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You mean the 28th?


I have not seen anything about that, but I think it's the most likely scenario.


So far the schedule just shows a new Super at 8:30. They may air Super regardless in order to try and boost whatever marathon they do


Toonami begins on Saturday, technically. Besides, if the marathon was tomorrow, we'd have known by now.


They do surprise schedule changes at random

Remember the Ricky and Morty marathon?


That was April Fool's, that doesn't count. Sounds to me like you're desperately trying to prove yourself right.





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10/7/2017 Dragon Ball Super (8:30) #15 (-3)

Adults 18-34 Rating - 0.48

Estimated 18-34 - 326,000 ( 37.95% )

Adults 18-49 Rating - 0.36

Estimated 18-49 - 462,000 ( 53.78% )

Total Viewers - 859,000


10/7/2017 DBZ Kai: Final Chapters #11 (-1)

Adults 18-34 Rating - 0.54

Estimated 18-34 - 367,000 ( 45.88% )

Adults 18-49 Rating - 0.41

Estimated 18-49 - 526,000 ( 65.75% )

Total Viewers - 800,000


10/7/2017 JJBA: Stardust Crusaders - #17 (+1)

Adults 18-34 Rating - 0.44

Estimated 18-34 - 299,000 ( 46.87% )

Adults 18-49 Rating - 0.33

Estimated 18-49 - 423,000 ( 66.30% )

Total Viewers - 638,000


10/7/2017 Gundam IBO - #20 (-2)

Adults 18-34 Rating - 0.38

Estimated 18-34 - 258,000 ( 44.79% )

Adults 18-49 Rating - 0.30

Estimated 18-49 - 385,000 ( 66.84% )

Total Viewers - 576,000


10/7/2017 Lupin the 3rd - #22 (+4)

Adults 18-34 Rating - 0.34

Estimated 18-34 - 231,000 ( 45.03% )

Adults 18-49 Rating - 0.27

Estimated 18-49 - 346,000 ( 67.45% )

Total Viewers - 513,000


These days, as 13 x 2, #26 seems to be twice as unlucky for whichever show it happens for, as it was a ratings low for AOT and is now a ratings low for Gundam IBO as well. This is probably the lowest-rated return for a series we've seen yet. The only saving grace is the demos, in which it was up slightly from its timeslot counterpart, as well as Lupin, but DBZ Kai and JoJo were up pretty bigly.


At least it's better in total viewers than Gundam Unicorn finished, so yay for Gundam?


Blame Toei, blah blah blah.


You know what the sad thing is?  Once JoJo is on Netflix its hits will go through the roof.


Toonami, your shows aren’t the problem.  YOU ARE!  You are an outdated relic!


As long as this setup exists with the Super premieres in primetime, along with the weaker comedy lead in, this is about what I've come to expect out of the block. Nothing really surprising here. Maybe we should start celebrating how many shows to over 500k like we used to do for a million.


In a better world, we could actually thank Toei for getting people to stop caring about the ratings. But that's probably never going to happen. whut


Dear Demarco,


As it is no longer the year 2000, we don't like Gundam anymore.




The United States of America


Blame Toei, blah blah blah.


You know what the sad thing is?  Once JoJo is on Netflix its hits will go through the roof.


Toonami, your shows aren’t the problem.  YOU ARE!  You are an outdated relic!


Disagree, it's the shows as well.


Dear Demarco,


As it is no longer the year 2000, we don't like Gundam anymore.




The United States of America


More like we don't need him choosing shitty shows


Disagree, it's the shows as well.


We also have Rick and Morty reruns leading into Family Guy where we used to have Bobs and Dad

Toonami starts an hour earlier which , coming from a weaker Family Guy start the night low

These shows no matter what they are don’t stand a chance at doing better numbers.


At the same time, I think they over estimated Gundams hype


We also have Rick and Morty reruns leading into Family Guy where we used to have Bobs and Dad

Toonami starts an hour earlier which , coming from a weaker Family Guy start the night low

These shows no matter what they are don’t stand a chance at doing better numbers.


At the same time, I think they over estimated Gundams hype


And Jojo, and Dbz, and HxH, and lupin, and TG.....


ShowBuzzDaily updated, so we have more numbers! Yay?  :painfap:




"Adult Swim’s line-up performed as follows:  in primetime, DRAGON BALL up 0.02 to 0.36 and up 0.04 to 0.26/670K, and in late night, DRAGON BALL up 0.12 to 0.46/875K and steady at 0.41, JOJO’S BIZARRE ADVENTURES up 0.05 to 0.33, MOBILE SUIT GUNDAM at 0.30, HUNTER X HUNTER up 0.05 to 0.31/590K, LUPIN THE 3RD up 0.02 to 0.27, NARUTO up 0.03 to 0.28/509K, OUTLAW STAR up 0.01 to 0.24/440K, COWBOY BEBOP up 0.01 to 0.22/423K, and ATTACK ON TITAN up 0.02 to 0.20/383K."


