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Core Values Index (CVI)


I have seen these for years in my environment, they are pretty accurate if you want to know what kind of leader you are, or what strengths you should focus on in work/personal relationships..... or just continue being fat and lazy in your moms basement...... PHILLIES.




I got Innovator-Merchant


"What does this mean? This means your primary core value is Innovator – An Innovator’s core value energy is Wisdom. Wisdom is the ability to see the way things are, and discern what to do about it. You accurately assess situations and provide solutions. Your secondary core value is Merchant – A Merchant’s core value energy is Love. Love in this sense is working toward an inspired vision of what can be, by nurturing the core values in one’s self and in others. You thrive at building relationships and providing an inspired vision for those around you."




Your scores indicate you have BUILDER/INNOVATOR tendencies. When you enter a room there is more power and wisdom energy suddenly in that room. You are the presence of wise power. This is your assignment, to be the effective presence of wise power. You look at the circumstances and situations around you through the eyes of faith and compassion. You operate from pure intuition knowing without hesitation what needs to be done and immediately taking action in order to create a positive result. This power energy is balanced by your reasoning and intuitive capacity to see the way things are and to know what to do from this place of understanding, providing wise strategies and solutions to others. Your highest and best contribution can only be made in situations in which there is a significant and constant need for wise power.


My LOVE score was very low. lol


the CVI assessment found you are a MERCHANT-BUILDER.


What does this mean? This means your primary core value is Merchant – A Merchant’s core value energy is Love. Love in this sense is working toward an inspired vision of what can be, by nurturing the core values in one’s self and in others. You thrive at building relationships and providing an inspired vision for those around you. Your secondary core value is Builder –A Builder’s core value energy is Power. Power is personal energy invested to make a positive difference. You consistently take action to get results.



So in other words, too soft to be leadership material.

I guess the world needs worker bees too.





What does this mean? This means your primary core value is Innovator – An Innovator’s core value energy is Wisdom. Wisdom is the ability to see the way things are, and discern what to do about it. You accurately assess situations and provide solutions. Your secondary core value is Banker – A Banker’s core value energy is Knowledge. Knowledge is knowing the facts through research, measurement, proof and records. You are driven to understand the "what", "how" and "why" of things.







What does this mean? This means your primary core value is Innovator – An Innovator’s core value energy is Wisdom. Wisdom is the ability to see the way things are, and discern what to do about it. You accurately assess situations and provide solutions. Your secondary core value is Banker – A Banker’s core value energy is Knowledge. Knowledge is knowing the facts through research, measurement, proof and records. You are driven to understand the "what", "how" and "why" of things.









Innovation has virtually nothing to do with wisdom though.  One is about adhering to realistic principles to navigate, the other is about saying "fuck navigation, ima go innovate bitches".




Is this a legit site?

Safe as well?


Nope, I've already received a dozen emails advertising Ron Jeremy's penis enlargement pills. Please take this thread down.


I got INNOVATOR/BANKER tendencies. When you enter a room there is more wisdom and knowledge energy suddenly in that room. You are the presence of knowledgeable wisdom.  This is your assignment, to be the effective presence of knowledgeable wisdom. You look at the circumstances and situations around you through the eyes of compassion and justice. You operate from intuitive and cognitive thinking, observing the way things are and deciding what solutions, strategies and tactics are best. This is balanced by your pure cognitive capacity to learn facts and information. You work to create standards and efficiency and avoid waste of resources. Your highest and best contribution can only be made in situations in which there is a significant and constant need for knowledgeable.



Makes sense. Have to be practical and offer something to the table, but also look at it from every POV so no detail is missing. Research is key.


Innovation has virtually nothing to do with wisdom though.  One is about adhering to realistic principles to navigate, the other is about saying "fuck navigation, ima go innovate bitches".

SAME THOUGHT I had while looking at this. Made no goddamn sense. I don’t think the maker of this test or the author of the books they are trying to pawn on me even bothered to acknowledge that dictionaries exist.

SAME THOUGHT I had while looking at this. Made no goddamn sense. I don’t think the maker of this test or the author of the books they are trying to pawn on me even bothered to acknowledge that dictionaries exist.


Whatever, Dad's bitch.


I'm a damn innovator/banker.


Your unique dominant INNOVATOR core energy causes you to rely upon the following strategies for success and fulfillment.


Your cornerstone core value is wisdom. Understanding and compassion are central to your life strategy.


Strategic thinking is your forte. You see and understand the relative worth of people and things. You pride yourself in seeing and understanding people and situations. You consistently observe and measure the worth of people and things. If different things can be brought together from different resources, you will do it. You strive to cause people and things to function well together. You like to maintain a good mix of people, activities and things in your life.


Your willingness to see things through and wait things out is a primary asset. You like to communicate with visuals and descriptions. To invent new systems, processes and things is pure pleasure. People look to you for the creation and improvement of work flow and procedures. You can always see another way to put things together. Finding the best solution is one of your primary contributions. Rapid and clever exchange of ideas is a personal joy and a method of work for you.


You are able to see the ways things are, and you know what to do about it. You are seen as a valuable resource for leading people toward the right ideas and the right direction. You like to lead through presentation of intelligent alternatives. Acting foolishly or illogically is not a common experience for you. You use everything that is available to meet requirements. You value and rely upon your mental abilities. Understanding others and working with them is a key asset of yours.


Your unique secondary BANKER core energy supports your dominant INNOVATOR core energy.


Your second cornerstone core value is knowledge, supported by your strong desire to create justice in the world.


You like to follow a prescribed course, especially when you are involved with setting the course. You like to act in accordance with specific knowledge and historic evidence. Having the right information is important to you. You do what you say you will do. The reliability of your words and actions is critical to your sense of self-respect. When things get messy, you may get testy. You surround yourself with facts, figures and data.


You enjoy being the source of information and proven methodology. Knowing the past provides evidence for the future. You believe in measurement and in the presentation of measurement and data as an effective leadership tool. Having all of the information is important to you, even the small things. Social structure and appropriate mannerisms are good for the soul. You enjoy the work of keeping systems and processes running smoothly. You like to understand the details of situations and issues.


Zero wasted motion, zero wasted resources, zero wasted effort; this is what you strive for. You like to provide others with proven ideas and methodology. You strive for exacting control of action and words. You like to be the one who knows; being right and being able to prove it is important to you.


Your scores indicate you have BUILDER/BANKER tendencies. When you enter a room there is more power and knowledge energy suddenly in that room. You are the presence of knowledgeable power. This is your assignment, to be the effective presence of knowledgeable power. You operate from the pure intuitive capacity to see what needs to be done, without need for more thought, to take an action and create a positive result. This is balanced by your reason and cognitive thinking, knowing the facts and working to conserve resources. You look at the circumstances and situations around you through the eyes of faith and justice. Your highest and best contribution can only be made in situations in which there is a significant and constant need for knowledgeable power.


Who you are at the deepest innate level of your human nature is the most important element in your life. Who you are at this deep level, is, after all, the only thing you really contribute to this world. It is through right assignment and effective choices that you make your highest and best contribution. This is the universal mission of all people.


The more you learn about who you really are, and how to optimize your presence in this world, the greater will be your success, happiness and life effectiveness.


Your dominant Builder value energy is balanced by your Banker secondary value energy. Your actions are routinely, almost equally, guided by these two core energies. In times of distress you will usually rely on the conflict strategies of your dominant core energy. In less critical conflicts you may use either conflict strategy given the situation.



  Go make me a sammich hippies, I've got work to do. :P


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