different than their white supremacist counterparts here in the US.  Like white racists, they find it easier to frame out their extremist charter when they have a conflict to lend moral justification to the "goal" of their cause.  For years, conservatives have been using crime as a justification for  restricting or outright eliminating programs designed to help minorities overcome institutional gaps on the basis that it gives people the incentive to turn to crime.  In turn, that widens the socioeconomic gap and leads to more people turning to crime.  Hamas has been able to exploit the sheer disregard by Israel and it allies for the physical and economic well being of Palestinians to justify terrorism which, in turn, makes it extremely difficult for Jewish citizens to side with commonsense measures for Palestinian self reliance, which, in turn, creates an unwillingness for Palestinians to accept the presence of Jews.

We are at a point where neither has a path to coexisting with the other, and that will only lead to the eradication of both.

Missing from this is the context on who, since the very founding of Israel, has tried to eliminate Israel from the map.

One side has tried to work for peace over and over and over again, and the other wants to eliminate them from existence. And hint, its not Israel who wants to go to war.

The entire reason Israel is the way that it is right now is because from the founding moments of the modern nation of Israel their neighbors have tried multiple times to eliminate them. Israel and much of the Arab world has worked past that and is achieving peace. But one group of people flatly refuses to even start the talks of a peaceful two-state solution. "From the river to the sea" is a genocidal slogan that means the elimination of the entire state of Israel. Pretty damn hard to achieve peace when one side wants to eradicate an entire group of people.

October 6th Israel and Palatinate had peace.

October 7th Palestine declared war.

Its not Israel who keeps starting wars.

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so...palestine has been under rule of conquerers since i guess some time after the bronze age? maybe.

then egypt, then isrealites sometime in the 1200ish BC seems the philistines settled there around that time as well....

then we have babylon, a few spotted here and there until the roman empire 60ish BC fast forward to 60ish CE jewish-romans war, where judea was demolished. to the ground. (hold on...i'm getting there)

from there, we have a period when christian, muslim and jews , with muslims pretty much taking syria , from here, there's been tug of war, re-enstatement of the ottoman control, then, of course britian,:

"Against the wishes of the Palestinians, the British facilitated Zionist settlement of Palestine by upholding liberal immigration policies and allowing Jewish mass immigration. The immigration caused a major demographic shift and alarmed the Arabs. In the census conducted in 1922 the population of Palestine was 763,550 of which 89 percent were Arabs and 11 percent Jews. By the end of 1947 the Jewish share of the population had risen to 31 percent.

In 1933, Adolf Hitler came to power in Germany, and the Haavara agreement between the Zionist Federation and the Third Reich was to facilitate the emigration of German Jews. Jewish immigration dramatically increased during the mid-1930s.In 1935, 62,000 Jews entered Palestine, the highest number since the mandate began in 1920.

Between 1922 and 1947, the annual growth rate of the Jewish sector of the economy was 13.2%, mainly due to immigration and foreign capital, while that of the Arab was 6.5%. Per capita, these figures were 4.8% and 3.6% respectively. By 1936, the Jewish sector had eclipsed the Arab one, and Jewish individuals earned 2.6 times as much as Arabs. In terms of human capital, there was a huge difference. For instance, the literacy rates in 1932 were 86% for the Jews against 22% for the Arabs, although Arab literacy was steadily increasing.[546] Palestine continued to develop economically during World War II, with increased industrial and agricultural outputs and the period was considered an "economic Boom". In terms of Arab-Jewish relations, these were relatively quiet times.

Starting in 1939 and throughout World War II, Britain reduced the number of Jewish immigrants allowed into Palestine, following the publication of the White Paper of 1939. Once the 15,000 annual quota was exceeded, Jews fleeing Nazi persecution were placed in detention camps or deported to places such as Mauritius.[548] The Anglo-American Committee of Inquiry's findings published in 1946 divested the White Paper and caused Britain to ease restrictions on Jewish immigration to Palestine."

