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College sports in general are dog shit imo. Could just never be asked to care about them. And fuck basketball as a whole. Dunno why I felt compelled to randomly share my opinion, but there ya go. :D


Well this is a forum. That's what it's for.


Wow adult swim surely shit the bed fast and hard before toonami even had a chance

And poor toonami is slipping on the shit that adult swim decided to play


That "shit" was apparently planned enough in advance for the crew to write a script and record Steve and Dana for that new Toonami April Fool's intro.  I feel glad knowing it wasn't just something Adult Swim was an asshole about and didn't just do it the day before without telling anyone willy-nilly.  Which means DeMarco was fine with the prank, despite already making a Samurai Jack Episode 4 topical "for next Saturday at 11".  Apparently, he's not worried about the tv listings being totally wrong on that specific night.  Now I don't know how he feels about Toonami not hitting a million at all and  I look forward to seeing the next Pre-Flight on what he has to say!


That "shit" was apparently planned enough in advance for the crew to write a script and record Steve and Dana for that new Toonami April Fool's intro.  I feel glad knowing it wasn't just something Adult Swim was an asshole about and didn't just do it the day before without telling anyone willy-nilly.  Which means DeMarco was fine with the prank, despite already making a Samurai Jack Episode 4 topical "for next Saturday at 11".  Apparently, he's not worried about the tv listings being totally wrong on that specific night.  Now I don't know how he feels about Toonami not hitting a million at all and  I look forward to seeing the next Pre-Flight on what he has to say!


There's not much Demarco can do with regards to programming decisions. He just curates the block, helps decide what shows to get, plan TIE's. Lineup decisions, when and what marathons to play, the length of the block, ect... are all in the hands of the programming department. I'm sure he provides his opinion and guidance, but the ultimate choice isn't up to him. I saw a YouTube video that put the blame solely in Demarco's hands for the stunt because "he controls Toonami" and that's just plain wrong. It's not like he owns the airwaves during those hours. Some people think he can veto anything that affects Toonami and it doesn't work that way.


Ncaa March Madness and college football playoff and ranked games are fun and I'm all in, regular season games not so much but I enjoy myself watching those 2 college sports,


As far as the ratings go, expected from the april fools stunt I'm sure it was a free night


There's not much Demarco can do with regards to programming decisions. He just curates the block, helps decide what shows to get, plan TIE's. Lineup decisions, when and what marathons to play, the length of the block, ect... are all in the hands of the programming department. I'm sure he provides his opinion and guidance, but the ultimate choice isn't up to him. I saw a YouTube video that put the blame solely in Demarco's hands for the stunt because "he controls Toonami" and that's just plain wrong. It's not like he owns the airwaves during those hours. Some people think he can veto anything that affects Toonami and it doesn't work that way.


You are correct! And more people need to understand that!


There's not much Demarco can do with regards to programming decisions. He just curates the block, helps decide what shows to get, plan TIE's. Lineup decisions, when and what marathons to play, the length of the block, ect... are all in the hands of the programming department. I'm sure he provides his opinion and guidance, but the ultimate choice isn't up to him. I saw a YouTube video that put the blame solely in Demarco's hands for the stunt because "he controls Toonami" and that's just plain wrong. It's not like he owns the airwaves during those hours. Some people think he can veto anything that affects Toonami and it doesn't work that way.


Isn't DeMarco like the head of both Adult Swim and Toonami programming?  Or am I confusing his position? It's easy to just blame the "face" of something because they appear in videos online and speak for people on social media and ask.fm, but he actually has little control.


