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all of cable is on a similar downward trend.


there are a few outliers here and there.  Toonami is actually kind of a success story even to some extent.


But I doubt cable will rebound in any significant way.  So, odds are, we'll see gradually declining numbers for cable across all networks.


Among that pack, AS and Toonami both are toward the top.  So that's good news.


The bad news I think is I just don't see Lazzo as having the ability to cope with the change.  He's a cable programming genius.  He seems a little slow on the uptake with streaming.  I mean, clearly, he likes that ability to channel viewers to a specific time/place, and talk to them.  Bingeing and streaming I just don't think is in his wheelhouse.  Or - put it this way, I think he's a cable programming genius, but he's not capable of that same level of genius through a streaming/bingeing type format.


So I think Toonami and AS will hold on potentially longer than anybody else.  And I think they have their shit together more than just about anybody else in terms of cable broadcasting.  Just less sure they have their shit together for the next big changes to how people receive entertainment, which is actually well underway now.

  On 8/1/2017 at 8:11 PM, elfie said:

Stop using that word until we indeed know if this ended Toonami, which hasn't happened yet.


Ended Toonami? No. But it's true that people just aren't as intrigued by this arc of HxH as they were of the first two. Hell, Heaven's Arena and Phantom Troupe did better!


But there's actually reason to be encouraged about JoJo. It retained more than 88% of viewers and about 85% of Adults 18-49 when the average retentions from DBZ KFC to AOT were both 83%.




This is what happens when you farm out control of your schedule to content providers....

It also helps when you have the right schedule advertised so people know what is on and when.






  On 8/1/2017 at 8:11 PM, elfie said:

Stop using that word until we indeed know if this ended Toonami, which hasn't happened yet.


what the fuck are you talking about?

  On 8/1/2017 at 9:11 PM, Misaka said:

what the fuck are you talking about?


He thinks you mean final as in the end of Toonami. Like I said he's in panic mode =P

  On 8/1/2017 at 9:21 PM, Daos said:

He thinks you mean final as in the end of Toonami. Like I said he's in panic mode =P


dude needs to really ready every word before panicing :|

  On 8/1/2017 at 9:21 PM, Daos said:

He thinks you mean final as in the end of Toonami. Like I said he's in panic mode =P


It's coming. Cable television will live on forever, but I believe Toonami will cease to.


Given how determined the crew seems to be in continuing this block, I think Toonami will be one of the last remaining places on cable.  If CN and Adult Swim end before than, maybe they'll even migrate to another place on cable.

  On 8/1/2017 at 7:40 PM, OwlChemist81 said:

12:30 AM Tokyo Ghoul 598,000 (93.73%)

1:00 AM Hunter × Hunter 475,000 (79.43%)


I know the Greed Island arc isn't by any means the best Hunter arc, but it's still sad to see such a lack of rentention after Ghoul

  On 8/1/2017 at 9:52 PM, PokeNirvash said:

You know, now that I think about it... you idiots do realize that not many people might've gotten the schedule change memo, right?


All I can say if that the change was so sudden that my DVR didn't get the memo


My DVR still thought Family Guy was our 11pm show


I have to say, I did not expect JoJo to do as well as everyone thought it would, but I didn't expect it to do this bad.  Or the entire block doing this bad, for that matter.  I'm sure a lot of it can be blamed on both the sudden schedule change, as well as the lack of promotion for it, but at the same time.  The lineup right now is also to blame.  There is absolutely no reason why Toonami should currently be led with a rerun, Dragon Ball be damned.  It's shown that it can't retain a good audience, especially with the same episode playing less than three hours before it.  They either need to get rid of the 8:30 airing completely, or push Super back in the block.  Kai led Toonami for two years, so it's not like it's an unproven show.  Give it a chance and put it back at the top.


I'll give JoJo a little longer before calling for it to be removed from midnight, but I'm not too optimistic about it.  JoJo may be popular on the internet, but at this point it's more popular as a meme than as the actual show itself.  The crowd of people who actually watch JoJo for the show itself appears to be much smaller than that.  The show may also be a bit too quirky for casuals to get into, and coming after Kai probably doesn't help.  I love JoJo, but it it needs to prove itself or be moved down.


