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Zap2it: Tokyo Ghoul at 1 AM; Hunter x Hunter 1:30 AM; Gundam Unicorn 2 AM

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Hunter x Hunter fans, it finally happened. After rising to 12:30 once upon a time for some of the Hunter Exam arc in June and July, Hunter x Hunter has apparently fallen to 2 AM for the Yorknew arc.


Meanwhile, Gundam Unicorn seems to have fallen to 1:30 but that's not really a major loss, even if its later OVA volumes are a bit harder to find.


Most surprising is that JoJo, with its low retention average rate of 79.5% in 2017, gets to hang onto 12:30, while two shows that retained 89.7% and 91.7% respectively on average look to be falling back 30 minutes. That may indicate something better coming soon to that timeslot, but hopefully whatever it is works well with Tokyo Ghoul if it isn't more JoJo.


DISCLAIMER: This is a reputable TV Schedule site but it is NOT official and so this is still subject to change.


EDITED: Zap2it has re-arranged the order of the shows. Ghoul remains at 1 and HxH at 1:30, knocking Gundam down to 2. I believe this is a wise choice given Gundam's lackluster ratings, but I still hope IBO Season 2 is coming and gets a boost somehow.

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Maybe, maybe not. It's pretty possible they aren't quite sure. This isn't a good problem to have. They have a new show that needs a decent timeslot, which means something is moving down. Depending on what's coming next, they may not want to push down Jojo or Gundam, but do they really want to put HXH at 2am? As the next resident long runner, I can see the logic with putting it with Shippuden. But it's a decently performing dub premere that is about to get really good and deserves a wide audience. It's like deciding which of your children goes without dinner!


Because it's looking that way, as it seems like it might be one of the questions they want to answer, and ANOTHER week with 11:30-3:30 missing has shown up on the "better" schedule.


What's most troubling about those is they can't even decide if DRAGONBALL DUO is worthy of being placed ahead of Tokyo Ghoul. Ghoul does NOT belong at 11:30, I'll tell ya that much! I'd say 12:30 is the best slot it can expect, but if JoJo's replacement is good, maybe 1 AM will be its fate.


Let's please just not move Hunter x Hunter down to 2 AM, please??




unfortunately, HXH is moving to 2am



Tokyo Ghoul is getting 01:00 and Unicorn is getting 01:30




Jojo probably cost more and is almost done with part 2, no sense to move it now.  Plus Tokyo Ghoul isn't being marked with a "New" on zap2zits grid. Has it aired on Funimation channel before and this not a real premere?


Wow, I stand corrected! So 1 AM it is, and paired with JoJo and whatever the hell replaces it.


So dub premieres at 12 AM and 2 AM--IT'S LIKE LATE 2013 ALL OVER AGAIN, When Bleach and Sword Art Online were the only 2 dub premieres--and in those same time slots!!! Except that there's that 11 PM hour before it this time, but Samurai Jack is a WORLD premiere, while DB Super is a near-premiere--but both are just barely disqualified from being dub premieres for wildly different reasons!


Of course, this won't be the case for very long. I'm giving Unicorn like 95% odds of being replaced by Gundam IBO S2, which will be a dub premiere like its predecessor, and of course if they do just keep on truckin' with JoJo at 12:30, that becomes dub premiere with Episode 4 of Part 3. In fact, since JoJo retains 12:30, I daresay JoJo WILL most likely continue or at least be replaced with a dub premiere. At that point, the only non-dub premiere from 12-2:30 AM would be...Tokyo Ghoul. Hmmm...




Hmm. Okay then.


If this is true, HxH moving to 2:00 sucks, but I get why they're doing it, since it's the move of least #Resistance. And everything else seems alright... but maybe not Tokyo Ghoul for some.


that becomes dub premiere with Episode 4 of Part 3


This will certainly be a new dub, so I'm sure it counts for the first three episodes.


I still don't know why they wanted this show.  The show would have been better if they had stayed true to the manga. 


So many other shows that could have been grabbed.


