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maybe YOUR people... but in AFRICA... we all descended from SABER TOOTH TIGERS!!! bet ya didnt know that ! HA HA HA!


I feel like you aren't taking this seriously.


maybe YOUR people... but in AFRICA... we all descended from SABER TOOTH TIGERS!!! bet ya didnt know that ! HA HA HA!

the first humans came from Africa, and you all really need to read a book


so like.. when you have a kid... and its still in the tummy... you have no idea what its eye color or hair color is going to be - right?


so do white people ever go "i hope he doesnt has the same color eyes as my dad - i hate my fookin dad" or "ah.. i hope he has your blue eyes".. or "i hope shes a red head like me!"


or do you like - not even think about shit like this??



i will tell you a secret which is kind of sad... a lot of black people dont like their kids coming out too dark LOL.. i came out black because of reasons and my mom says it turned my grandma off. says grandma would have loved madison. personally, i was hoping against hope madison wouldnt be TOO light... and of course, she was white when she was a baby.... and in the deep south - well, it caused issues and i got into so many fights...




not since you tried to say my grand daddy is splinter or some shit


You and elephants and whales all have the same aquatic rat grandad. If that upsets you then stick to your Jesus stories


I have no plans of ever having a kid, but no I don't think those things would concern me much.


Black people all have the same color eyes?


but i mean it's true. we all descended from some black dude's nuts once homo sapiens actually came around


That's a racist stereotype, contrary to what you read on stormfront black men don't father that many children


I have no plans of ever having a kid, but no I don't think those things would concern me much.


Black people all have the same color eyes?


pretty much. my entire family... all black hair and black eyes.


my mom had light brown eyes when she was younger but they darkened... same with my oldest brother


madison has black eyes but light blue sclera's (sp?) which her doctor said she'd never seen before... said it was really rare... but you gotta look hard to notice it.. otherwise it just looks bright white


That's a racist stereotype, contrary to what you read on stormfront black men don't father that many children

i didn't realize anthropology was racist. also like 50,000 years ago? yeah, people were having tons of babies


Stormfront doesn't exist any more they took it away from us



well whatever you calling it nowadays. i know you got some place to sit up and feel superior and act like your granddaddies didnt bang slaves like fourteen trillion times



well whatever you calling it nowadays. i know you got some place to sit up and feel superior and act like your granddaddies didnt bang slaves like fourteen trillion times


My grandad was an illegal immigrant from Portugal




"The ancestor of all placental mammals—the diverse lineage that includes almost all species of mammals living today, including humans—was a tiny, furry-tailed creature that evolved shortly after the dinosaurs disappeared, a new study suggests."


Not a black man.

hey look i can pull a source too




"By analyzing genetic changes in the Y-chromosome of people in all regions of the world, Wells and colleagues concluded that all humans alive today are descended from a single African man. "


hey look i can pull a source too




"By analyzing genetic changes in the Y-chromosome of people in all regions of the world, Wells and colleagues concluded that all humans alive today are descended from a single African man. "




I'm starting to think taking down Storm front was a mistake because now we got this shit racist spilling over into our humble corner of the net


The whole "I hope they have your blue eyes/red hair" thing is pretty common. I've heard vaguely similar things to "I hope they don't have their dad's eyes" thing, mostly because the father is a dismal excuse for a human. But despite it, I know the parent loves their child immensely (and I do too; they're wonderful and smart).




I'm starting to think taking down Storm front was a mistake because now we got this shit racist spilling over into our humble corner of the net

you know ive never seen you and ghostrek in the same thread at the same time hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm


The whole "I hope they have your blue eyes/red hair" thing is pretty common. I've heard vaguely similar things to "I hope they don't have their dad's eyes" thing, mostly because the father is a dismal excuse for a human. But despite it, I know the parent loves their child immensely (and I do too; they're wonderful and smart).





Are your eyes green? No? Then you got more rat blood in you than anything else


what about red eyed rats? how come people dont have red eyes then?? go do some more research. try not to use wikipedia this time


what about red eyed rats? how come people dont have red eyes then?? go do some more research. try not to use wikipedia this time

Red eyes are a symptom of albinism. I've actually met someone who had light-red eyes because she was albino.


It's rarer in humans, but it does exist.


what about red eyed rats? how come people dont have red eyes then?? go do some more research. try not to use wikipedia this time


Now you're changing the subject by talking about one of the traits of albinism which is the phenotype of the demonic possession gene which can affect any sort of animal, not just rats.


Now you're changing the subject by talking about one of the traits of albinism which is the phenotype of the demonic possession gene which can affect any sort of animal, not just rats.



stupid. demons dont possess rats. now youre just being absurb


this looks like a drunk thread?

i cant speak on the behalf of black people obviously but i never knew that they cared about that sort of thing

and far as being white goes idk i never had thoughts of i hope my kid has x color eyes or hair


Red eyes are a symptom of albinism. I've actually met someone who had light-red eyes because she was albino.


It's rarer in humans, but it does exist.


a red eyed rat that is NOT an albiino!




a red eyed rat that is NOT an albiino!



It doesn't have to be white to be albino. The eyes don't have red irises; the eyes are red because the lack of pigmentation of the iris makes the blood inside the iris visible.


Either the albinism only effected development of the eyes  or the lacking pigment if its fur is low-pigment rather than no-pigment.


It's just like if a black person is albino. There's sometimes still pigmentation in the skin, but it's much lighter than it normally would be.


so like.. when you have a kid... and its still in the tummy... you have no idea what its eye color or hair color is going to be - right?


so do white people ever go "i hope he doesnt has the same color eyes as my dad - i hate my fookin dad" or "ah.. i hope he has your blue eyes".. or "i hope shes a red head like me!"


or do you like - not even think about shit like this??



i will tell you a secret which is kind of sad... a lot of black people dont like their kids coming out too dark LOL.. i came out black because of reasons and my mom says it turned my grandma off. says grandma would have loved madison. personally, i was hoping against hope madison wouldnt be TOO light... and of course, she was white when she was a baby.... and in the deep south - well, it caused issues and i got into so many fights...


Jesus fucking Christ I wish I didn't come back to this thread.....No one believe this bullshit EVER.  No black person hates themself this much except for the retards in Fuggz family.


EDIT...No, I'm not blaming this on her family.......I take that back.  This is completely fuggborne stupid because all the darkies in her family can't hate black children like this.

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