Certainly the overall downward trend in cable is to blame as well.  Everything is currently down, and Toonami and [as] are no exception.  We just need to accept the fact that there are probably going to be lower ratings for the block from now on.  Just because the ratings are lower doesn't mean Toonami is going to be cancelled.


I also have to (at least partially) agree with brianycpht, in that I think Toonami has lost a lot of the excitement it had in the first couple of years.  A lot of that is due, I think, to streaming services becoming far more prevalent now than they were 5 years ago when Toonami was first revived.  If somebody wants to watch an anime, only the most dedicated of fans is going to stay up on a Saturday night to watch it.  Honestly, dub premieres don't even have the same kind of draw as they used to: sure, the dub will premiere on Toonami, but it's going to be up online, either legally or illegally, with 12 hours of it being broadcast.  You can go out and have a Saturday night and just watch it sometime on Sunday. 


The nostalgia factor has also probably died off for a lot of the people.  Toonami definitely had a lot of hype when it was first revived, riding the whole 80s/90s nostalgia wave at the time, and had a successful revival campaign in #BringBackToonami.  Those people were there when Toonami first came back in 2012.  But where did they go?  Some stayed and still watch.  Others watched for the first couple of nights, felt nostalgic, and moved on.  Still, others stopped watching for a variety of reasons: the shows didn't interest them, they didn't want to spend a Saturday night in, they could watch the shows elsewhere, etc.  Toonami coasted on nostalgia for a while, but eventually it died down.  Honestly, even I'm not too excited for the block anymore.  I really haven't been since mid 2015.  I like the shows, and I still watch, but it doesn't the same for me as it did when it was first revived and afterwards.  I'm sure others feel the same way as well. 


I don't want this to come off as sounding negative, because I'm not trying to be:  I'm just trying to look at the situation and draw conclusions from it.  Toonami isn't gonna be cancelled.  Far from it, I'm sure if anyone asked DeMarco he would say the ratings are fine and that we're overreacting.  I think we should get used to seeing lower ratings for the block all around from here on out, but Toonami being cancelled?  I doubt it.

  On 8/2/2017 at 12:02 AM, elfie said:

It's sad to think that the highest rating revived Toonami would ever get would be the first episode of Akame Ga Kill, an anime generally thought to be horrible.


Considering that was one of the shows that appealed to both genders

  On 8/2/2017 at 12:02 AM, elfie said:

It's sad to think that the highest rating revived Toonami would ever get would be the first episode of Akame Ga Kill, an anime generally thought to be horrible.


You mean 2nd highest, right? But that was a good, intriguing episode! I can see why it hooked people. And that night (which we're fast coming up on the 2nd anniversary of), was actually led by a random DBZ Kai episode which contained a clip of Dragon Ball Z: Resurrection of F, a storyline that would eventually be remixed into the hideously poorly rated Dragon Ball Super Frieza's Resurrection arc. Go figure.


I subscribe to the Occam's razor theory here. The major reason the block isn't doing well, is because the block isn't very good.


Like I keep saying, Toonami lacks any of the big hits that have mainstream appeal. You need that to glue eyeballs to the screen.


2 out of the 4 starting shows are objectively speaking... garbage. You know the ones I'm talking about.


Kai is basically a rerun from the 90's.


Jojo and Lupin are loved by die hard anime fans, but niche.


The rest of the block is reruns and more Shonen that only appeals to a select audience.


Owl said the block is down what... 46 percent in a single year? In the medical profession I think they call that hemorrhaging.


Whether or not people hate Akame GA Kill, it looked slick and had mainstream appeal. That's why it got ratings.

  On 8/2/2017 at 12:33 AM, brianycpht said:

Daos said it right. There is an issue with the programming. These shows just aren't appealing to a wide audience. That's our main issue.


