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so i dont like politics


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You don't have to like them. They exist as a result of human thought and behavior.
The divide between Democrats and Republicans is extremely stupid, yes, but some divides are very real. If you expect Left unity to happen, or a Democrat and a Nazbol to get along you are extremely foolish. Even when you get rid of identity politics, there are extreme disagreements about how humans should live and be organized.

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For one, what we have deemed to call politics here in the States for the last twenty years or so is little more than hacky partisanship. If you strip away the petty drama and zero--sum irrationality, the intricacies of deal making and policy writing can be quite interesting; you know, in the same way that chemistry can.

Beyond that, though, the values that underpin each of the two major doctrines are both very distinct, even having roots in biology, and very necessary for a functioning society. The corrupt motives and actions of those in power of either party is a different matter. 

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