Demarco runs Adult Swim- On Air. basically in his words, everything on Adult Swim that's not a show. He and his team are behind all the AS interstitials and packaging, of which Toonami is considered. He doesn't get paid anything extra for Toonami, it's just considered packaging that airs on Saturday nights. Kim Manning is head of programming and decides things like schedules and acquisitions. Demarco and Gil sit down with her work out what shows to get based on demand, cost, and a whole bunch of other decisions. She makes the deals and reaches out to the distributors .She actually is a big fan of anime and used to even talk to people on the ASMB. She is a really cool person. She has to make decisions about programming, schedules, and the other things I mentioned. I'm sure plenty of factors have to go into play when deciding a shows timeslot like show compatibility, cost vs ratings potential, ect.. Decisions about whether or not to run marathons (which don't cost them much) on nights when there will be less TV viewership have also  to be made with regard to how it plays into the overall scheme of things. Think about all the moves that had to happen to have DBZ Kai wrap by last years end in order to start TFC in January. Demarco of course has his opinions, but these decisions are largely out of his control and like any job with many departments, you may not like every decision your superiors make, but in the end you have a job to do and keep so you aren't really in a position to argue about every one of those choices, even if you know it's not a good idea.


The April Fools gag certainty was bad for Jack fans, but they also had to take into consideration the Final Four competition and the need to have Jack wrap up the week before Memorial Day. I'm sure all of this was choreographed way ahead of time. Sometimes you stop and think, "Wow wasn't that convenient timing?" Like the DBZ thing, they had to have the normal holiday breaks, forgo a Thanksgiving break, double up last May, and run an episode on a marathon night in 2015 to make that happen.


I just feel bad for the guy because he is sort of on the front lines. You should have heard some of the Youtube rants that were screaming about how Demarco needs to take responsibility for this because "he's in charge of Toonami". It's not like he can say "Hey 11:00-3:30 belongs to ME, you can't touch it" and how he "Waited 2 WHOLE HOURS to let people know what was going on!" He doesn't need to do anything. It's Saturday, it's his day off and I'm sure he'd like to spend time with his family. He doesn't have to talk to people just because he has a Twitter account. He does and will because he cares , but for a network executive, he's one of the most accessible and transparent one's out there.


You have a point, but it's fun to blame Demarco. I mean, look at that mug.




Can't find that brand of shit-eating grin anywhere else. :)


Another reason it's fun to blame DeMarco is that we know he can take the criticism.  ... has this guy EVER yelled?! :D


Another reason it's fun to blame DeMarco is that we know he can take the criticism.  ... has this guy EVER yelled?! :D

No people really do try to insult him even on a personal level. Sometimes it seems like people make it their mission to try and piss him off. He was a Sander supporter and people would right things on his ask.FM like "When Trump wins, I bet you'll cancel Toonami out of liberal tears while you whine on Twitter all day" and he was just like "No way. Not even Trump can stop Toonami!"


Well, this was a weird week, but Samurai Jack FINALLY claimed the top spot among cable originals!






4/8/2017 Dragon Ball Super (8 PM) - #24 (-7)

Adults 18-34 Rating - 0.32

Estimated 18-34 - 217,000 ( 30.82% )

Adults 18-49 Rating - 0.26

Estimated 18-49 - 333,000 ( 47.30% )

Total Viewers - 704,000


4/8/2017 Samurai Jack - #1 (N/A)

Adults 18-34 Rating - 0.90

Estimated 18-34 - 612,000 ( 45.84% )

Adults 18-49 Rating - 0.66

Estimated 18-49 - 846,000 ( 63.37% )

Total Viewers - 1,335,000


4/8/2017 DBZ Kai: Final Chapters - #2 (N/A)

Adults 18-34 Rating - 0.62

Estimated 18-34 - 421,000 ( 41.60% )

Adults 18-49 Rating - 0.49

Estimated 18-49 - 628,000 ( 62.06% )

Total Viewers - 1,012,000


4/8/2017 JoJo's Bizarre Adventure - #6 (-4)

Adults 18-34 Rating - 0.52

Estimated 18-34 - 353,000 ( 45.08% )

Adults 18-49 Rating - 0.39

Estimated 18-49 - 500,000 ( 63.86% )

Total Viewers - 783,000


4/8/2017 Tokyo Ghoul - #5 (STEADY)

Adults 18-34 Rating - 0.53

Estimated 18-34 - 360,000 ( 43.90% )

