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I’m hoping that those numbers are a reflection of the television universe because Toonami does get a bit of a rise because of it. It makes me a little more understanding as to why AS isn’t stressing about those numbers.


Great week overall! I think the main issue with the block going foward will be securing programming for the block!


Yeah, it was definitely great by 2017 standards!


Great retention, except for Outlaw Star...


And here are the "real" numbers:





8:00 PM Dragon Ball Super (NPOT, Estimated) 310,000

8:30 PM Dragon Ball Super (NPOT, Estimated) 375,000 (120.97%)


10:30 PM Family Guy (NPOT, Estimated) 607,000

11:00 PM Dragon Ball Super 559,000 (92.09%)

11:30 PM DBZ Kai: The Final Chapters 516,000 (92.31%)

12:00 AM JJBA: Stardust Crusaders 451,000 (87.40%)

12:30 AM Gundam IBO S2 417,000 (92.46%)

1:00 AM Hunter × Hunter 404,000 (96.88%)

1:30 AM Lupin The 3rd 357,000 (88.37%)

2:00 AM Naruto: Shippuden 429,000 (120.17%)

2:30 AM Outlaw Star HD 267,000 (62.24%)

3:00 AM Cowboy Bebop HD 276,000 (103.37%)

3:30 AM Attack on Titan Season 2 247,000 (89.49%)



That's certainly the best we've seen since the block expanded to 4 AM!



Total Viewers

Dragon Ball Super (Prime Time Premieres) - 834,514 (37 episodes)

Dragon Ball Super (Toonami) - 1,012,474 (38 episodes)

Dragon Ball Z Kai: The Final Chapters - 935,359 (39 episodes)

JoJo's Bizarre Adv.: Stardust Crusaders - 658,250 (12 episodes)

Mobile Suit Gundam: Iron-Blooded Orphans S2 - 589,667 (3 episodes)

Hunter × Hunter - 752,408 (71 episodes)

Lupin the 3rd - 498,000 (17 episodes)

Naruto: Shippuden - 814,366 (179 episodes)

Outlaw Star - 429,556 (9 episodes)

Cowboy Bebop - 409,429 (7 episodes)

Ghost In The Shell: S.A.C. 2nd Gig - 385,000 (1 episode)


Adults 18-49

Dragon Ball Super (Prime Time Premieres) - 418,919 (37 episodes)

Dragon Ball Super (Toonami) - 614,158 (38 episodes)

Dragon Ball Z Kai: The Final Chapters - 565,205 (39 episodes)

JoJo's Bizarre Adv.: Stardust Crusaders - 407,917 (12 episodes)

Mobile Suit Gundam: Iron-Blooded Orphans S2 - 379,333 (3 episodes)

Hunter × Hunter - 450,282 (71 episodes)

Lupin the 3rd - 297,765 (17 episodes)

Naruto: Shippuden - 453,171 (162 episodes)

Outlaw Star - 263,333 (9 episodes)

Cowboy Bebop - 250,286 (7 episodes)

Ghost In The Shell: S.A.C. 2nd Gig - 247,000 (1 episode)


Adults 18-34 (Estimated)

Dragon Ball Super (Prime Time Premieres) - 269,486 (35 episodes)

Dragon Ball Z Kai: The Final Chapters - 382,103 (39 episodes)

JoJo's Bizarre Adv.: Stardust Crusaders - 277,364 (11 episodes)

Mobile Suit Gundam: Iron-Blooded Orphans S2 - 256,000 (3 episodes)

Lupin the 3rd - 205,200 (15 episodes)


With 6-7 more weeks left in 2017, Dragon Ball Super's Toonami airing just might be able to stick the landing and stay over 1M on average if it maintains its current performance level. Hopefully Countdown will grant 3 or 4 episodes a boost. As for the rest of the block, well, nothing else really stands a chance but I like the block's overall trajectory. Marathon events such as the one we've got coming up this weekend are OK, but I really hope there are no more bizarre schedule changes unless Toonami has their eyes on something huge like maybe Darling In The Frankxx next year. And of course, when the time comes, Toonami will have to decide if FLCL will air at 11 PM and knock everything down, or if it will temporarily take DBZ Kai's place at 11:30. As for me, I'm hoping for the latter. I don't think Aniplex would deliver a speed dub of DITF so maybe that would replace JoJo or Gundam when the time comes. And of course, I'm sure we can expect to see AOTS3. Hopefully it would get a better timeslot than 12:30 though.