They could have just picked any random harem anime out of a hat and It would be more entertaining than TG.


Hmm. Okay then.


If this is true, HxH moving to 2:00 sucks, but I get why they're doing it, since it's the move of least #Resistance. And everything else seems alright... but maybe not Tokyo Ghoul for some.


This will certainly be a new dub, so I'm sure it counts for the first three episodes.


Not quite. It depends on if Viz uses the first 3 episodes' test dub as premiered on Crunchyroll (and then pretty much disappeared without a trace) on July 5, 2014.


Naruto speaking to Gon: "Is this your first day at 2AM? Welcome to Hell."


This deal just keeps getting worse and worse.


I saw this coming but I wanted to believe they wouldn't hose Hunter in less than a year.


If this was inevitable why did they even bother picking up Hunter? How can a dub premiere of a 148 episode series succeed at 2AM much less behind a niche show like Gundam? Ugh... People will say "you should just be happy that it's airing at all" and I am happy about that but I'm not the least bit happy that within less than a year of it starting they have already buried it to a slot it will only escape via completion, moving to 2:30 or getting pulled of the air. The only chance it has of airing earlier is if the whole block shifts earlier. What a crock of shit for Hunter x Hunter.


At least JoJo doesn't move. That either says it's actually doing well enough or they just plan on replacing within about a month when it's season ends. Might be a combination of the two.


Huh, I didn't expect to find out anything about the schedule this quickly.  Reminds me of 4 years ago when Soul Eater replacing Samurai 7 got leaked early and DeMarco had a fit about it.


But anyway, Tokyo Ghoul at 1:00.  At the very least, I'm glad that JoJo isn't moving.  It would be stupid to move it when it has barely a month left in it's run.  I'm not so happy about HxH, though, relegated to 2:00.  It is what it is, though, so not much worth in dwelling on it.


I have to wonder if Tokyo Ghoul was going to be their replacement for JoJo when it ended.  Do you guys think so? 


My Predictions


I think after Jojo, if no Stardust, then we get Mob. After that finishes, we'll get Startdust

It's a safe assumption that IBO season 2 will probably replace Unicorn. This may move up to 1:00 AM, shifting Tokyo Ghoul down to 1:30.

After Ghoul finishes, I think we'll get Lupin at  1 or 1:30.

I'm going to go and also predict that after Jack finishes up, Attack on Titan season 2 will take over that slot.


Another wildcard is whether or not Super is going to take breaks. The original press release said that "Season 1" of Super (26 episodes, which doesn't even get us past the movie arcs) was going to air. I don't know if they would do this or not.  Doesn't seem too likely,  but it may be a way to get more mileage out of the show, especially while DBZ KAI is still airing.


I'll bet that they decided to part ways with One Piece sometime last year and HXH was really the true replacement in the long running Shonen department. They never were going to stick something brand new at 2:00 AM. They need sort of a steady 2:00 AM hour so they build up an audience for HXH throughout last year and then slide it in at 2:00 AM with Naruto hoping that it's established audience base goes along with it. It'll probably stay there for the duration of it's run now.


Not too big a deal personally. I watch Toonami kind of weird. I watch Jack, the DB shows, Naruto, One Piece and Ghost in the Shell close to live. Then the next day, me and my wife watch HXH, Jojo, and Unicorn together in that order. So even though its at 2:00 AM, HXH always gets watched first in my house before the other 2  : )


I'm not 100% on Lupin, but I would like to see it myself.


Huh, I didn't expect to find out anything about the schedule this quickly.  Reminds me of 4 years ago when Soul Eater replacing Samurai 7 got leaked early and DeMarco had a fit about it.



Man, I'm glad they said something about it last week. Can you imagine the uproar if we casually saw that One Piece was gone and Tokyo Ghoul is replacing it on a schedule grid. His twitter feed would be on fire right now at 3 in the morning.


Man, I'm glad they said something about it last week. Can you imagine the uproar if we casually saw that One Piece was gone and Tokyo Ghoul is replacing it on a schedule grid. His twitter feed would be on fire right now at 3 in the morning.