Adults 18-49 Rating - 0.40

Estimated 18-49 - 513,000 ( 62.56% )

Total Viewers - 820,000


4/8/2017 Gundam Unicorn - #17 (-11)

Adults 18-34 Rating - 0.39

Estimated 18-34 - 265,000 ( 46.01% )

Adults 18-49 Rating - 0.30

Estimated 18-49 - 385,000 ( 66.84% )

Total Viewers - 576,000


Yep, that's right. Tokyo Ghoul BEAT JoJo! And it's the show taking a break next week. But that's OK, because I'm sure the AOT/Ghoul combination will KILL in the ratings, and might even lift the Dragon Balls before it.


Poor hapless Gundam Unicorn might even benefit from that with its final 7 episodes!



On the contrary, I love that Ben was wrong about Jack tanking even harder than Hellsing after a week off. >:D


Yeah, I sure didn't see that happening!


We already know how Hunter, Shippuden, and Ghost did last week: 0.36/715K; 0.26/514K; and 0.27/508K, respectively. It seems One Piece may not have been the problem; but rather 2:30 AM. At this point, we now know the 12-3:30 average, 704K, which is ranked 9th of the 14 weeks so far this year. It is also the first to be below the average (the 8th ranked week was above average).


Also... http://tvbythenumbers.zap2it.com/daily-ratings/saturday-cable-ratings-april-8-2017/


Jack gets its first feature, but with a scene from Season 5, Episode 1.


On the contrary, I love that Ben was wrong about Jack tanking even harder than Hellsing after a week off. >:D


Yes it's good to see there was nothing to worry about.

Also... http://tvbythenumbers.zap2it.com/daily-ratings/saturday-cable-ratings-april-8-2017/


Jack gets its first feature, but with a scene from Season 5, Episode 1.


I guess the major media outlets aren't using anything from beyond the first episode from whatever reason. I noticed that pattern with Rick & Morty also, when its second season was new. The reviews on The A.V. Club used generic stills that were almost never from the actual episode, and neither were they on the television ratings outlets.


Watch Demarco & Co. double-up on Gundam instead for 2 weeks by moving AOT S2 to 11 PM in June replacing Samurai Jack and starting IBO S2 at 12:30 concurrent with the last 2 episodes of Unicorn at 2 AM!


Question is: what happens then with JoJo: Stardust? There's no way that could start at 2 AM--is there?


Watch Demarco & Co. double-up on Gundam instead for 2 weeks by moving AOT S2 to 11 PM in June replacing Samurai Jack and starting IBO S2 at 12:30 concurrent with the last 2 episodes of Unicorn at 2 AM!


Question is: what happens then with JoJo: Stardust? There's no way that could start at 2 AM--is there?


I'd say they start Stardust at 12:30 or 1:00, depending on where they want to stick IBO.  Of course it's all relevant to how well all the other shows are doing when that comes. As far as Double Gundam for 2 weeks, why not? They'll do whatever they have to do in order to premiere things when they want to.


After those ratings lets hope they stop with the Gundam after Unicorn is done.


I'm sure IBO2 is a done deal at this point. It's even possible that both seasons were picked up together along with Unicorn as a show of good faith to Sunrise. For whatever reason, they had the hardest time getting any type of Gundam on the block for years. That'll take us to the end of 2017, then after that who knows?


After those ratings lets hope they stop with the Gundam after Unicorn is done.


I have to agree with the others who are saying IBO 2 is a definite at this point.  Toonami seemed to think IBO did fine so I don't see why they wouldn't play the second season.  If they do end up keeping this "permanent Gundam slot" after that, I'd like to see some older series circle in.  I would say that Tokyo Ghoul beat JoJo due to JoJo having almost no action that night, but Tokyo Ghoul had barely any action too, so I guess people are just turned off by JoJo.  Can't wait to see the full ratings when they come out.


Samurai Jack kills it like usual.  It seems like April Fools didn't have much of an effect on Jack at all. 


The rest of the night is low.  DBZ TFC did decent, so at the very least I have to assume that DBS got over a million, but it looks like it all went to hell after that. 