Okay, first of all, I hate when people use redundant phrases like "they will improve the block by getting new shows for the block", but that has long been a personal nitpick of mine. Also, not only do we not know if Aniplex is getting that "Darling" show, but they seem to have abandoned any simul-dub procs after how Durarara!!'s turned out. As in, not good. You probably just brought it up for easy name recognition of "yes, this is good". :P


That's not what he said. He said the main issue going forward will be getting new shows, and with that, I agree. But it does make sense what Toonami is doing, locking down huge franchises like Dragon Ball, JoJo, Gundam, and Lupin, because while not every series of them will catch fire, one of them is bound to at some point. Also, it kinda makes sense from a reliability standpoint: for stability's sake, better to go with a fresh take on an Old Reliable than something completely new.


As for Darling In The Frankxx, well, I do have a source for that: http://www.animenewsnetwork.com/encyclopedia/anime.php?id=19850. Its animation production is being done by a collaboration by A-1 Pictures and Trigger, and A-1 is a 100% subsidiary of Aniplex. I have yet to see a single project A-1 was involved with go to anyone but Aniplex. Easy name recognition? Sure. Same pedigree as KILL la KILL. But you are right about the simul-dub, which is why I feel it's not a deal-breaker if this show doesn't go to Toonami to replace Lupin in February. We're probably talking a dub by September '18, which would likely replace AOT S3 or Gundam IBO's replacement if it's Toonami-bound.


It was redundant to me by using the word twice.


I have yet to see a single project A-1 was involved with go to anyone but Aniplex.


Not technically true, but virtually all of those shows aired before Aniplex started releasing their own shows in North America. ohno


Wow Naruto did even better in the key demo. 120 percent.  It beat IBO as well.


Face it, we're never getting rid of Naruto or his son. Boruto till 2030!


On the other hand, I wouldn't be surprised if they decide to Jack-attack us again with yet another S5 marathon someday...




That's really not too shabby, considering it only represents a drop of teens of percentage over last year's Gundam IBO marathon.


Even so, we've had 4 marathons so far this year, and HALF of them have been Samurai Jack. I'm sure we've got at least 2, maybe 3 more, and I would like to see JoJo: Stardust Crusaders and Gundam IBO Season 2 get marathons this holiday season!




On the other hand, I wouldn't be surprised if they decide to Jack-attack us again with yet another S5 marathon someday...




That's really not too shabby, considering it only represents a drop of teens of percentage over last year's Gundam IBO marathon.


Even so, we've had 4 marathons so far this year, and HALF of them have been Samurai Jack. I'm sure we've got at least 2, maybe 3 more, and I would like to see JoJo: Stardust Crusaders and Gundam IBO Season 2 get marathons this holiday season!




Eh. Not bad not good.  Somewhat typical for a marathon of a rerun marathon of a rerun.


Or even better, Lupin. Seriously, "How Lupin III Stole Christmas"; the theme couldn't be more obvious! It'd make up for me not getting JoJo's for Halloween. I'd also like to see that come to fruition maybe for the week after.


Or even better, Lupin. Seriously, "How Lupin III Stole Christmas"; the theme couldn't be more obvious! It'd make up for me not getting JoJo's for Halloween. I'd also like to see that come to fruition maybe for the week after.


Now I KNOW you're just being sarcastic. I don't think they would be crazy enough to try a whole night's marathon of Lupin, but JoJo and Gundam are still decent game. At least, I hope so, because some of my 10/7 and 10/14 recordings got screwed up and I just wanted a 2nd chance to get those episodes on my DVR.


Yes, Lupin the 3rd DID have a Christmas episode during Part II, which aired on Adult Swim from like 2003-2006.



It could, if you're mad about the show's quality.


Personally, I've seen a Toonami block without any Dragon Ball shows, as that's how it originally started. I wouldn't mind them going back to that at some future point, especially since the franchise is not the ratings draw it used to be.


It could, if you're mad about the show's quality.


Personally, I've seen a Toonami block without any Dragon Ball shows, as that's how it originally started. I wouldn't mind them going back to that at some future point, especially since the franchise is not the ratings draw it used to be.


I'm hoping *something* emerges in the next year or two that can act as the next anchor of the block. Before DB, we had Bleach, and before that we had Inuyasha/FMA.  If nothing new fits the bill, we probably will get Boruto at first replacing DBZKAI, then eventually moving up after Super ends.




Black Clover is only 5 episodes in, and already it's generic, slow-paced, ill-adapted from the manga, with bland, cliche characters, uninspired animation, and over-marketing, and also with a broadcast dub, and 51 announced episodes.


..... in other words, perfect for Toonami.

  • Haha 1

Black Clover is only 5 episodes in, and already it's generic, slow-paced, ill-adapted from the manga, with bland, cliche characters, uninspired animation, and over-marketing, and also with a broadcast dub, and 51 announced episodes.


..... in other words, perfect for Toonami.


