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post crazy shit you believe

Guest The Hound

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Guest The Hound

alien prophets come to earth all the time in human form attempting to make things better here but they usually wind up assassinated 100% of the time

2000 years ago we had some carpenter

and recently we had jfk and lennon

lincon was possibly one too

usually our religous sects, world govts, and media exploit the shit out of them while prepping to kill them when the perfect time presents itself.

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Do you mean crazy like the "delusional thoughts" the doctors say I have? Because none of those are delusional. I'm right.


But among those crazy* beliefs is that whether I'm viewing a sporting event or not has an affect on the outcome.



*crazy = correct

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Guest The Hound

I believe that The Flintstones and The Hitchhikers Guide to the Galaxy are both documentaries :o


This is my favorite one so far.  ;D

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I believe the many worlds interpretation of quantum physics.


I believe there are an infinite number of other universes.


I believe that if there are an infinite number of alternate universes, then literally everything is both possible and currently occurring.


I believe that if I close my eyes and imagine a flower unlike any seen on earth, there is a universe in which it exists exactly as I observe it.


I believe the world of Zootopia exists within the multiverse.


I believe that fox fellow from zootopia is plowing the fuck out of that rabbit chick in an alternate universe as we speak.


I believe there is a universe in which that fox fellow was plowing the rabbit chick like four hours ago instead.


I believe there is an alternate universe for every millisecond in between.


I believe there's an inconceivable amount furry porn out there in the multiverse.

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Guest The Hound

I believe the many worlds interpretation of quantum physics.


I believe there are an infinite number of other universes.


I believe that if there are an infinite number of alternate universes, then literally everything is both possible and currently occurring.


I believe that if I close my eyes and imagine a flower unlike any seen on earth, there is a universe in which it exists exactly as I observe it.


I believe the world of Zootopia exists within the multiverse.


I believe that fox fellow from zootopia is plowing the fuck out of that rabbit chick in an alternate universe as we speak.


I believe there is a universe in which that fox fellow was plowing the rabbit chick like four hours ago instead.


I believe there is an alternate universe for every millisecond in between.


I believe there's an inconceivable amount furry porn out there in the multiverse.


expanding on this


what if the human mind itself had the capabilities of creating parallel/alternate universes.

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I don't like the word "create" because the quantum foam "creates/ed" itself.


I mean we definitely access other realities by virtue of the fact that the realities we see in our minds do in fact exist.


And I mean real memories get distorted by imagination all the time, and false memories pop up a lot too, so whose to say what you don't remember not being real wasn't really real?


Yeah that's like the whole premise under which my fanfiction is written actually.


I'm actually traveling to one of the infinite number of universes with X-men in it and just fucking around with them for my own amusement.


That's me.


I visited those realities.



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