So they have TWO Dragonball shows, with cliffnotes saying there could be a chance they wouldn't get ratings.  You would think TWO DRAGONBALL SHOWS would rake in the big ratings, because it's Dragonball!  But no. It appears those cliffnotes are what is poisoning them instead.  Kai should be a hit, but it's actually just a rerun of the original Dragonball Z from a decade or so ago, and Super, while having original, brand new stories, just ended their adaptations of the 2 latest movies, and it's sadly one mess of an update! :(

  On 8/2/2017 at 1:08 AM, elfie said:

So they have TWO Dragonball shows, with cliffnotes saying there could be a chance they wouldn't get ratings.  You would think TWO DRAGONBALL SHOWS would rake in the big ratings, because it's Dragonball!  But no. It appears those cliffnotes are what is poisoning them instead.  Kai should be a hit, but it's actually just a rerun of the original Dragonball Z from a decade or so ago, and Super, while having original, brand new stories, just ended their adaptations of the 2 latest movies, and it's sadly one mess of an update! :(


Well Kai is their biggest draw. But their biggest draw is an ancient 90's show cruising on nostalgia. And despite being the biggest draw, they have it air 2nd behind the dumpster fire known as Super.

  On 8/2/2017 at 12:31 AM, brianycpht said:

Some people don't even care if it's in English. Just the sub being readily available can hinder viewership. It's a tricky time we live in.


Toonami accidentally did that to themselves too. When Attack On Titan first aired, I saw a shit ton of people who've never watched anime suddenly start watching the thing (a lot of whom discovered it thanks to Toonami). They have since become the very same people who either don't care to wait for a dub or get offended by the very existence of one. Massive catch 22 right there.


Mentioning Super does have me a bit curious, though.


How do you guys think Super would do if the Toonami airing was the only airing?  What I mean is, do you think it would still be doing poorly in the ratings, or would it be doing something closer to 1.2-1.3 million?  With the airings split up like this, it's hard to get a sense of if Super's ratings are a result of people being split by the airings, or due to people not liking the show.


I think it would be in the range of a million if it was only at 11. The problem is that Family Guy does worse in the 10pm hour so it won't be as high if it was st 11:30 or midnight. Some people who watch at 8 won't stay up, but their would be a modest gain for sure.


Weird thing this week: the 8pm rerun actually outraged the 8:30 premiere.

  On 8/2/2017 at 12:24 AM, Daos said:

Like I keep saying, Toonami lacks any of the big hits that have mainstream appeal.


But what is there? MHA for all we know has JoJo internet-level appeal, Mob Psycho is old news already, and aside from you and maybe two articles on ANN I've never heard anyone speak of Re: Zero. The sad truth is that unless One Punch Man season 2 comes out tomorrow (as by the time it does next year it very likely won't have the same hype level that surrounded season 1), what is there?

  On 8/2/2017 at 1:08 AM, elfie said:

So they have TWO Dragonball shows, with cliffnotes saying there could be a chance they wouldn't get ratings.  You would think TWO DRAGONBALL SHOWS would rake in the big ratings, because it's Dragonball!  But no. It appears those cliffnotes are what is poisoning them instead.  Kai should be a hit, but it's actually just a rerun of the original Dragonball Z from a decade or so ago, and Super, while having original, brand new stories, just ended their adaptations of the 2 latest movies, and it's sadly one mess of an update! :(


Supers potential is being wasted because of the rerun status. That and it being at 11 following a weaker Family Guy limits what it can do.


There also isn't as much hype for this series compared to people reliving their childhoods with Kai!


  On 8/2/2017 at 1:56 AM, MasqueradeOverture said:

But what is there? MHA for all we know has JoJo internet-level appeal, Mob Psycho is old news already, and aside from you and maybe two articles on ANN I've never heard anyone speak of Re: Zero. The sad truth is that unless One Punch Man season 2 comes out tomorrow (as by the time it does next year it very likely won't have the same hype level that surrounded season 1), what is there?


They really should try and find something that is starting to get big in Japan and jump on it. Take a chance on something. Do the research and not rely on a tumblr/Facebook request. Sometimes by the time Toonami gets to the party, fans have had their fill of it.


The time for Mob was last year /early this year. The dub has already streamed and I don't think it's the kind of thing that's people are going to go nuts over.