Gundam IBO S1 did a very respectable 940K compared to Gundam Unicorn, which unfortunately has bombed almost as bad as Hellsing Ultimate, at 721K so far.


What can I say? I guess true quality just isn't all that popular!


And we already have an idea how every slot did except DB Super at 11:30. Gonna have to wait on Programming Insider for that one...


Well, Unicorn requires lots of knowledge regarding prior Gundam series, whereas IBO is stand-alone and easy to follow, so...




I enjoy the shit out of Unicorn, but seeing the reactions of some people here and then going to NeoGAF to learn the sheer number of people that have dropped the show (most of whom haven't seen the original Gundams), I get it.


Gender differences aside, Mari Okada's problem is that she really likes to pile on the melodrama. Hell, she was actually planning on ending season 1 on a darker note before the director told her to tone it down.


Gender differences aside, Mari Okada's problem is that she really likes to pile on the melodrama. Hell, she was actually planning on ending season 1 on a darker note before the director told her to tone it down.


I just realized SEED was written by a woman too.


Goddammit, when will Sunrise learn?


Personally, I'm expecting IBO season 2 after Unicorn, and then Demarco calling off the "permanent Gundam slot".


I'm actually betting on IBO Season 2 being exclusive to FunimationNow... or maybe Crunchyroll, since that's where the Unicorn dub originally premiered.


Watch Demarco & Co. double-up on Gundam instead for 2 weeks by moving AOT S2 to 11 PM in June replacing Samurai Jack and starting IBO S2 at 12:30 concurrent with the last 2 episodes of Unicorn at 2 AM!


Question is: what happens then with JoJo: Stardust? There's no way that could start at 2 AM--is there?


I had not considered them airing IBO S2 before finishing Unicorn, I suppose they could and then replace Unicorn with an less prominent premiere at 2am. I'd rather see them run the last 3 Unicorn eps back to back on May 20th if the goal is to get IBO on by the week after Memorial Day. They could make an event of it.


I had not considered them airing IBO S2 before finishing Unicorn, I suppose they could and then replace Unicorn with an less prominent premiere at 2am. I'd rather see them run the last 3 Unicorn eps back to back on May 20th if the goal is to get IBO on by the week after Memorial Day. They could make an event of it.


One thing to consider I suppose is that it started the same week last year. Depending on how many marathons they want to run, there may be some strategic placing in order for it to finish out before the Christmas hiatus. If they start there and take off July 4th, Labor Day, Halloween, and Thanksgiving, it'll work out just right. If they don't plan on taking one of those off (similar to last year) then they can wait another week to start it. I guess it all depends on what their programming plans are this year.


What?? No one's posted the full numbers yet!?


I guess I better remedy that...




Sucks for the Masters, but at least Jack kicked ass! We already knew that, but we didn't know how much it gained from Family Guy--but now we do!



8:00 PM Dragon Ball Super 704,000


10:30 PM Family Guy 1,246,000

11:00 PM Samurai Jack 1,335,000 (107.14%)

11:30 PM Dragon Ball Super 1,132,000 (84.79%)

12:00 AM Sand Whale & Me 1,036,000 (91.52%)

12:05 AM DBZ Kai: The Final Chapters 1,012,000 (97.68%)

12:30 AM JoJo's Bizarre Adventure 783,000 (77.37%)

1:00 AM Tokyo Ghoul 820,000 (104.73%)

1:30 AM Hunter × Hunter 715,000 (87.20%)

2:00 AM Mobile Suit Gundam Unicorn 576,000 (80.56%)

2:30 AM Naruto: Shippuden 514,000 (89.24%)

3:00 AM Ghost In The Shell HD 508,000 (98.83%)



8:00 PM Dragon Ball Super 337,000


10:30 PM Family Guy 787,000

11:00 PM Samurai Jack 841,000 (106.86%)

11:30 PM Dragon Ball Super 719,000 (85.49%)

12:00 AM Sand Whale & Me 657,000 (91.38%)