So, we now have:



8:00 PM Dragon Ball Super (NPOT) 670,000

8:30 PM Dragon Ball Super (NPOT) 859,000 (128.21%)


11:00 PM Dragon Ball Super 875,000

11:30 PM DBZ Kai: The Final Chapters 800,000 (91.43%)

12:00 AM JJBA: Stardust Crusaders 638,000 (79.75%)

12:30 AM Gundam IBO S2 576,000 (90.28%)

1:00 AM Hunter × Hunter 590,000 (102.43%)

1:30 AM Lupin The 3rd 513,000 (86.95%)

2:00 AM Naruto: Shippuden 509,000 (99.22%)

2:30 AM Outlaw Star HD 440,000 (86.44%)

3:00 AM Cowboy Bebop HD 423,000 (96.14%)

3:30 AM Attack on Titan Season 2 383,000 (90.54%)




8:00 PM Dragon Ball Super (NPOT) 0.26

8:30 PM Dragon Ball Super (NPOT) 0.36 (138.46%)


11:00 PM Dragon Ball Super 0.46

11:30 PM DBZ Kai: The Final Chapters 0.41 (89.13%)

12:00 AM JJBA: Stardust Crusaders 0.33 (80.49%)

12:30 AM Gundam IBO S2 0.30 (90.91%)

1:00 AM Hunter × Hunter 0.31 (103.33%)

1:30 AM Lupin The 3rd 0.27 (87.10%)

2:00 AM Naruto: Shippuden 0.28 (103.70%)

2:30 AM Outlaw Star HD 0.24 (85.71%)

3:00 AM Cowboy Bebop HD 0.22 (91.67%)

3:30 AM Attack on Titan Season 2 0.20 (90.91%)



So what if Hunter x Hunter punked it, I'm just glad IBO is back on the air for Season 2!


Well, I guess the people who say JoJo's is spoiling the sheets have somewhat of a point. But DeMarco still says the show is doing okay... owo


You know, this was a pretty packed night of TV; college football, TBS airing playoff baseball, TNT airing Star Wars movies, and a hurricane. I'm happy the schedule held its own. Even Al himself was affected this time, so it must feel especially sweet.


Hunter x Hunter usually kills the bleeding of underperforming shows, thank you very much.  :P


MM usually must not apply to two weeks ago, when it had 75 percent retention overall, and a jaw droppingly awful 71 percent 18-49 retention making it the worst retainer that night. =P


Oh, looks like I was right, IBO underperformed after "the soiling".....


Flip those two at least, seriously, gotta recoup some of the cash on IBO.


Though total viewers average was down slightly, not the case for the broad target demographic!





8:00 PM Dragon Ball Super (NPOT) 334,000

8:30 PM Dragon Ball Super (NPOT) 462,000 (138.32%)


10:30 PM Family Guy (NPOT) 781,000

11:00 PM Dragon Ball Super 587,000 (75.16%)

11:30 PM DBZ Kai: The Final Chapters 526,000 (89.61%)

12:00 AM JJBA: Stardust Crusaders 429,000 (81.56%)

12:30 AM Gundam IBO S2 390,000 (90.91%)

1:00 AM Hunter × Hunter 406,000 (104.10%)

1:30 AM Lupin The 3rd 350,000 (86.21%)

2:00 AM Naruto: Shippuden 367,000 (104.86%)

2:30 AM Outlaw Star HD 310,000 (84.47%)

3:00 AM Cowboy Bebop HD 290,000 (93.55%)

3:30 AM Attack on Titan Season 2 254,000 (87.59%)



That average is actually the HIGHEST we've seen since the block expanded to 4 AM!



Total Viewers

Dragon Ball Super (Prime Time Premieres) - 827,829 (35 episodes)

Dragon Ball Super (Toonami) - 1,016,694 (36 episodes)

Dragon Ball Z Kai: The Final Chapters - 939,919 (37 episodes)

JoJo's Bizarre Adv.: Stardust Crusaders - 656,500 (10 episodes)

Mobile Suit Gundam: Iron-Blooded Orphans - 576,000 (1 episode)

Hunter × Hunter - 757,551 (69 episodes)

Lupin the 3rd - 499,000 (15 episodes)

Naruto: Shippuden - 817,523 (177 episodes)

Outlaw Star - 435,571 (7 episodes)

Cowboy Bebop - 419,400 (5 episodes)

Attack on Titan Season 2 Rerun - 340,364 (11 episodes)


