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Post a picture of anything BUT yourself

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The bent anchor from fishing near some pilings on Sunday. It was already slightly bent and causing us grief when trying to anchor on a soft bottom, so we said "screw it" and anchored in some structure... had to use the boat to get it out and it came up like this.




Betcha don't have a Yuengling ;)


I haz no booze at all :robot(




I iz sober.....just good clean healthy maryjawana for me and I couldn't be happier  :robot)




give me ur booze NOW :robotmad




I haz no booze at all :robot(




I iz sober.....just good clean healthy maryjawana for me and I couldn't be happier  :robot)




give me ur booze NOW :robotmad



Well, I AM working on my bar... this is the drip tray mocked up...




i'd take a picture of my shoulder but i'd have to be shirtless and i don't feel like having 5 people fap to me


5 people?


pfft, who do you think you are, Poof?


you'd get maybe three at most.....and only two would finish.....



>:D I laughed more while typing this post that any one will who reads it





5 people?


pfft, who do you think you are, Poof?


you'd get maybe three at most.....and only two would finish.....



>:D I laughed more while typing this post that any one will who reads it



Kinda feel bad for the one who didn't finish


Kinda feel bad for the one who didn't finish




You have the right to say no at any time....even to yourself  ::]::


5 people?


pfft, who do you think you are, Poof?


you'd get maybe three at most.....and only two would finish.....



>:D I laughed more while typing this post that any one will who reads it


except i have at least two people i know that would. 1 that might, and idk about AnimationFan14[/member] i think he'd just post some italio disco


except i have at least two people i know that would. 1 that might, and idk about AnimationFan14[/member] i think he'd just post some italio disco




I totally forgot about this....I was just foolin', everybody knows you thicc as hell........well, at least everybody that gets Mochi's newsletter >.>




I totally forgot about this....I was just foolin', everybody knows you thicc as hell........well, at least everybody that gets Mochi's newsletter >.>

mochi knows nothing about me, despite how much squawking he does otherwise. there's only maybe one person ever from the boards to ever see me naked, and it's none of the people that are still here


except i have at least two people i know that would. 1 that might, and idk about AnimationFan14[/member] i think he'd just post some italio disco


Hey now it wouldn't just be italio disco


there would be some Spanish funk in there too


mochi knows nothing about me, despite how much squawking he does otherwise. there's only maybe one person ever from the boards to ever see me naked, and it's none of the people that are still here


I know what you look like.




I know what you look like.



congrats, so do most other people here who have been in tinychat or have my facebook :P


but not many know what i look like nekkid AND YOU PERVERTS CAN GET OUT OF MY SHOWER NOW.


congrats, so do most other people here who have been in tinychat or have my facebook :P


but not many know what i look like nekkid AND YOU PERVERTS CAN GET OUT OF MY SHOWER NOW.


I never saw you on tinychat and I don't have anyone on here on facebook. In all fairness, I think like 2 people on here have seen me nekkid.


I never saw you on tinychat and I don't have anyone on here on facebook. In all fairness, I think like 2 people on here have seen me nekkid.

i don't really keep how i look all that secret, it's just a running gag about how i post people who look literally nothing like me


i don't really keep how i look all that secret, it's just a running gag about how i post people who look literally nothing like me


I think you're insecure about your looks and posting a picture of yourself in this literal den of wolves (trolls) and mochi, (who wants you to admit to being gay or bi or at the very least appease him by posting revealing pictures of yourself much the same as he did in tinychat to other men), isn't the best course of action in your mind.


I think you're insecure about your looks and posting a picture of yourself in this literal den of wolves (trolls) and mochi, (who wants you to admit to being gay or bi or at the very least appease him by posting revealing pictures of yourself much the same as he did in tinychat to other men), isn't the best course of action in your mind.

idk if insecure is the right word but the rest of it isn't far off. mochi isn't the first user to stalk me and probably will be the last considering how low our population is these days.

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