12:05 AM DBZ Kai: The Final Chapters 629,000 (95.74%)

12:30 AM JoJo's Bizarre Adventure 499,000 (79.33%)

1:00 AM Tokyo Ghoul 508,000 (101.80%)

1:30 AM Hunter × Hunter 457,000 (89.96%)

2:00 AM Mobile Suit Gundam Unicorn 388,000 (84.90%)

2:30 AM Naruto: Shippuden 333,000 (85.82%)

3:00 AM Ghost In The Shell HD 340,000 (102.10%)



And finally, the rolling averages:



Total Viewers

Dragon Ball Super (8 PM) - 882,000 (13 episodes)

Samurai Jack - 1,384,750 (4 episodes)

Dragon Ball Super (11:30 PM) - 1,185,462 (13 episodes)

Sand Whale And Me - 943,250 (4 episodes)

Dragon Ball Z Kai: Final Chapters - 1,046,429 (14 episodes)

Jojo's Bizarre Adventure - 903,750 (24 episodes)

Tokyo Ghoul - 766,667 (3 episodes)

Hunter × Hunter - 839,804 (46 episodes)

Mobile Suit Gundam Unicorn - 721,286 (14 episodes)

Naruto: Shippuden - 867,395 (153 episodes)

Ghost In The Shell HD - 525,100 (10 episodes)


Adults 18-49

Dragon Ball Super (8 PM, Estimate) - 420,462 (13 episodes)

Samurai Jack - 884,250 (4 episodes)

Dragon Ball Super (11:30 PM) - 717,154 (13 episodes)

Sand Whale And Me - 603,000 (4 episodes)

Dragon Ball Z Kai: Final Chapters - 630,500 (14 episodes)

Jojo's Bizarre Adventure - 550,875 (24 episodes)

Tokyo Ghoul - 482,000 (3 episodes)

Hunter × Hunter - 498,674 (46 episodes)

Mobile Suit Gundam Unicorn - 456,500 (14 episodes)

Naruto: Shippuden - 481,608 (136 episodes)

Ghost In The Shell HD - 326,200 (10 episodes)


Adults 18-34 (Estimated)

Dragon Ball Super (8 PM) - 271,750 (12 episodes)

Samurai Jack - 627,000 (4 episodes)

Dragon Ball Z Kai: Final Chapters - 432,429 (14 episodes)

Jojo's Bizarre Adventure - 374,083 (24 episodes)

Tokyo Ghoul - 335,333 (3 episodes)

Mobile Suit Gundam Unicorn - 303,786 (14 episodes)


Last week Hunter x Hunter dipped below 500K 18-49 for the first time, and sadly this week it didn't recover. But Gundam Unicorn just might be saved from going below 300K 18-34--maybe. With 2 episodes left, will JJBA finish above 900K total viewers? We'll find out next week!


Samurai Jack is on track to be the first Toonami show ever to finish over 600K 18-34, in only 6 weeks if it keeps this up!



Man this week it said AS viewership was down 28% from last time year,. That being the case, I guess 750k is the the new million!


And 1 Million is the new 1333K!


You didn't mention that down 24% in Adults 18-49. Toonami's 12-3:30 averages fared slightly better. Down 26% in total viewers and 20% in adults 18-49.


But throw the 11 PM hour this year in and Toonami as a whole was only down 7% in adults 18-49!


Not only that, but Toonami was 3% above average for the week in total viewers and 5% above average for the week in adults 18-49!


That's why you're the statition around here! Sounds pretty good to me all things considering! That's why is important not to put so much emphasis on comparing the exact numbers from a year ago since the potential audience was overall larger. I guess it's their job to figure out how much of the audience erosion is due to cable being down and how much of it actually relates to the programming.I wish we could see the numbers for the weeknight lineup. I'm curious as to how AS is doing overall.


The only thing that I worry about (the only way I see this happening ) is if AS viewership continues to decline and somehow Lazzo. Manning, Demarco and others leave the network and people take over who do not care about the block. I actually had a bad dream the other night that they replaced Toonami with BBT reruns like on TBS! Talk about a nightmare!