Adults 18-49

Dragon Ball Super (Prime Time Premieres) - 413,457 (35 episodes)

Dragon Ball Super (Toonami) - 616,417 (36 episodes)

Dragon Ball Z Kai: The Final Chapters - 567,946 (37 episodes)

JoJo's Bizarre Adv.: Stardust Crusaders - 404,400 (10 episodes)

Mobile Suit Gundam: Iron-Blooded Orphans - 390,000 (1 episode)

Hunter × Hunter - 452,768 (69 episodes)

Lupin the 3rd - 295,667 (15 episodes)

Naruto: Shippuden - 454,417 (160 episodes)

Outlaw Star - 265,571 (7 episodes)

Cowboy Bebop - 250,800 (5 episodes)

Attack on Titan Season 2 Rerun - 239,182 (11 episodes)


Adults 18-34 (Estimated)

Dragon Ball Super (Prime Time Premieres) - 265,212 (33 episodes)

Dragon Ball Z Kai: The Final Chapters - 383,838 (37 episodes)

JoJo's Bizarre Adv.: Stardust Crusaders - 274,889 (9 episodes)

Mobile Suit Gundam: Iron-Blooded Orphans - 258,000 (1 episode)

Lupin the 3rd - 201,769 (13 episodes)



MM usually must not apply to two weeks ago, when it had 75 percent retention overall, and a jaw droppingly awful 71 percent 18-49 retention making it the worst retainer that night. =P


Yeah, for one night, and then my baby got back up and strutted that stuff like ain't nuthin' happened. Hmph.  B}


Yeah, for one night, and then my baby got back up and strutted that stuff like ain't nuthin' happened. Hmph.  B}


Yep, that was definitely an off-night for Hunter x Hunter, as so far in 2017, it has averaged 92.3% retention in both total viewers and adults 18-49!



Well these ratings aren't fun.  No, not at all.


It's weird since the ratings are usually better when I don't watch Toonami live, and I haven't watched Toonami live since July...


On a serious note, DBS, one again, needs to be moved from 11:00 PM.  Put something else there.  I'm not saying it'll keep the rest of the shows from dropping so much, but at the very least, it'll probably make the overall ratings higher.


Yep, that was definitely an off-night for Hunter x Hunter, as so far in 2017, it has averaged 92.3% retention in both total viewers and adults 18-49!


Yes but.......


HxH airs after 3 shows that crater in the ratings. Super, Jojo, and TG. So to be honest... there just isn't much to lose at that point.


When the Jojo/ TG combo actually does decently, well you saw what happened to HxH's retention.


But unfortunately, jojo and TG almost always retain horribly. And now IBO does even worse than TG.


At this point you can probably say HxH deserves IBO's spot since it's debut was kind of a disaster. Plus HxH actually has a fanbase.


IBO had a lot of hype going for it, but now we can see that it hasn't lived up to it.


It's also retaining JoJo almost as well as Tokyo Ghoul did, which is actually pretty good. Ghoul retained 92-95%, while so far IBO has retained 90%, except in 18-34, which was only 86%. Still, I think it's too soon to call it out.



IBO had a lot of hype going for it, but now we can see that it hasn't lived up to it.


It's also retaining JoJo almost as well as Tokyo Ghoul did, which is actually pretty good. Ghoul retained 92-95%, while so far IBO has retained 90%, except in 18-34, which was only 86%. Still, I think it's too soon to call it out.


Yes but that's like saying IBO retained Jojo almost as well as a plate of hot garbage.


HxH beat its supposedly hyped debut episode by 12 percent with a worse timeslot. And HxH isn't even in a good arc.



The millions have returned, but NOT where we wanted them to be!! Check this out:






10/14/2017 Dragon Ball Super (8:30) #12 (+3)

Adults 18-34 Rating - 0.66

Estimated 18-34 - 449,000 ( 38.47% )

Adults 18-49 Rating - 0.51

Estimated 18-49 - 654,000 ( 56.04% )

Total Viewers - 1,167,000


10/14/2017 DBZ Kai: Final Chapters #16 (-5)

Adults 18-34 Rating - 0.54

Estimated 18-34 - 367,000 ( 43.59% )

Adults 18-49 Rating - 0.40

Estimated 18-49 - 513,000 ( 60.93% )

Total Viewers - 842,000


10/14/2017 JJBA: Stardust Crusaders - #21 (-4)

Adults 18-34 Rating - 0.43

Estimated 18-34 - 292,000 ( 45.77% )

Adults 18-49 Rating - 0.31

Estimated 18-49 - 397,000 ( 62.23% )

Total Viewers - 638,000


10/14/2017 Gundam IBO - #26 (-6)

Adults 18-34 Rating - 0.35

Estimated 18-34 - 238,000 ( 43.67% )

Adults 18-49 Rating - 0.26

Estimated 18-49 - 333,000 ( 61.10% )

Total Viewers - 545,000


10/14/2017 Lupin the 3rd - #39 (-17)

Adults 18-34 Rating - 0.30

Estimated 18-34 - 204,000 ( 46.36% )

Adults 18-49 Rating - 0.21

Estimated 18-49 - 269,000 ( 61.14% )

Total Viewers - 440,000


In terms of total viewers, Dragon Ball Super at 8:30 just shattered everything Toonami's been able to do for the past 4.5 months! It's too early to tell, but it might have even won the night!





