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In which a bullet has been dodged, and I, quite frankly, am delighted.

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I had surgery Monday, and am home now, and many thanks for all of the kind thoughts and good wishes; apparently, there's something to be said for positive thinking, because



I got my wish - it was a big ass cyst (29 cm x 25.7 cm x 15.3 cm); don't know what the weight was, but between the time anesthesia started and ended, I lost 22 lbs).  They sent it for pathology, but the doctor is pretty sure that it was a cyst - nice, self-contained, no signs of malignancy or spread, just really fucking big.  And now, I'm going to take a couple of well-earned percs and go to bed. Thanks again, guys <3


Nice, continued best wishes


What are the options for the thing they took out of you? You could keep it and put googly eyes on it, go Office Space on it, burn it with fire, shoot it like skeet...


YAYAYAYAY! thats great news, i'm so happy to hear it :D <3


i had almost the opposite happen to me once. they thought i had a cyst, i went in for surgery, wound up being a tumor. thankfully, they tested it and it was a benign one. made all the "its not a tumor" jokes before the surgery that much more funny to my siblings. jerks. haha!


anyways, i'm relieved. rest up mthor!


haha, screw you cyst! now gtfo.


one of my good friends had a big cyst like that removed from her uterus about 6 months ago. she didn't even know she had an issue; everyone just thought her beer drinking was catching up to her. they went ahead and did the full ladybits-ectomy while they were in there, just to be safe. she was out of commission for like 3 weeks, and now she's pretty much 100% again.


here's hopes for a similar recovery for you!


Congratulations are certainly in order!


If you don't mind me asking, where the hell was that thing?


Belly - it was an ovarian cyst


Nice, continued best wishes


What are the options for the thing they took out of you? You could keep it and put googly eyes on it, go Office Space on it, burn it with fire, shoot it like skeet...


They've sent it to a pathologist. In Area 51.


That really is fabulous news.  Hopefully all that worry didn't take years of your life.


It may have added years - haven't had a smoke since Sunday, and at the moment, I'm not too inclined to go looking for a cigarette; hurts too much to cough. I'm not saying I'm quitting, but this is the longest time I've gone without smoking in, well, probably more years than you've been alive  wink


(Yes, I am the female Packard, except that I'll admit that I stink)


haha, screw you cyst! now gtfo.


one of my good friends had a big cyst like that removed from her uterus about 6 months ago. she didn't even know she had an issue; everyone just thought her beer drinking was catching up to her. they went ahead and did the full ladybits-ectomy while they were in there, just to be safe. she was out of commission for like 3 weeks, and now she's pretty much 100% again.


here's hopes for a similar recovery for you!


I feel for here - at one point, I went to the ER and they told me it was a stomach bug... :D


But thanks  - so far, so good, and once I can pick up more than two books at a time, I can get back to the library!


It may have added years - haven't had a smoke since Sunday, and at the moment, I'm not too inclined to go looking for a cigarette; hurts too much to cough. I'm not saying I'm quitting, but this is the longest time I've gone without smoking in, well, probably more years than you've been alive  wink


(Yes, I am the female Packard, except that I'll admit that I stink)


Then I highly doubt you've been smoking that long.


I started smoking when I was 11, so yeah, it has been that long. I've tried to quit before, kind of half-heartedly, but once you get down to one or two a day, which I have managed, you can really start to smell it on other people, as well as on your own clothes and hands.

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