^ wiki

what i'm saying is this. this has been an embattled country/peoples/ideals for centuries. and every other big nation, calling the shots, , with people in the world cheering on the slaughter of the innocent, for the sake of a small number of people that have a fringe belief; that small number of people, don't even live there, have nothing to do with the struggles of that country, and yet, bow up at the computer screen, ecstatic that they got those 2 indivuals walking back, to bury their dead, to view their home, with a missle. a fucking missle.


i'm not entirely sure why you think your rhetoric and armchair coaching tactics are...warranted? just as my insertion of opinion of your fucking bullshit isn't warranted. 

but it has to be said. MD, i really hope, truly, truly, that this is a schtick, that you don't honestly believe that this is the answer? that this genocide is the answer? 

if this is truly your belief, well, i'm here to say, you're no better then the terrorists the IDF seek out. j/s

Edited by discolé monade
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1 hour ago, Master-Debater131 said:

The sad thing is that this isnt even satire anymore. The horseshoe theory is dead on, and these "protests" prove it. The "protestors" have more in common with the far-right than they do with the rest of the country.

All they are missing are some tiki-torches and they would be right at home in Charlottesville.


That's the Babylon Bee.


The Babylon Bee is a conservative Christian news satire website that publishes satirical articles on topics including religion, politics, current events, and public figures. It has been referred to as a Christian or conservative version of The Onion.[1][2]


Wiki is a great deal more generous with its definition than I'd be. Satire typically involves being funny or having the capacity to deliver a joke.

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1 hour ago, Master-Debater131 said:

The sad thing is that this isnt even satire anymore. The horseshoe theory is dead on, and these "protests" prove it. The "protestors" have more in common with the far-right than they do with the rest of the country.

All they are missing are some tiki-torches and they would be right at home in Charlottesville.


Oh, god. Now that I've looked at the article, you didn't read this article and actually think it was real, did you....?

This dialogue is....



I don't think my body can survive the lethal amounts of cringe reading further will induce. I made it 2 paragraphs. It's so unbelievably terrible.

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This is no 1960’s love-in during anti-Israel rallies at elite universities


"Amid the disruptions at elite universities across the nation, it is tempting to compare the student protests over Gaza to uprisings during the Vietnam War. 

Five decades after Columbia, Berkeley and other schools were rocked by student riots, police raids and chants of “Hell No, We Won’t Go,” tent cities and mass “teach-ins” are popping up again on some of the same campuses. 

Now as then, quisling administrators are afraid to enforce rules and radical faculty members egg on the bullhorn bullies.

Students who want the education their parents paid for are ignored as classes are either canceled or offered on a remote-only basis. 

But the comparison to the past only goes so far because there are fundamental differences in motivation.

The earlier uprising was driven by opposition to a war in Asia that produced a televised stream of American body bags and the panic of young men facing a military draft. 

Today’s protests are driven by something far more sinister: anti-semitism.

From coast to coast, Jews are suddenly villains and Hamas terrorists are heroes. 

The narrative is ancient, updated only with contemporary locations and storylines.

Otherwise, it’s straight out of Germany in the 1930s and carries echoes dating back several millenniums. "



The sad and inescapable reality is that these campus protests are now dominated by antisemitism. What started as pro-Palestinian protests are now fully and wholly about antisemitism. They are blocking Jewish speakers and students from entering campuses, shouting violent antisemitic rhetoric, and creating an atmosphere so prone to antisemitic violence that campuses are having to go to fully remote learning because they cant guarantee the safety of Jewish students.

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14 minutes ago, naraku360 said:

That's the Babylon Bee.


Wiki is a great deal more generous with its definition than I'd be. Satire typically involves being funny or having the capacity to deliver a joke.

You pretty clearly missed where I called out that its satire. Albeit satire that is so close to reality at this point that its becoming harder and harder to differentiate.


The far-left and far-right have much more in common at this point than either group would want to admit.

All they are missing on campus are Tiki-Torches.

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3 minutes ago, Master-Debater131 said:

You pretty clearly missed where I called out that its satire. Albeit satire that is so close to reality at this point that its becoming harder and harder to differentiate.


The far-left and far-right have much more in common at this point than either group would want to admit.

All they are missing on campus are Tiki-Torches.

"It isn't even satire anymore.":

"Wait, you hate Jews too? I wanted to punch nazis but you're making it so hard!"


Oh man, such believable dialogue. Barely even satire.

