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At my job, I get all kinds of customers. For every good one, though, we get plenty of Karens and stupid idiots.

If there's three things I've learned from that job, it's these:

1. The customer is NOT always right! What? You insist that something's on sale but you got the wrong size of that item, the tag expired, etc.? Sorry, not sorry, but you're wrong. Why should we bend over backwards just to appease these entitled Karens, Kens, and everyone in between and beyond? By clinging to this "The customer is always right" mentality, you're giving them all the power. These people were probably never told "No" in their lives, and it shows.

2. Customers are inconsiderate of our time. They'll line up at the registers when we're about to clock out. They'll try to ask us for help when we're on breaks or otherwise off the clock. We're not allowed to help customers during our breaks, before clocking in, or after clocking out. Corporate is VERY clear about not working off the clock. Such is the law of our company.

3. Over half of retail customers are idiots, and half of those customers are dumber than that. Some will try to use a membership card from a completely different store at ours, as if they think it's the same company. Others can't read tags, coupons, and flyers for some reason. They'll insist that something's on sale even when the tag is clearly expired or they bought an item excluded from that sale. They'll kibbitz at us cashiers about something being BOGO before we've had a chance to scan everything and either scan their membership card or have them type their phone number in. They'll ask an employee if they work there WHEN THAT EMPLOYEE IS CLEARLY IN UNIFORM AND ON THE CLOCK, which is the dumbest thing they can ask someone. If these people can't read coupons, tags, or flyers (PROTIP: READ THE FINE PRINT! There are restrictions on EVERYTHING!); tell who's an employee; or shut up and let us scan their stuff before we find out whether it's on sale or not; that's on them, not us. I don't set the sale prices or decide what items are on sale. I don't make the decisions regarding our uniforms. I just work there. They'll even ask us when our pharmacy opens WHEN THE HOURS ARE CLEARLY POSTED OUT FRONT! How the hell are they unable to read the sign with our hours posted on it? HOW?

One day, I got a Ken who tried to blame ME for not having enough money in the drawer to give him cash back. I told him five times that we're only allowed to have so much money in each register at the beginning of the day (We hadn't even been open for an hour yet that day). I also told him that if we don't have the money in the drawer, we can't give it to him; and that we have an ATM in the front of the store. This isn't my fault! It's a cash register, not the U.S. Mint! But that Ken was having none of it. He gave me attitude for things that aren't even my fault. If I ever get him again and he does that shit, his ass is out the door with no items at all. Later in that first hour, I got another Ken who bitched at me because three jugs of laundry detergent he wanted to buy weren't ringing up as buy one, get two free. Never mind that he bought the wrong size jugs! I wanted to void the sale altogether, shove his shit off the counter, and kick him out of the store for that! I would totally do that. Company policy says we're allowed to refuse service to anyone who gives us attitude. A good while before that, I had a Karen who bitched at me because I wouldn't give her the sale prices on her stuff but she didn't want to enroll in our membership program. And there was another one who raised holy hell because the coupons she got in the mail were no good yet.

Then there's the people who buy low-ticket items and pay with ridiculously disproportionate bills (i.e., anything bigger than a $20). WHY? This is not the International Bank of Big-Box Drugstore! If you have to break a C-note so much, go to a bank and do it! It leads to embarrassing situations when we don't have enough change to cover a $50 or $100.

What is it about retail that attracts these people and why? Don't anyone give me the "Your job is to serve customers" bit. It's easy to say that when you don't work with the public. With that said, I think everybody should have to work retail/foodservice at least once in their lives. Maybe then, we won't have so many Karens, Kens, etc.

Posted (edited)

Retail doesn't attract idiots(well no more than other places), you see plenty of them anywhere you deal with a lot of people everyday. 

Edited by Ric
19 hours ago, stilgar said:

Didn't you already make this thread?


Although to be fair, she can't bump that thread and add to it since pat slightly rearranged the closet.

  • Thanks 1
Posted (edited)

The Karen have been victims of systemic oppression, and have been fighting for an independent state in Burma since 1949. Please stop insulting them by using the name of their ethnic group as a term for poorly mannered white women.

Edited by mthor
  • Thanks 1
On 8/14/2022 at 9:22 PM, Real_AirCooledGirl said:

Don't anyone give me the "Your job is to serve customers" bit. It's easy to say that when you don't work with the public.