So all non Dragonball stuff bombed...again.


Meanwhile Netflix has announced their plan for 30 new anime projects for 2018.


I can hear DeMarco throwing stuff at the wall.


JoJo = failure

Gundum = bigger failure

Lupin = needs to be put down


3 shows that just need to be removed permanently and something much more suited to take their place


So all non Dragonball stuff bombed...again.


Meanwhile Netflix has announced their plan for 30 new anime projects for 2018.


I can hear DeMarco throwing stuff at the wall.


I would love to see him jump out the window on the  7th floor


No need to do that. Just move the midnight hour to 9 PM; it'll be fine, apparently.


Or better yet, that hot new show Toonami needs to get? It could debut at 11:30 during Toonami and encore at 8 or 9, while DBZ Kai could premiere in the other timeslot and encore in Lupin's current timeslot, or something.


No need to do that. Just move the midnight hour to 9 PM it'll be fine, apparently.


Or better yet, that hot new show Toonami needs to get? It could debut at 11:30 during Toonami and encore at 8 or 9.

They're better off not having shit taste in anime

Lupin old JoJo lame gundum even lamer


Get something that pleases the female audience not the guys


Maybe the problem is airing the one show everyone wants to see at 8.  No carry over.  All the stuff does great...when it migrates to Netflix after all.


This Super thing is such an anomaly. They are really going to have to keep an eye on this and see if its a trend moving forward.  As of yet, this may be the first time that the prime time stealth premiere beats the "official" premiere.


This just came out of nowhere


Meanwhile the slight lift here did not benefit the rest of the night due to the weak comedy lead ins.  The Saturday schedule is so broken at this point they are going to have to do something to fix prime time so Toonami can have a better lead in. Back in the ASA and early Toonami revival days, Bleach used to suffer when AS would get cheap and run low performers as the lead in .


This Super thing is such an anomaly. They are really going to have to keep an eye on this and see if its a trend moving forward.  As of yet, this may be the first time that the prime time stealth premiere beats the "official" premiere.


This just came out of nowhere


Meanwhile the slight lift here did not benefit the rest of the night due to the weak comedy lead ins.  The Saturday schedule is so broken at this point they are going to have to do something to fix prime time so Toonami can have a better lead in. Back in the ASA and early Toonami revival days, Bleach used to suffer when AS would get cheap and run low performers as the lead in .


I think I figured out why this happened:




The OG Teen Titans movie Trouble in Tokyo from 2006 on CN led-in to Adult Swim's Dragon Ball Super power hour. Now THAT'S smart scheduling!


This Saturday it's replaced by the Lego Movie, but a projection for 10/28 has OG Teen Titans in that timeslot for an hour on CN before the DBS power hour on [as]. Who knew bringing back the OG could be so popular?




Juan- I thought you were the VRV spokesman. What happened? Did Netflix pay you more?


I just want to see Toonami fucking burn sometimes.


I remember very distinctly once upon a time when ASA was at its low point and suggesting on a website supporting on demand services, and got told “when you’re done sucking ADV’s lucsious cock, the adults will focus on a solution.”


Fuck Toonami.  Now you’re the outsiders, you’re the freaks, and the tidal wave of On demand is the future.


Yeah, ONLY TOONAMI, amirite?  Let’s see how FLCL 2: Electric Boogaloo compares with Godzilla.


That did not answer the question.


I thought it explained my vitriol against Toonami sometimes.


Guess not.  Someone get me a tiny violin.


I thought it explained my vitriol against Toonami sometimes.


Guess not.  Someone get me a tiny violin.


No that summed it up quite nicely. I was just joking with you to be honest,but I can see how entertainment is evolving. Look at “Stranger Things”, which became a huge hit without ever airing on TV.


I constantly hear anime fans in bookstores and places where merchandise is sold talking about what shows they are watching and never once do I hear “Toonami”. But Toonami is never going to be the end all place for anime. It’s merely a gateway and eventually will hopefully produce their own stuff in addition to having exclusive pickups. There are more outlets for anime, Toonami will just merely be one of those venues.

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