That's why you're the statition around here! Sounds pretty good to me all things considering! That's why is important not to put so much emphasis on comparing the exact numbers from a year ago since the potential audience was overall larger. I guess it's their job to figure out how much of the audience erosion is due to cable being down and how much of it actually relates to the programming.I wish we could see the numbers for the weeknight lineup. I'm curious as to how AS is doing overall.


The only thing that I worry about (the only way I see this happening ) is if AS viewership continues to decline and somehow Lazzo. Manning, Demarco and others leave the network and people take over who do not care about the block. I actually had a bad dream the other night that they replaced Toonami with BBT reruns like on TBS! Talk about a nightmare!


If either DeMarco, Manning, or Lazzo leaves (all it takes is one), anime on [AS] is done.


ANY kind of administration change can and will work against Toonami. Enjoy having the current people in charge while you can.


That may be true, but I also don't see it happening anytime soon.


Lazzo and Manning have run [as] since 2001 and I don't see them going anywhere. DeMarco might be the "new kid" on the block but I think the only potential change would be him replacing Lazzo, and that would actually be GOOD for Toonami!


Yeah that out of the park scenario is the only way I see Toonami going away. If there was a total coup and staff turnover. That's one great thing about AS, for the most part, the original people are still in charge of the network.  I don't see it being the same if they weren't!


I always assumed that Demarco or Manning would be Lazzo's successor if he ever left or retired, which like you said, would only benefit Toonami!




Kind of a rough night for the Samurai Jack rerun. Didn't even crack a million overall and dropped 0.07 with adults 18-49. Could it be that the 10 PM Wednesday audience was the most hurt by the abrupt April Fool's Day schedule change? After all, Toonami reruns in mid-week are such a rarity, and when they tuned in last week and got R&M they might have figured it was too good to last.


Nonetheless, it has averaged 1023K total viewers and an estimated 619K 18-49. That's pretty impressive for action's limited return to weeknights!


Also, IBO is a cautionary tale of what happens when you let a woman write a Gundam series (more cooking sequences and talk about "feelings" and less Gundam battles).


Damn shame.

I enjoyed the slice of life stuff.  It was comforting...


The "feelings" are way worse in Unicorn.  There's no comparison.


Besides, what I loved about Mikazuki was how he ruthlessly, mercilessly slaughtered his enemies.  He wasn't a whiny crybaby bitch like Banagher, Amuro, and 99% of other Gundam protagonists.  And now with Unicorn all the other obnoxious Gundam tropes have been piled on thick.  WHY CAN'T PEOPLE UNDERSTAND EACH OTHER BLUAHRHBUHURHUR!


What?? No one's posted the full numbers yet!?


I guess I better remedy that...




Sucks for the Masters, but at least Jack kicked ass! We already knew that, but we didn't know how much it gained from Family Guy--but now we do!



8:00 PM Dragon Ball Super 704,000


10:30 PM Family Guy 1,246,000

11:00 PM Samurai Jack 1,335,000 (107.14%)

11:30 PM Dragon Ball Super 1,132,000 (84.79%)

12:00 AM Sand Whale & Me 1,036,000 (91.52%)

12:05 AM DBZ Kai: The Final Chapters 1,012,000 (97.68%)

12:30 AM JoJo's Bizarre Adventure 783,000 (77.37%)

1:00 AM Tokyo Ghoul 820,000 (104.73%)

1:30 AM Hunter × Hunter 715,000 (87.20%)

2:00 AM Mobile Suit Gundam Unicorn 576,000 (80.56%)

2:30 AM Naruto: Shippuden 514,000 (89.24%)

3:00 AM Ghost In The Shell HD 508,000 (98.83%)



8:00 PM Dragon Ball Super 337,000


10:30 PM Family Guy 787,000

11:00 PM Samurai Jack 841,000 (106.86%)

11:30 PM Dragon Ball Super 719,000 (85.49%)

