Mix Posted January 21, 2017 Posted January 21, 2017 ...how they ever looked your way? I think I always knew this person was too good for me, but for some reason it all rushed to the fore front of my mind at the end of another sleepless night while tossing back the last of my watered down whiskey... Don't get me wrong I've had these thoughts before, but of family members or close friends, never anyone I dated...mostly because they're as fucked in the head as I am with some charming overlay to keep things interesting...
Distortedreasoning Posted January 21, 2017 Posted January 21, 2017 random thoughts of them did used to pop up from time to time and but i never used to think "is she too good for me?"
Bouvre Posted January 21, 2017 Posted January 21, 2017 I'm married and I still don't know how I managed to pull it off.
Phillies Posted January 21, 2017 Posted January 21, 2017 I always worry waifu is out cheating on someone with a bigger Leek
Distortedreasoning Posted January 21, 2017 Posted January 21, 2017 I always worry waifu is out cheating on someone with a bigger Leek theres no one bigger than you.
André Toulon Posted January 21, 2017 Posted January 21, 2017 I'm pretty charming initially, so I'm never really surprised at a person being with me.....My thing is how long some have put up with my bullshit......Like I have to think, "how much do you have to hate yourself to put up with me". I'm not a cheater, and I don't beat or overtly degrade my lady friends, but I get reeeeeeaaaaaaally distant and neglective as shit progresses. I actually try to push them away, and it works sometimes but there's always one or two that feed off that shit, and I'm like "damn, you are worth more than this......Why are you allowing me to literally sit in the same room with you and ignore you"
tsar4 Posted January 21, 2017 Posted January 21, 2017 First, nobody is "too good" for anyone. They may want other things in their life that are different than you may want, say like they're really into socializing and you aren't, but nobody is "too good". There are plenty of "opposites attract" stories out there. I remember reading about a woman, a member of Mensa with PhD who had been married to a garage mechanic for 20 years (at that time). Second, though not mentioned in the OP, is the concept of a "soulmate" - utter garbage. The idea that there is one perfect person in the world for you is insane. Ask most people to describe their "soulmate" and they'll immediately go into physical characteristics, which have nothing to do with one's soul. What if it turned out that, no matter your sexual orientation, your absolute "soulmate" was some 70 yr old man in Mongolia who you are never destined meet?
CutieQuesadilla Posted January 21, 2017 Posted January 21, 2017 I don't know how to explain the dynamic between my ex and i. I thought i wasn't good enough for him and after everything that happened...i believed it. I acknowledge how dumb i am for sticking around and allowing him to destroy me repeatedly, but i still sleep with him, still answer when he calls, still go back to him when he wants. I don't belong with anyone. I joke about wanting to be in a relationship, but it wouldn't be fair when i am so chained to someone. I don't deserve anything.
Phillies Posted January 21, 2017 Posted January 21, 2017 theres no one bigger than you. I should take that as a compliment?
Derackthehunter Posted January 21, 2017 Posted January 21, 2017 Not really, I'm pretty laid back and people like that I'm funny and as added bonus I'm a good listener too so I try to help people with issues or problems they may have. On the flip side to that I can be an ass and my practical way of thinking tends to piss off some people.
Still Me Posted January 21, 2017 Posted January 21, 2017 well no....I've never thought that about them....I've thought it about me...I would tend to reflect on why I stayed when they would do nothing for me....I would do everything to make them happy and they would do nothing to try to make me happy....no romace...no loving gestures...no kind words....in a situation like that, the one you end up loving ends up making you feel more insecure in your life....but as time goes on and you learn what a few assholes can do to crumble your whole idea of who you think you are....you become a fucking racid bitch at times.....and in my current relationship there are now things I do and say they shock the hell out of me sometimes....all because I refuse to be used and taken advantage of anymore.....and now I've started to feel bad for him....don't get me wrong....I love the hell out of him, and I'm trying to do better....but now that shit as just become who I am
JeNewBee Posted January 21, 2017 Posted January 21, 2017 ...how they ever looked your way? I think I always knew this person was too good for me, but for some reason it all rushed to the fore front of my mind at the end of another sleepless night while tossing back the last of my watered down whiskey... Don't get me wrong I've had these thoughts before, but of family members or close friends, never anyone I dated...mostly because they're as fucked in the head as I am with some charming overlay to keep things interesting... Low self worth can often cause conflict with people you find better Not saying verbal fight But little things you might do over time that might alienate you from said people
GunStarHero Posted January 21, 2017 Posted January 21, 2017 Been going on dates recently and I can honestly say the first guy was out of my league in a lot of ways. Objectively speaking, I recognize that I land squarely in the middle of the "1-10" scale of attractiveness, and I'm not particularly successful or anything. But regardless we talked for awhile and went on a nice little date. Lots of interesting subject matter (and food) that evening. Spent just under 3 hours chatting away at the restaurant (I'm sure the staff was thrilled.) Hell, there was even a point in the conversation that we more or less whipped out the e-peens to show how good we were at games, going tit-for-tat all the while. That being said, there just wasn't anything there. Maybe a friendship, but judging by our mutual lack of communication since then I'd say no to that, too. (We continued texting for the following week but that was it.) Also, dude was 5 fucking hours late. Only reason I went was because he offered to pay for everything and take me somewhere fancy (and I was home waiting, not waiting at a restaurant for him). He was hella cute, but fuck that noise. Get it together and be punctual.
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