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I'm pretty sure that other one isn't a discussion thread


ep title: Outlaw World



also R.I.P Swimmod Luuv, this was your favorite anime and I really wish you were here to watch it with us :(

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... this was Luuv's favorite anime??

... :) ...






someone in his death thread said it was, that's the only reason I added that to the OP :(

a special note to any new viewers watching this show blind (if there even are any)


it's not your ordinary space adventure anime, for what ever reason there is a TON of Swords and Sorcery Lord of the Rings type Mythology incorporated into the show in addition to the aliens and spaceships


Damn, had no idea.


I haven't seen this show in like 10 years


Same. Unfortunately I'm going to have to catch the first episode tomorrow since I've got to be up at like 7:00 in the morning this one weekend, sucks that it's a premiere weekend I always especially enjoy those...


Hopefully this run earns it a lot of new fans since there will probably be quite a few viewers who have never seen this before since it's been so long, and the HD remaster looks like a very good one.


Damn, had no idea.


Same. Unfortunately I'm going to have to catch the first episode tomorrow since I've got to be up at like 7:00 in the morning this one weekend, sucks that it's a premiere weekend I always especially enjoy those...


Hopefully this run earns it a lot of new fans since there will probably be quite a few viewers who have never seen this before since it's been so long, and the HD remaster looks like a very good one.


I see.thanks for stopping by tonight for a bit at least


As I've said before this was one of the few shows from ASA or Toonami that I somehow managed to miss.  Never did get around to watching it on my own later!  So this works out perfectly for me.


I haven't seen Outlaw Star in fifteen years, but I recall the first episode or two being excellent (The sci-fi thriller escape Hilda part), but after that there's a long stretch where it's episodic with a bunch of stand alone adventures that don't advance the general plot. I still have to give it a 6 or 7 out of 10 overall.


Sad part is that I didn't know he passed away. I hadn't logged in all week.


The guy who created this community is gone just like that. And this community hasn't even existed for more than a year. :'(


Damn, had no idea.


Same. Unfortunately I'm going to have to catch the first episode tomorrow since I've got to be up at like 7:00 in the morning this one weekend, sucks that it's a premiere weekend I always especially enjoy those...


Hopefully this run earns it a lot of new fans since there will probably be quite a few viewers who have never seen this before since it's been so long, and the HD remaster looks like a very good one.


Sorry to hear that dude, but catch u next week


I've never seen this show. I joined Adult Swim in Feburary of 2004. After it was done with its airing (if it ever aired on AS). So, this will be fun.


Luuv passed away?!  What the hell.  I'll pay a visit to his memorial thread later.  Damn.  This comes out of nowhere.


That is really sad to hear. I was always a fan.




Oh man, does this ever take me back. I still remember the old Toonami promos they ran for this show all the time. So awesome to see it back again. Too bad it gets buried so late at night. It deserves better. Wish they would have put this in place of Tokyo Ghoul. Would probably get better ratings, even after all this time. :)

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