I'm worried too that any new fans OPM created will just watch the sub when that comes out similar to Titan

  On 8/2/2017 at 1:56 AM, MasqueradeOverture said:

But what is there? MHA for all we know has JoJo internet-level appeal, Mob Psycho is old news already, and aside from you and maybe two articles on ANN I've never heard anyone speak of Re: Zero. The sad truth is that unless One Punch Man season 2 comes out tomorrow (as by the time it does next year it very likely won't have the same hype level that surrounded season 1), what is there?


MHA has way way way wider appeal than Jojo. The last time someone mentioned the top 3 requested shows it was MHA, OPM S2 and Fairytail... if you can believe that.


You've never heard anyone talk about Re Zero? It was all anyone talked about in 2016. Everyone and their dog had a Rem avatar. Or Betelgeuse. There was a fan thread for it on the old forum.


Mob, Re Zero, and Kabaneri were the most popular anime of 2016. I hardly call 2016 old. Zero and Kabaneri don't have dubs yet, but they should probably jump on one of those when they do.


Tanya the evil, Gate, Overlord... even Charlotte and Danmachi would have mainstream appeal and probably outperform everything except maybe Kai. All dubbed and ready to go.


Worldend, Akashic records and Love Tyrant were some of the most popular anime last season. All 3 have dubs out already. Love Tyrant probably isn't a good fit, but the others would be worth a look.



  On 8/2/2017 at 1:55 AM, brianycpht said:

I think it would be in the range of a million if it was only at 11. The problem is that Family Guy does worse in the 10pm hour so it won't be as high if it was st 11:30 or midnight. Some people who watch at 8 won't stay up, but their would be a modest gain for sure.


Weird thing this week: the 8pm rerun actually outraged the 8:30 premiere.


Only in total viewers. Adults 18-49 went up 0.04. And apparently Hunter × Hunter's ratings were a mistake, as it beat the dumpster fire that is Tokyo Ghoul Root A in 18-49:



  On 8/2/2017 at 1:50 AM, CaptainStarwind said:

Mentioning Super does have me a bit curious, though.


How do you guys think Super would do if the Toonami airing was the only airing?  What I mean is, do you think it would still be doing poorly in the ratings, or would it be doing something closer to 1.2-1.3 million?  With the airings split up like this, it's hard to get a sense of if Super's ratings are a result of people being split by the airings, or due to people not liking the show.


Honestly Super is entirely dependent on how the show before it does. It's not good enough to draw in its own viewers. If the lead in does 1.2 mil it can crack a mil.


Compare that with Jack, that regularly beat its lead in.


Alright, hold on to your butts!  |:: ohno



8:00 PM Dragon Ball Super (NPOT) 705,000

8:30 PM Dragon Ball Super (NPOT) 673,000 (95.46%)


10:30 PM Family Guy (NPOT) 961,000

11:00 PM Dragon Ball Super 801,000 (83.35%)

11:30 PM DBZ Kai: The Final Chapters 721,000 (90.01%)

12:00 AM JJBA: Stardust Crusaders 638,000 (88.49%)

12:30 AM Tokyo Ghoul 598,000 (93.73%)

1:00 AM Hunter × Hunter 584,000 (97.66%)

1:30 AM Lupin The 3rd 475,000 (81.34%)

2:00 AM Naruto: Shippuden 461,000 (97.05%)

2:30 AM Ghost In The Shell HD 416,000 (90.24%)

3:00 AM Attack on Titan Season 2 369,000 (88.70%)

3:30 AM Samurai Jack (NPOT) 386,000 (104.61%)




8:00 PM Dragon Ball Super (NPOT) 306,000

8:30 PM Dragon Ball Super (NPOT) 353,000 (115.36%)


10:30 PM Family Guy (NPOT) 537,000

11:00 PM Dragon Ball Super 505,000 (94.04%)

11:30 PM DBZ Kai: The Final Chapters 423,000 (83.76%)

12:00 AM JJBA: Stardust Crusaders 358,000 (84.63%)

12:30 AM Tokyo Ghoul 320,000 (89.39%)

1:00 AM Hunter × Hunter 328,000 (102.50%)

1:30 AM Lupin The 3rd 268,000 (81.71%)

2:00 AM Naruto: Shippuden 260,000 (97.01%)