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51 minutes ago, discolé monade said:

so...palestine has been under rule of conquerers since i guess some time after the bronze age? maybe.

then egypt, then isrealites sometime in the 1200ish BC seems the philistines settled there around that time as well....

then we have babylon, a few spotted here and there until the roman empire 60ish BC fast forward to 60ish CE jewish-romans war, where judea was demolished. to the ground. (hold on...i'm getting there)

from there, we have a period when christian, muslim and jews , with muslims pretty much taking syria , from here, there's been tug of war, re-enstatement of the ottoman control, then, of course britian,:

"Against the wishes of the Palestinians, the British facilitated Zionist settlement of Palestine by upholding liberal immigration policies and allowing Jewish mass immigration. The immigration caused a major demographic shift and alarmed the Arabs. In the census conducted in 1922 the population of Palestine was 763,550 of which 89 percent were Arabs and 11 percent Jews. By the end of 1947 the Jewish share of the population had risen to 31 percent.

In 1933, Adolf Hitler came to power in Germany, and the Haavara agreement between the Zionist Federation and the Third Reich was to facilitate the emigration of German Jews. Jewish immigration dramatically increased during the mid-1930s.In 1935, 62,000 Jews entered Palestine, the highest number since the mandate began in 1920.

Between 1922 and 1947, the annual growth rate of the Jewish sector of the economy was 13.2%, mainly due to immigration and foreign capital, while that of the Arab was 6.5%. Per capita, these figures were 4.8% and 3.6% respectively. By 1936, the Jewish sector had eclipsed the Arab one, and Jewish individuals earned 2.6 times as much as Arabs. In terms of human capital, there was a huge difference. For instance, the literacy rates in 1932 were 86% for the Jews against 22% for the Arabs, although Arab literacy was steadily increasing.[546] Palestine continued to develop economically during World War II, with increased industrial and agricultural outputs and the period was considered an "economic Boom". In terms of Arab-Jewish relations, these were relatively quiet times.

Starting in 1939 and throughout World War II, Britain reduced the number of Jewish immigrants allowed into Palestine, following the publication of the White Paper of 1939. Once the 15,000 annual quota was exceeded, Jews fleeing Nazi persecution were placed in detention camps or deported to places such as Mauritius.[548] The Anglo-American Committee of Inquiry's findings published in 1946 divested the White Paper and caused Britain to ease restrictions on Jewish immigration to Palestine."

^ wiki

what i'm saying is this. this has been an embattled country/peoples/ideals for centuries. and every other big nation, calling the shots, , with people in the world cheering on the slaughter of the innocent, for the sake of a small number of people that have a fringe belief; that small number of people, don't even live there, have nothing to do with the struggles of that country, and yet, bow up at the computer screen, ecstatic that they got those 2 indivuals walking back, to bury their dead, to view their home, with a missle. a fucking missle.


i'm not entirely sure why you think your rhetoric and armchair coaching tactics are...warranted? just as my insertion of your fucking bullshit isn't warranted. 

but it has to be said. MD, i really hope, truly, truly, that this is a schtick, that you don't honestly believe that this is the answer? that this genocide is the answer? 

if this is truly your belief, well, i'm here to say, you're no better then the terrorists the IDF seek out. j/s

I like that @Master-Debater131 was real quick to use the smallest of errors (not catching that she acknowledged satire, as she explicitly agreed with it) to ignore ALL OF THIS.

Could it be that all she has are cheap gotchas?! Color me shocked!

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1 minute ago, Master-Debater131 said:


This really might be the only way out of this at this point. Show all these privileged kids exactly what they are supporting. Smack them in the face with it.

Pro-Palestine is not the same as pro-Hamas.

How hard is that to understand?

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2 minutes ago, Master-Debater131 said:

They are literally parroting Hamas talking points and propaganda.

How hard is that to understand?

What talking points? That Israel doesn't universally represent all Jews? That Palestine isn't interchangeablle with Hamas?

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2 minutes ago, Master-Debater131 said:


Globalize the Intifada sure is one interesting slogan to go with. Im sure thats a peaceful slogan and has no other possible context.

I don't know who these people are because the post has no context to actually look into the incident. There's no video, so I don't heard the chanting.