Can I say it is your job since I do work with the public?

  • Like 3
  • 1 month later...
On 8/18/2022 at 1:48 PM, naraku360 said:

Can I say it is your job since I do work with the public?

So you think I should put up with verbal abuse and stupidity from entitled Karens and Kens?

Recently, my store bought out a small local pharmacy. All their customers' stuff has been transferred over to us. Since then, our pharmacy has been over a thousand scripts behind because of it. So many of these Karens, Kens, et hoc genus omne have bitched at the pharmacists and techs for not having their scripts ready when they expect them to be. Goddamn it, we're not God. We're doing the best we can with the people we have under the goddamn circumstances available to us! If customers don't understand that, that's on them, not us. Blame corporate, not us, for buying out that small pharmacy. We rank-and-file people just work here.

Then there's the Boomers who still write checks. WHY? Why in the name of FUCK do people still write paper checks in 2022? USE A FUCKING DEBIT OR CREDIT CARD LIKE A MODERN PERSON, YA FUCKING LUDDITES!

3 hours ago, Real_AirCooledGirl said:

So you think I should put up with verbal abuse and stupidity from entitled Karens and Kens?

Recently, my store bought out a small local pharmacy. All their customers' stuff has been transferred over to us. Since then, our pharmacy has been over a thousand scripts behind because of it. So many of these Karens, Kens, et hoc genus omne have bitched at the pharmacists and techs for not having their scripts ready when they expect them to be. Goddamn it, we're not God. We're doing the best we can with the people we have under the goddamn circumstances available to us! If customers don't understand that, that's on them, not us. Blame corporate, not us, for buying out that small pharmacy. We rank-and-file people just work here.

Then there's the Boomers who still write checks. WHY? Why in the name of FUCK do people still write paper checks in 2022? USE A FUCKING DEBIT OR CREDIT CARD LIKE A MODERN PERSON, YA FUCKING LUDDITES!

A thousand scripts behind?  Someone's not working hard enough.....

Posted (edited)
8 hours ago, Real_AirCooledGirl said:

Then there's the Boomers who still write checks. WHY? Why in the name of FUCK do people still write paper checks in 2022? USE A FUCKING DEBIT OR CREDIT CARD LIKE A MODERN PERSON, YA FUCKING LUDDITES!

You debit card assholes are really slowing up my Apple pay.....Jump outta the 00's ass.

Edited by cyberbully
  • Haha 3
13 hours ago, cyberbully said:

You debit card assholes are really slowing up my Apple pay.....Jump outta the 00's ass.

Back behind the line, bub. I still have to fill out the memo line on my check or god will kill a kitten.

  • Haha 2
  • 3 months later...
On 10/14/2022 at 10:23 PM, Insipid said:

Front end isn't for everyone, y'know. Maybe transfer. I loved being a cashier because it was a prime opportunity to practice passive aggression.

You don't think I have? I transferred to the pharmacy at my work. I love the work but hate a good chunk of customers for being idiots and Karens. Back in November, we started closing the pharmacy for a half-hour lunch break. A good lot of people were pissed about that. One day, I had one guy who angrily shoved a shopping cart into a wall right as we were closing for lunch. Then he walked right up to my register in front of me and another tech, slammed a couple pill bottles on the counter, and demanded that we fill his stuff. Never mind that WE WERE CLOSED! Another time, I had a Karen who bitched because something wasn't sent in. She then stood right there and wouldn't budge, as if that would make us fill her shit. She flipped the pharmacist on duty off and shooed me away, claiming I was being rude and argumentative. I was nothing but civil, yet firm. It got to a point where we had to call for a manager TWICE to get the Karen out of our hair so we could help other people, and the line was long that night. More recently, we started closing the pharmacy to the public on Sundays altogether but still having a skeleton crew working to fill stuff. Too many dumbasses have insisted on picking stuff up WHEN WE'RE CLEARLY CLOSED. They see the fucking gates down? DUH!