Do you guys think it matters ratings wise if Toonami picks up something thats dub has already been streamed? I've always been of the mindset that Toonami should stick to things that they can actually premiere and if the dub gets streamed somewhere to just forget about that show and get something else.




Black Clover is only 5 episodes in, and already it's generic, slow-paced, ill-adapted from the manga, with bland, cliche characters, uninspired animation, and over-marketing, and also with a broadcast dub, and 51 announced episodes.


..... in other words, perfect for Toonami.


But it's every Shonen rolled into one Shonen! It's Luffy, Naruto, Inuyasha, Blue Ex and more! He's gonna be king of the Pira.... I mean Ninj.... I mean Wizard king! And he's an orphan!


Back to normal, sort of...






11/4/2017 Dragon Ball Super (8:30) #14 (+6)

Adults 18-34 Rating - 0.43

Estimated 18-34 - 292,000 ( 34.56% )

Adults 18-49 Rating - 0.36

Estimated 18-49 - 462,000 ( 54.67% )

Total Viewers - 845,000


11/4/2017 DBZ Kai: Final Chapters #12 (STEADY)

Adults 18-34 Rating - 0.51

Estimated 18-34 - 347,000 ( 41.66% )

Adults 18-49 Rating - 0.40

Estimated 18-49 - 513,000 ( 61.58% )

Total Viewers - 833,000


11/4/2017 JJBA: Stardust Crusaders - #17 (-4)

Adults 18-34 Rating - 0.39

Estimated 18-34 - 265,000 ( 44.09% )

Adults 18-49 Rating - 0.31

Estimated 18-49 - 397,000 ( 66.06% )

Total Viewers - 601,000


11/4/2017 Gundam IBO - #20 (-4)

Adults 18-34 Rating - 0.34

Estimated 18-34 - 231,000 ( 42.70% )

Adults 18-49 Rating - 0.28

Estimated 18-49 - 359,000 ( 66.36% )

Total Viewers - 541,000


11/4/2017 Lupin the 3rd - #32 (-11)

Adults 18-34 Rating - 0.31

Estimated 18-34 - 211,000 ( 44.42% )

Adults 18-49 Rating - 0.24

Estimated 18-49 - 308,000 ( 64.84% )

Total Viewers - 475,000


Welp, everything down from 2 weeks ago with the exception of Dragon Ball Super, but these shows HAVE been lower. Well, with the exception of Gundam IBO's 18-34 number; that's its lowest. But hey, let's look on the bright side: Lupin the 3rd STILL beat Boxing on Showtime's highest timeslot in which the Bronze Bomber knocked out his unimportantly-named opponent in less than a round!


what I glean from this


1. Toriyama doesn't officially consider Super Canon, since he has said he doesn't know if he wants to tie super in with the original series ending


2. something weird must be about to happen because based on what other people have told me the actual tournament in the current arc is like 1 or 2 battles away from being over, so obviously something is gonna happen that extends or nullifies it


Watch as Netflix announces Black Clover as its next original.

Impossible, FUNimation's already simuldubbing it. If it's gonna come to Netflix, then it'll be just a featured series, like Mushi-shi or Gunslinger Girl.


You talking about UFC? It always boggles my mind that more people watch that trash than actual boxing!


Maybe because it's more interesting to see people actually use all their tools than a one-sided squash match?


Do you guys think it matters ratings wise if Toonami picks up something thats dub has already been streamed? I've always been of the mindset that Toonami should stick to things that they can actually premiere and if the dub gets streamed somewhere to just forget about that show and get something else.


As ideal as that would be, that's the hardest thing for them to get, because the fresher a dub is, the more expensive for them it's gonna be.


But it's every Shonen rolled into one Shonen! It's Luffy, Naruto, Inuyasha, Blue Ex and more! He's gonna be king of the Pira.... I mean Ninj.... I mean Wizard king! And he's an orphan!




Amage Ga Kill! = Anime: The Anime




Black Clover = Shonen: The Anime


Looks like Jojo got some gas station sushi and soiled everything.


I'd like to see Black Clover on Toonami, it is new and it would likely do well. I also think Fairy Tail should be on.

There really isn't much else out there that Toonami seems to be able to get, so of the scraps (Scrapped Princess would be an awesome pick up) BC and FT seem to be the best.



Well, THIS is pretty good:




All other shows, including "#Countdown", also trended!


Also, it looks like Countdown caused DBS at 11 PM to surge over a million, as this update shows:




"Adult Swim’s slate performed as follows:  in primetime, DRAGON BALL was at 0.20/529K and 0.36; in late-night, it was at 0.49/1.04M and 0.49, with JOJO’S ADVENTURES at 0.31, MOBILE SUIT GUNDAM at 0.28, LUPIN THE 3RD at 0.27, HUNTER X HUNTER at 0.27/529K, NARUTO at 0.24/475K, and OUTLAW STAR at 0.23/421K."


