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do you care more that you got them or that she'll probably be bitched out by a higher up.


i took them back.

my 1st pair is coming apart after 2 years so yeah theyre overpriced but i love them so goddamn much


I would never spend more than $20 tops on earbuds


I've had my current pair for 2 years and they were only $4



pull a zeni? man I think a lot of people would  just look at that as good fortune, but that's going to throw the businesses


audit off considerably...and I'm sure there's already other incidents like that that have happened to put it further in


the hole. It is a moral pickle for sure.


pull a zeni? man I think a lot of people would  just look at that as good fortune, but that's going to throw the businesses


audit off considerably...and I'm sure there's already other incidents like that that have happened to put it further in


the hole. It is a moral pickle for sure.


I used to work there. Shrink happened consistently and regularly. She had no idea but i believe in bad luck. I lifted a bunch of shit from there when i quit and have been paying for it every since...


Shrink happens in every aspect of retail far more than anybody would like..


At this point if you brought it back and just said aoh well you gave me something over three times the


value of what I paid for if the big wigs caught wind of it I'm sure i'd just hurt the clerks reputation


more than anything. retails a bitch like that.


Once you get used to expensive earbuds/headphones you can't go back.

I use expensive headphones, I would just never waste that money on earbuds.


yeah there's really good earbuds out there to, but I hate putting shit inside my ear.


Hard to make the comprimise, but I choose less expensive ear buds because unless


I'm skateboarding or working I'll still rock some earphones lol.


They are more portable which is why I even buy any at all.


They just tend to break, get lost, and be much more expensive than over ear headphones with similar sound quality.


They are more portable which is why I even buy any at all.


They just tend to break, get lost, and be much more expensive than over ear headphones with similar sound quality.


I take good care of mine and i suspect they only started coming apart after 2 years because my daughter got a hold of them. She looks shifty when i question her abt them and it wouldn't be the 1st thing ive mine shes played with and destroyed.



I take good care of mine and i suspect they only started coming apart after 2 years because my daughter got a hold of them. She looks shifty when i question her abt them and it wouldn't be the 1st thing ive mine shes played with and destroyed.

Not saying they can't last, just that they usually don't.


They are more portable which is why I even buy any at all.


They just tend to break, get lost, and be much more expensive than over ear headphones with similar sound quality.


I've had both expensive earbuds and expensive headphones crap out on me. But even if headphones won that category, it still means using shitty earbuds/headphones when I'm killing time listening to music at school waiting for class to start. When my last earbuds went out, I asked my dad if I could use the credit card he pays off for cheap headphones without paying him back. So I bought $15 headphones. How bad could they be? Oh my god they were bad. When I first used them, my heart sank. But my dad decided to be fucking awesome and out of the blue just ordered me some new Bose earbuds without me having to ask him, and I didn't have to pay him back.  I am very glad to have them.



I take good care of mine and i suspect they only started coming apart after 2 years because my daughter got a hold of them. She looks shifty when i question her abt them and it wouldn't be the 1st thing ive mine shes played with and destroyed.


As a kid I once had a cat eat and puke up a pair of earbuds..


it's sad too because i do think that their phones are pretty and everyone seems to love them. but i'm too much into tech for my own good so i end up on the complete opposite end of the spectrum and go for unlocked Google branded phones with stock Android and no bloatware


....Wouldn't that make them more of an Apple thing?

No. They just bought the company.

Think of it like when Nintendo bought Sega. Sega is still making games, but under new management.


You guys are missing the point of my original post.

The comparison wasn't that they were all Apple products but that they are products valued for their brand and not the quality.  Fuggs then missed the point and said something completely backwards.  I realize that Apple owning Beats doesn't make them Apple products but stating the fact that Apple owning them makes them less of an Apple like thing is dumb.  Sometimes I can't believe you people.


Also inb4whatdoyoumeanyoupeople.

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