2:30 AM Ghost In The Shell HD 247,000 (95.00%)

3:00 AM Attack on Titan Season 2 210,000 (85.02%)

3:30 AM Samurai Jack (NPOT) 215,000 (102.38%)




Total Viewers

Dragon Ball Super (Prime Time Premieres) - 847,808 (26 episodes)

Dragon Ball Super (Toonami) - 1,059,667 (27 episodes)

Dragon Ball Z Kai: The Final Chapters - 980,393 (28 episodes)

JoJo's Bizarre Adv.: Stardust Crusaders - 638,000 (1 episode)

Tokyo Ghoul - 680,625 (16 episodes)

Hunter × Hunter - 786,183 (60 episodes)

Lupin the 3rd - 518,333 (6 episodes)

Naruto: Shippuden - 837,272 (167 episodes)

Ghost In The Shell HD - 492,375 (24 episodes)

Attack on Titan Season 2 Rerun - 369,000 (1 episode)


Adults 18-49

Dragon Ball Super (Prime Time Premieres) - 410,731 (26 episodes)

Dragon Ball Super (Toonami) - 642,296 (27 episodes)

Dragon Ball Z Kai: The Final Chapters - 592,143 (28 episodes)

JoJo's Bizarre Adv.: Stardust Crusaders - 358,000 (1 episode)

Tokyo Ghoul - 416,250 (16 episodes)

Hunter × Hunter - 468,967 (60 episodes)

Lupin the 3rd - 301,667 (6 episodes)

Naruto: Shippuden - 464,578 (150 episodes)

Ghost In The Shell HD - 302,375 (24 episodes)

Attack on Titan Season 2 Rerun - 210,000 (1 episode)


Adults 18-34 (Estimated)

Dragon Ball Super (Prime Time Premieres) - 263,640 (25 episodes)

Dragon Ball Z Kai: The Final Chapters - 399,679 (28 episodes)

JoJo's Bizarre Adv.: Stardust Crusaders - 245,000 (1 episode)

Tokyo Ghoul - 277,375 (16 episodes)

Lupin the 3rd - 207,333 (6 episodes)


NOTE: NPOT = Not Part Of Toonami

Gotta get better in a little while...

  On 8/2/2017 at 2:52 AM, Daos said:

Honestly Super is entirely dependent on how the show before it does. It's not good enough to draw in its own viewers. If the lead in does 1.2 mil it can crack a mil.


Compare that with Jack, that regularly beat its lead in.

Yep, premiere-wise, DBS isn't something like Samurai Jack or Rick and Morty that can bring in a lot of outside viewers and beat FG regularly. They might even have data showing that the 8 PM showings aren't significantly hurting the Toonami showing which could be a reason they're doubling down on it.


What they're hoping for with this schedule change is that 8:30 DBS builds off the 8 PM rerun, and then the Rick and Morty S3 encores build off of that. FG is going to build off of whatever the 9 PM hour gets, so the better that hour does, the better FG does. Then the better that FG does, the better that the start of Toonami will do, and since Toonami usually has great retention between shows, that momentum carries throughout the night.


We've seen that it's rare for a Toonami show to bring in a large amount of outside viewers that match or beat Family Guy. So the strategy has to revolve around building up the entire night instead, and that means a stronger primetime will hopefully lead to a stronger Toonami.

  On 8/2/2017 at 1:30 PM, Misaka said:

Ok time to kill super and Hunter replace both for something much better


I purpose gate replacing Hunter


If anything, Hunter and Super should swap. I know it will never happen, but Hunter actually GAINED on its predecessor. No other Toonami show did last week.


  On 8/2/2017 at 1:30 PM, Misaka said:

Ok time to kill super and Hunter replace both for something much better


I purpose gate replacing Hunter


My God people seem VERY split on Hunter! I for one am glad it's got an earlier timeslot, and really enjoy it.


12 hours away from the boards and I see 1.7 new pages of comments. *_*

  On 8/2/2017 at 3:20 PM, elfie said:

My God people seem VERY split on Hunter! I for one am glad it's got an earlier timeslot, and really enjoy it.