Please note that the description above might contain a few typos, as DBZ KFC has already been reported as 0.40 18-49.


what I glean from this


1. Toriyama doesn't officially consider Super Canon, since he has said he doesn't know if he wants to tie super in with the original series ending


2. something weird must be about to happen because based on what other people have told me the actual tournament in the current arc is like 1 or 2 battles away from being over, so obviously something is gonna happen that extends or nullifies it


Toriyama can probably be declared legally braindead at this point. If you ask him at the wrong time of day he'd probably be like "Dragonball? What's that?"


JoJo a 200k drop from Kai

Gundum a 49k drop from JoJo

Lupin a 66k drop from gundum


Demarco has shit taste in anime :|


Where in the hell are you getting these numbers!? JoJo dropped 232k and Gundam 60k--which is worse.


Nothing for Bebop or Ghost yet. I did notice that was the “no real commercial” hour for DST. All the aired was quick infomercials for that special pillow, a contact lense company (they aired it twice in a row) and some Psa about getting the right contractor after Hurricane damage ! Pretty surreal


You're right--because Bebop and Ghost DID air during the bonus hour, their ratings may not actually be available this week. So their omission on SBD may not have anything to do with the fact that they're HD "repaints", as Outlaw Star is also one.


Nothing for Bebop or Ghost yet. I did notice that was the “no real commercial” hour for DST. All the aired was quick infomercials for that special pillow, a contact lense company (they aired it twice in a row) and some Psa about getting the right contractor after Hurricane damage ! Pretty surreal


I remember seeing some creepy ones last year during the movie, including one with no music on a black background about eliminating credit card debt. :skull:


Also, if the 2:00A hour is the one without ratings, that's just weird, because the switch forward and back happens at the start of that hour, so then it goes back to 1:00. Shippuden and Outlaw Star should be the ones primarily affected by it.


I remember seeing some creepy ones last year during the movie, including one with no music on a black background about eliminating credit card debt. :skull:


Also, if the 2:00A hour is the one without ratings, that's just weird, because the switch forward and back happens at the start of that hour, so then it goes back to 1:00. Shippuden and Outlaw Star should be the ones primarily affected by it.


You mean this one:




That credit card debt is no joke!


Last year they did it during the first hour of Children who Chase lost Voices which aired in the 3am (actually 2am hour). So it was the same as last year.


The only way to save Toonami is.....


obscure affordable anime like Codebreaker, Unbreakable Machine doll, and Blood C!


They can't do any worse than Jojo... or can they?


The only way to save Toonami is.....


obscure affordable anime like Codebreaker, Unbreakable Machine doll, and Blood C!


They can't do any worse than Jojo... or can they?


I--- draw the line at Blood C.


As a general rule, shorter shows less likely to be seen elsewhere are the order of the day.  So something like Yamato 2199 is better off at





I--- draw the line at Blood C.

I'll say what I should have said when you shot down my suggestion for Medaka Box (minus the whole "it fitting your criteria" thing): just because you personally don't want it anywhere near the block, that doesn't mean nobody wants it on the block either.


Also, I'll only watch Yamato 2199 once I finish the original Star Blazers, which will definitely be someday.


I'll say what I should have said when you shot down my suggestion for Medaka Box (minus the whole "it fitting your criteria" thing): just because you personally don't want it anywhere near the block, that doesn't mean nobody wants it on the block either.


Also, I'll only watch Yamato 2199 once I finish the original Star Blazers, which will definitely be someday.


Medaka?  That wouldn’t work.  At all.


And why finish the original?  It’s a remake.  That’s like forcing yourself to watch Galactica 1980 before the Battlestar Galactica remake.


Medaka?  That wouldn’t work.  At all.


And why finish the original?  It’s a remake.  That’s like forcing yourself to watch Galactica 1980 before the Battlestar Galactica remake.

1. The question Elfie asked on the old boards was what show Toonami could air that had action, a dub, was animated by GAINAX, and wasn't Panty & Stocking. I suggested Medaka Box, the only one I could think of at the time. Elfie protested just because he didn't like it. If the boards weren't so uptight, I would have angrily told him off. Sure, it might not have exactly worked, but it was dubbed, it was GAINAX, it had action... What was I supposed to answer, Gurren Lagann? I had no idea that was within the realm of possibility yet!


2. Partly personal reasons, partly to see if I pay more attention watching it on my own than I did during its brief run at the end of SyFy's anime block's lifespan.

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