Western campuses? Where? What campuses? Again, I have no fucking clue who these people are because your sources are random Tweets that don't bother to provide any sources.

Lets assume this is true: do you seriously think anyone here supports that?

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IDF ready to conquer Gaza’s Rafah, awaiting government okay, says senior official


"The Israel Defense Forces has conducted all necessary preparations to take Gaza’s southernmost city of Rafah and can launch an operation the moment it gets government approval, a senior Israeli defense official said Wednesday.

Israel deems Rafah the last Hamas bastion in the Gaza Strip and is poised to evacuate Palestinian civilians from there and assault Hamas holdouts, the unnamed official told the Reuters news agency, which didn’t specify whether the source was connected to the IDF.

A spokesperson for Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s government told the agency that Israel was “moving ahead” with a ground operation, but gave no timeline.


Meanwhile, multiple Israeli reports indicated that top Israeli security officials visited Egypt Wednesday to coordinate the planned offensive in Rafah."


Good. The remaining Hamas battalions are all in Rafah, and the IDF wont be able to defeat them without going in and finishing the job. Israel has already coordinated with Egypt on the attack, and has set up refugee camps for civilians to escape to, provided Hamas actually lets them leave. Its time to finish the job, and Israel appears poised to do just that. There can be no lasting peace until Hamas is eliminated and the Palestinian people can have leadership that represents them instead of terrorism.

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A few notes - 

The whole 'elite colleges' is bullshit. It's been a reich-wing talking point for awhile now and they've been using every opportunity this chaos brings to get any college president they don't like fired. And so far those presidents have all been...female. So the next time you hear some gop crybaby on the news demanding that these universities do something about the horrible nasty protesters, double-check on exactly who the president is of the university they are name-dropping. Because it's probably a female, a minority, or both. 

If you think there are anti-Semites in those protests, good eye. If you think they were invited, bad form. Right now, these protests easily attract bad actors that are only there to cause shit and then blend into the background. They did it during the BLM marches where those that were caught on camera doing stupid shit were found to be out-of-towners/members of white supremist loser groups that used the crowds to cause problems that would then be blamed on those people peacefully marching. But don't fret, they'll be wearing their red hats again soon enough. If a certain fart machine decides to demand another test of allegiance, the only way to show that is by putting on that blazing 'I'm a moron' hat. 

And right now, Rafah is packed gut to butt with displaced refugees. How many children do you think the IDF is going to outright murder in order to claim they 'got 'em!'. :| They aren't going to go through there carefully looking for the 'bad guy'. They are going to bomb the shit out of everything, claim the holes left behind are proof of terror tunnels and not blasted to nothing sewers, and if there is any ground work it will include shooting literally anything that moves. Netanyahu thinks he's some sort of reincarnated Levite priest ordering the complete destruction of a country's lawful occupants because the desert winds told him to. Either that or reincarnated Hitler since that timings right too and its still about the genocide. 

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5 hours ago, Master-Debater131 said:

IDF ready to conquer Gaza’s Rafah, awaiting government okay, says senior official


"The Israel Defense Forces has conducted all necessary preparations to take Gaza’s southernmost city of Rafah and can launch an operation the moment it gets government approval, a senior Israeli defense official said Wednesday.

Israel deems Rafah the last Hamas bastion in the Gaza Strip and is poised to evacuate Palestinian civilians from there and assault Hamas holdouts, the unnamed official told the Reuters news agency, which didn’t specify whether the source was connected to the IDF.

A spokesperson for Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s government told the agency that Israel was “moving ahead” with a ground operation, but gave no timeline.


Meanwhile, multiple Israeli reports indicated that top Israeli security officials visited Egypt Wednesday to coordinate the planned offensive in Rafah."


Good. The remaining Hamas battalions are all in Rafah, and the IDF wont be able to defeat them without going in and finishing the job. Israel has already coordinated with Egypt on the attack, and has set up refugee camps for civilians to escape to, provided Hamas actually lets them leave. Its time to finish the job, and Israel appears poised to do just that. There can be no lasting peace until Hamas is eliminated and the Palestinian people can have leadership that represents them instead of terrorism.

Why do you want the IDF to murder everyone in Gaza?

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