12:00 AM Sand Whale & Me 657,000 (91.38%)

12:05 AM DBZ Kai: The Final Chapters 629,000 (95.74%)

12:30 AM JoJo's Bizarre Adventure 499,000 (79.33%)

1:00 AM Tokyo Ghoul 508,000 (101.80%)

1:30 AM Hunter × Hunter 457,000 (89.96%)

2:00 AM Mobile Suit Gundam Unicorn 388,000 (84.90%)

2:30 AM Naruto: Shippuden 333,000 (85.82%)

3:00 AM Ghost In The Shell HD 340,000 (102.10%)



And finally, the rolling averages:



Total Viewers

Dragon Ball Super (8 PM) - 882,000 (13 episodes)

Samurai Jack - 1,384,750 (4 episodes)

Dragon Ball Super (11:30 PM) - 1,185,462 (13 episodes)

Sand Whale And Me - 943,250 (4 episodes)

Dragon Ball Z Kai: Final Chapters - 1,046,429 (14 episodes)

Jojo's Bizarre Adventure - 903,750 (24 episodes)

Tokyo Ghoul - 766,667 (3 episodes)

Hunter × Hunter - 839,804 (46 episodes)

Mobile Suit Gundam Unicorn - 721,286 (14 episodes)

Naruto: Shippuden - 867,395 (153 episodes)

Ghost In The Shell HD - 525,100 (10 episodes)


Adults 18-49

Dragon Ball Super (8 PM, Estimate) - 420,462 (13 episodes)

Samurai Jack - 884,250 (4 episodes)

Dragon Ball Super (11:30 PM) - 717,154 (13 episodes)

Sand Whale And Me - 603,000 (4 episodes)

Dragon Ball Z Kai: Final Chapters - 630,500 (14 episodes)

Jojo's Bizarre Adventure - 550,875 (24 episodes)

Tokyo Ghoul - 482,000 (3 episodes)

Hunter × Hunter - 498,674 (46 episodes)

Mobile Suit Gundam Unicorn - 456,500 (14 episodes)

Naruto: Shippuden - 481,608 (136 episodes)

Ghost In The Shell HD - 326,200 (10 episodes)


Adults 18-34 (Estimated)

Dragon Ball Super (8 PM) - 271,750 (12 episodes)

Samurai Jack - 627,000 (4 episodes)

Dragon Ball Z Kai: Final Chapters - 432,429 (14 episodes)

Jojo's Bizarre Adventure - 374,083 (24 episodes)

Tokyo Ghoul - 335,333 (3 episodes)

Mobile Suit Gundam Unicorn - 303,786 (14 episodes)


Last week Hunter x Hunter dipped below 500K 18-49 for the first time, and sadly this week it didn't recover. But Gundam Unicorn just might be saved from going below 300K 18-34--maybe. With 2 episodes left, will JJBA finish above 900K total viewers? We'll find out next week!


Samurai Jack is on track to be the first Toonami show ever to finish over 600K 18-34, in only 6 weeks if it keeps this up!

Holy shit.  I haven't looked at the ratings in eons and now the later shows are getting numbers on the same level Bebop and the other ASA Albatrosses got when the block got chopped in half.  Not a good sign. 


Also, cancel Hiatus.


Samurai Jack kills it like usual.  It seems like April Fools didn't have much of an effect on Jack at all.




Samurai Jack must have survived on the sheer brute force might of its mainstream popularity.  Many other shows wouldn't do so well in a situation that looked like the block got canceled with no notice that week.  The rest of the block not doing so well, though.


And of course "Jack still did good" doesn't absolve AS of what they did.  It succeeded in spite of their dumbfuckery. It doesn't make up for our shows getting taken away from us for a week.




Samurai Jack must have survived on the sheer brute force might of its mainstream popularity.  Many other shows wouldn't do so well in a situation that looked like the block got canceled with no notice that week.  The rest of the block not doing so well, though.


And of course "Jack still did good" doesn't absolve AS of what they did.  It succeeded in spite of their dumbfuckery. It doesn't make up for our shows getting taken away from us for a week.


