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Alma is in a painting phase, and the people she paints are all the color of mold, look like they've just been dredged from the bottom of a lake. Her last painting was of you, slouching against the front door: only your frowning I-had-a-lousy-Third-World-childhood-and-all-I-got-was-this-attitude eyes recognizable.


I was once working next to a young black woman and this old fart told her that he likes his americanos black, just like his women. ¬¬

6 hours ago, scoobdog said:

I like my women like I like my coffee... With lots of milk....

Someone's been lurking on page 6.

19 hours ago, Juice McKenzie said:

i would've guessed that you didn't like coffee

I like it sometimes. With lots of creamer, and a donut to dip it in.

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