Yeah and then he would be on a hunt to get all the schedules off the internet.


Actually, I think the Soul Eater incident was one of the reasons the old Adult Swim backdoor schedule died.


Yeah and then he would be on a hunt to get all the schedules off the internet.


Actually, I think the Soul Eater incident was one of the reasons the old Adult Swim backdoor schedule died.


That's how I found out about S7 and E7 too when that happened. They used to just do something like call it "NEW ANIME" until it was announced.


what if HXH's ratings start dipping horribly and they are forced to remove it?


should we hit the panic button then?


I hope that doesn't happen. That one will probably be given more leeway than One Piece did because it is a finite series with an ending point at least. They would prefer to finish out a show whenever possible. I'm hoping it actually lifts the 2AM hour up a little and gives Shippuden and Ghost a little boost.


what if HXH's ratings start dipping horribly and they are forced to remove it?


should we hit the panic button then?


HxH is a show that has a definite end point that is not too far off, only about two years from now.  Even if the ratings do dip a little, that should at least compel them to finish off the run of the show.


They tried with One Piece for FOUR YEARS.  Four years of failure.


Hiatus will be over in two.

HXH is only going to run for 2 so it'll more than likely finish it's run before being cancelled


unlike OP which was a longrunner with no end in sight and was going to have to be cancelled at some point anyway if they wanted to add new shows to the block


Reminder to people that the crew have zero control over what time something airs (as it's all the Programming dept.).



I don't believe ZERO control is correct, as the programming department probably values their input, but they (not Toonami staff) also have the final say.


Hunter x Hunter is terrible. It's of the exact quality of something that would have aired in the final years of CN Toonami.


I hate the idea of Unicorn being replaced by IBO Season 2 because "they're both Gundams". One series is pretty good, and the other is a heap of garbage that doesn't

deserve a second season. IBO is Wing minus (thank god) the fanfare.


Toonami needs to calm the f down and show some series a second time. It's acting like someone who needs to take his meds with all the erratic pulling and twisting and dumping of series right after they finish their first runs for new series.


Hopefully the shonen are purged for good eventually, minus the more mature ones.





Not sure Toonami could snag Cory in the House, is that owned by Disney? After they took Star Wars, I don't think they'll play ball. It's a shame because  it really speaks to the current political landscape in a way Gundam never could.


so I watched Tokyo Ghouls opening



much like every terrible anime the opening is misleadingly nice



also I'm already trying to bookmark some gifs and images I can use to lampoon it, just gotta decide on the best one since I don't wanna just repeat the dance gifs I used for One Piece


*looks at this weeks ratings*


No wonder Tokyo Ghoul is replacing OP.


Considering JoJo got the kind of ratings One Piece used to get at 2:30AM and Gundam got the kind of ratings One Piece has gotten lately, here's hoping it was an unusually bad night.




Hunter x Hunter fans, it finally happened. After rising to 12:30 once upon a time for some of the Hunter Exam arc in June and July, Hunter x Hunter has apparently fallen to 2 AM for the Yorknew arc.


Meanwhile, Gundam Unicorn seems to have fallen to 1:30 but that's not really a major loss, even if its later OVA volumes are a bit harder to find.


Most surprising is that JoJo, with its low retention average rate of 79.5% in 2017, gets to hang onto 12:30, while two shows that retained 89.7% and 91.7% respectively on average look to be falling back 30 minutes. That may indicate something better coming soon to that timeslot, but hopefully whatever it is works well with Tokyo Ghoul if it isn't more JoJo.


DISCLAIMER: This is a reputable TV Schedule site but it is NOT official and so this is still subject to change.


HxH moving late at night was expected. Because this has always been how the Toonami crew shifts the block when a new show comes that is expected to be a hit.  Thing is, I would not even bat an eye over this if it wasn't fuckin Hunter X Fuckin Hunter, which should totally deserve more! >:


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