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ways I can "get out there" and look for a boyfriend

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i will be less not happy never meeting any of you. except for Bouvre[/member], i'd be ok with that as long as he doesn't make me watch anime Clockwork Orange style


I'm much more of a "Dario-Argento's-Opera-where-Cristina-Marsillach-has-pins-taped-to-the-lower-eyelids" kind of person. I don't jive with that clinical, science-side-of-torture stuff.

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I'm much more of a "Dario-Argento's-Opera-where-Cristina-Marsillach-has-pins-taped-to-the-lower-eyelids" kind of person. I don't jive with that clinical, science-side-of-torture stuff.

I'd watch anime with you. I mean I have a huge collection of anime that I never watch anymore



Get into therapy. You know how to meet guys. You just won't do it. You want attention. Each time someone suggests a method to meet guys, you'll either make an excuse or agree to try to try it. Then when we ask 3 months later if you did it, you'll make an excuse. So how to meet guys? In your case, therapy, so you can find and fix whatever problem that's preventing you from doing it.


the problem with therapy is expensive as hell.

but i do agree it might do him wonders.


Get into therapy. You know how to meet guys. You just won't do it. You want attention. Each time someone suggests a method to meet guys, you'll either make an excuse or agree to try to try it. Then when we ask 3 months later if you did it, you'll make an excuse. So how to meet guys? In your case, therapy, so you can find and fix whatever problem that's preventing you from doing it.

I intend to


when I have therapy money


look poofy I know you want me to get help, I want help too

but my parents are not going to pay for me to get mental help and I do not currently have an income


I can't just run outside, go to a mental facility and say "I need therapy" and instantly help


in my current financial situation if I get mental help right now I will be in debt for the rest of my life


the problem with therapy is expensive as hell.

but i do agree it might do him wonders.

I intend to get help, but like you said, it's not cheap

I don't know what area you're in and you've said before it's not too friendly to gay folk, but it would surprise me if there's absolutely no gay bars or the like. Unless it's a super rural area.


Perhaps more tucked away and whatnot. Just try Googling gay bars in your area. You might actually find some, even if the area isn't as LGBT-friendly as it should.


Then again, I'm in a fairly accepting area, so we have quite a few.


If you want to go to therapy but do not have the money for it go to a local hospital that has a crisis center. They will have information on metal care facilities near you that take pretty much any insurance and some have a sliding scale were you pay practically nothing. But you won't do that.


If you want to go to therapy but do not have the money for it go to a local hospital that has a crisis center. They will have information on metal care facilities near you that take pretty much any insurance and some have a sliding scale were you pay practically nothing. But you won't do that.

I wasn't aware that there were mental care facilities that will treat you for no payment at all (Literally has absolutely no money), if that's true I will look into it

where I used to live there were none, where I live now there are a few within easier access (which is why I'm entertaining it as a possibility now)


I wasn't aware that there were mental care facilities that will treat you for no payment at all (Literally has absolutely no money), if that's true I will look into it

That's how I got to see a therapist for years. The state,  thankfully, paid for it, until I finally got some insurance that would cover it.



That's how I got to see a therapist for years. The state,  thankfully, paid for it, until I finally got some insurance that would cover it.

awesome(''o_O''), I legit thought you needed a shit ton of money to see a therapist


I'll actually look into it


I'm not doing this to troll anyone poofy and I'm sorry I've made it seem that way


I'm just kind of slightly afraid to get therapy even though I know I need it, I've never seen a therapist before, and I need to really psych myself up because I legit am afraid to make the call


to be honest one reason I never looked into the stuff we discussed was because my parents forced me to look for a job so I didn't think I'd have time to do both(I was not able to function at said job and was quickly fired), basically I used job hunting to deny I needed help


I realize it was a dick move not accepting the help you were trying to give me

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