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why NOT migrate to Britain


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1. i dont have to learn another language

2. white boys everywheres

3. i can drive to foreign countries

4. the people are hilarious

5. probably get better govt benefits

6. probably get better healthcare

7. probably have been employment benefits, too

8. the weather wont be like living in the devil's buttcrack

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1 hour ago, KreiaDidNothingWrong said:

Because you’re gonna have keys in your pocket and some cop in a silly hat is gonna blow his whistle and ask if you have a key license 

You'll have to frisk me first officer


Edited by Vamped
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1. you have to buy an annual license for your TV (nearly $200).

2. The British programming you see stateside is the creme de la creme of their broadcasting.  I watched an interview with some Brit who said that the majority of their programming is pretty insipid.  (unless it's time for the penguin on your television set to explode)

3. https://www.forbes.com/sites/sallypipes/2019/04/01/britains-version-of-medicare-for-all-is-collapsing/#13c48b8b36b8

4. There is no #4.

5. Closer to that terrorism crap.


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11 hours ago, 🍬Candy🍬 said:

1. i dont have to learn another language Shut it, ya spoiled eggplant. They'll lift your fat fanny into a lorrie to get sectioned.

2. white boys everywheres Can't argue with this.

3. i can drive to foreign countries Only to Scotland, in the north. It's a fucking ISLAND, ya fucking daft bat.

4. the people are hilarious Some of them.

5. probably get better govt benefits No more than you'd get here.

6. probably get better healthcare Since they aren't part of the EU anymore......nope.

7. probably have been employment benefits, too A little bit

8. the weather wont be like living in the devil's buttcrack You'll miss the sun soon enough.

You need to do some mandatory reading.

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