Ef það er eitthvað sem það hefur kennt mér að vinna í apóteki þá er það að viðskiptavinir séu rétttir og heimskir í senn. Of margir heimskir skítar skilja ekki hugmyndina um opnunartíma og lokunartíma. Ef þeir skilja ekki stundirnar okkar, þá er það á ÞEIM, ekki okkur. Ekkir spyrja mig! Ég er lyfjatíkin!

2 hours ago, Real_AirCooledGirl said:

You don't think I have? I transferred to the pharmacy at my work. I love the work but hate a good chunk of customers for being idiots and Karens. Back in November, we started closing the pharmacy for a half-hour lunch break. A good lot of people were pissed about that. One day, I had one guy who angrily shoved a shopping cart into a wall right as we were closing for lunch. Then he walked right up to my register in front of me and another tech, slammed a couple pill bottles on the counter, and demanded that we fill his stuff. Never mind that WE WERE CLOSED! Another time, I had a Karen who bitched because something wasn't sent in. She then stood right there and wouldn't budge, as if that would make us fill her shit. She flipped the pharmacist on duty off and shooed me away, claiming I was being rude and argumentative. I was nothing but civil, yet firm. It got to a point where we had to call for a manager TWICE to get the Karen out of our hair so we could help other people, and the line was long that night. More recently, we started closing the pharmacy to the public on Sundays altogether but still having a skeleton crew working to fill stuff. Too many dumbasses have insisted on picking stuff up WHEN WE'RE CLEARLY CLOSED. They see the fucking gates down? DUH!

Ef það er eitthvað sem það hefur kennt mér að vinna í apóteki þá er það að viðskiptavinir séu rétttir og heimskir í senn. Of margir heimskir skítar skilja ekki hugmyndina um opnunartíma og lokunartíma. Ef þeir skilja ekki stundirnar okkar, þá er það á ÞEIM, ekki okkur. Ekkir spyrja mig! Ég er lyfjatíkin!

Stop with the Karen, you ignorant ethnocentric twat. Goggle "Karen conflict" and educate yourself.

  • Thanks 2
6 minutes ago, Real_AirCooledGirl said:

Taktu það upp með Z-kynslóðinni. Mér datt ekki í hug að nota "Karen" sem slangur. Þeir gerðu.

Not only are you ignorant and ethnocentric, you're rude and childish. I'm not disappointed.

  • Like 1
22 minutes ago, Top Gun said:

Yeah, but we've seen this episode before. Reruns are boring.

I can't expect originality out of Aircooled MacFarlane here, but churning out the same old butter with some slightly new bullshit is my jam

  • Haha 2
1 minute ago, André Toulon said:

I can't expect originality out of Aircooled MacFarlane here, but churning out the same old butter with some slightly new bullshit is my jam

We’ve had to manage expectations to get enjoyment out of them.

On 1/16/2023 at 5:09 PM, Real_AirCooledGirl said:

You don't think I have? I transferred to the pharmacy at my work. I love the work but hate a good chunk of customers for being idiots and Karens. Back in November, we started closing the pharmacy for a half-hour lunch break. A good lot of people were pissed about that. One day, I had one guy who angrily shoved a shopping cart into a wall right as we were closing for lunch. Then he walked right up to my register in front of me and another tech, slammed a couple pill bottles on the counter, and demanded that we fill his stuff. Never mind that WE WERE CLOSED! Another time, I had a Karen who bitched because something wasn't sent in. She then stood right there and wouldn't budge, as if that would make us fill her shit. She flipped the pharmacist on duty off and shooed me away, claiming I was being rude and argumentative. I was nothing but civil, yet firm. It got to a point where we had to call for a manager TWICE to get the Karen out of our hair so we could help other people, and the line was long that night. More recently, we started closing the pharmacy to the public on Sundays altogether but still having a skeleton crew working to fill stuff. Too many dumbasses have insisted on picking stuff up WHEN WE'RE CLEARLY CLOSED. They see the fucking gates down? DUH!

Ef það er eitthvað sem það hefur kennt mér að vinna í apóteki þá er það að viðskiptavinir séu rétttir og heimskir í senn. Of margir heimskir skítar skilja ekki hugmyndina um opnunartíma og lokunartíma. Ef þeir skilja ekki stundirnar okkar, þá er það á ÞEIM, ekki okkur. Ekkir spyrja mig! Ég er lyfjatíkin!

Are you ever not angry?

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