You are NOT going to let go of this, are you?




Samurai Jack must have survived on the sheer brute force might of its mainstream popularity.  Many other shows wouldn't do so well in a situation that looked like the block got canceled with no notice that week.  The rest of the block not doing so well, though.


And of course "Jack still did good" doesn't absolve AS of what they did.  It succeeded in spite of their dumbfuckery. It doesn't make up for our shows getting taken away from us for a week.


As much as I (heavily) dig Jack, Rick & Morty takes priority because 97 more years Rick & Morty I'mma find that Mulan McNugget sauce Morty welcome to our darkest year yet.


Last week Jack hit a series low, and everything else pretty much followed suit, as NBA Basketball made Toonami its bitch:






4/15/2017 Dragon Ball Super (8 PM) - #12 (+12)

Adults 18-34 Rating - 0.41

Estimated 18-34 - 279,000 ( 32.07% )

Adults 18-49 Rating - 0.35

Estimated 18-49 - 449,000 ( 51.61% )

Total Viewers - 870,000


4/15/2017 Samurai Jack - #6 (-5)

Adults 18-34 Rating - 0.79

Estimated 18-34 - 537,000 ( 40.22% )

Adults 18-49 Rating - 0.66

Estimated 18-49 - 846,000 ( 63.37% )

Total Viewers - 1,297,000


4/15/2017 DBZ Kai: Final Chapters - #7 (-5)

Adults 18-34 Rating - 0.57

Estimated 18-34 - 387,000 ( 41.88% )

Adults 18-49 Rating - 0.45

Estimated 18-49 - 577,000 ( 62.45% )

Total Viewers - 924,000


4/15/2017 JoJo's Bizarre Adventure - #9 (-3)

Adults 18-34 Rating - 0.56

Estimated 18-34 - 381,000 ( 45.96% )

Adults 18-49 Rating - 0.42

Estimated 18-49 - 538,000 ( 64.90% )

Total Viewers - 829,000


4/15/2017 JoJo's Bizarre Adventure - #11 (-6)

Adults 18-34 Rating - 0.44

Estimated 18-34 - 299,000 ( 40.03% )

Adults 18-49 Rating - 0.36

Estimated 18-49 - 462,000 ( 61.85% )

Total Viewers - 747,000


4/15/2017 Gundam Unicorn - #21 (-4)

Adults 18-34 Rating - 0.35

Estimated 18-34 - 238,000 ( 42.88% )

Adults 18-49 Rating - 0.26

Estimated 18-49 - 333,000 ( 60.00% )

Total Viewers - 555,000


The worst news is that this week that pattern will likely continue since Toonami will be up against Game 3 of a Playoff Series between the Golden State Warriors and the Portland Trailblazers. And next week depending on how the series goes may be even worse as Toonami is up against Game 7s on TNT! But perhaps the huge influx of viewers to ESPN had to do with the fact that it was the first game of the playoffs and Attack on Titan and the return of Tokyo Ghoul will hold viewers better than JoJo ever could?


Also, Phantom Blood (which is currently streaming on the Toonami Marathon Stream Channel) has now done objectively much better than Battle Tendency in the ratings. PB averaged a 1009K in total viewers and a 397K in adults 18-34, but then BT only mustered 835K on average in total viewers and 358K in adults 18-34. (PB averaged 604K in adults 18-49 but BT's true final average is still pending.) And unholy squirrel, you would THINK JoJo would be able to hold JoJo well, but apparently that wasn't the case, as it dropped a mind-boggling 0.14 in the young adult demo (18-34) from the first episode to the 2nd. Perhaps right after Episode 25 ended some young adults changed the channel to ESPN as the buzz was growing about the crazy finish to that game, and then tuned back afterward, but the effect hurt Episode 26's ratings overall?


At any rate, JoJo: BT's final battle might have been the worst-rated final battle on Toonami since Hellsing Ultimate X, while its counterpart in PB was the show's personal best, despite being more of a tragic ambush than a true final battle.

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