12 hours away from the boards and I see 1.7 new pages of comments. *_*


Most are just ben bitching

  On 8/2/2017 at 1:30 PM, Misaka said:

Ok time to kill super and Hunter replace both for something much better


I purpose gate replacing Hunter


If they spend the dough to get GATE it damn well better be in a better timeslot than HxH. Either replacing Super or bumping it down a slot =P


It's a non issue though as I'm 99 percent sure no one running Toonami has heard of GATE.


But get ready for the ratings smash hit of... IBO season 2! Coming soon!

  On 8/2/2017 at 5:27 PM, Daos said:

If they spend the dough to get GATE it damn well better be in a better timeslot than HxH. Either replacing Super or bumping it down a slot =P


It's a non issue though as I'm 99 percent sure no one running Toonami has heard of GATE.


But get ready for the ratings smash hit of... IBO season 2! Coming soon!


Gate at 11 Kai at 1130

Super at 330

  On 8/2/2017 at 7:30 PM, Lawliet720 said:

It's odd how ratings got so much worse after One Piece left...


Yeah really. It truly was an "anchor" show once it moved down to 2:30 AM, like InuYasha was in 2012 and 2013 at 5 AM. Toonami would do well to realize their mistake, re-acquire it, and pick up where they left off with Season 7 at 2:30 AM where GITS is right now. Perhaps that really IS the plan?


I've been doing some rewatching this afternoon, and I've noticed a few missed opportunities for Toonami. Considering the commercial breaks of shows I've recorded:


Dragon Ball Super - 7/29 8 PM:

- early break: Rick & Morty

- late break: Apollo Gauntlet

- after show: R&M non-canonical AND Decker: Mindwipe


Dragon Ball Super - 7/29 8:30 PM:

- before show: Rick & Morty

- early break: 15-second B&W bump

- late break: 15-second CGI animated bump

- after show: 15-second B&W bump


Strange decision to run B&W bumps during DBS; were they doing that during Jack? Also the complete lack of any show promos, especially the JoJo promo, is strange.


Also watched R&M on 7/23 and 7/30 and I haven't seen any Toonami ads so far.


Edit: yup. Zilch. Zero. Granted, I think R&M S3's premiere probably greatly exceeded their expectations, but still, if 2.8 million people are watching, don't you think airing a single promo to advertise your 7 other huge premieres on another night would be a good move? I don't expect quite as many people to watch next week, but hopefully they'll actually throw Toonami a bone and air an updated schedule promo during the 11:30 Sunday premiere of "PIckle Rick!"


No!  Nonononono.  No One Piece.  That show was an albatross and it would be about ten times worse if it was here.

  On 8/2/2017 at 8:04 PM, OwlChemist81 said:

Yeah really. It truly was an "anchor" show once it moved down to 2:30 AM, like InuYasha was in 2012 and 2013 at 5 AM. Toonami would do well to realize their mistake, re-acquire it, and pick up where they left off with Season 7 at 2:30 AM where GITS is right now. Perhaps that really IS the plan?

At this point I'd call you crazy... but I'm gonna back you up on this one.

  On 8/2/2017 at 8:37 PM, Jman said:

No!  Nonononono.  No One Piece.  That show was an albatross and it would be about ten times worse if it was here.

Even though it would be in the penultimate slot where the Attack on Titan reruns would be the only thing damaged?


Besides, on the off-chance that it does return, it's not like Moose is gonna be allowed back in to shit up this place like he did the ASMB.

  On 8/2/2017 at 7:30 PM, Lawliet720 said:

It's odd how ratings got so much worse after One Piece left...


That just sounds like a coincidence.


What I find ironic is that the ratings One Piece got were part of their decision to drop it, and then the REST of the block continues to get those type of ratings INSTEAD!

  On 8/2/2017 at 8:39 PM, PokeNirvash said:

Even though it would be in the penultimate slot where the Attack on Titan reruns would be the only thing damaged?


Besides, on the off-chance that it does return, it's not like Moose is gonna be allowed back in to shit up this place like he did the ASMB.


One question is do we even deserve One Piece again after replacing it with Tokyo Ghoul of all things

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