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Every season premier they do. It just keeps getting more and more intense.


Now, what kind of price do you thin Balon will bring Cersei? Knowing her, and the story.... I can almost guess Dannys first battle.


Every season premier they do. It just keeps getting more and more intense.


Now, what kind of price do you thin Balon will bring Cersei? Knowing her, and the story.... I can almost guess Dannys first battle.


Well Balon is dead... that was Euron. And in the books he brings a horn that can control dragons.... but who knows prolly a head of an enemy or something.


Well Balon is dead... that was Euron. And in the books he brings a horn that can control dragons.... but who knows prolly a head of an enemy or something.

Oh....right....names, thats something im never good at.


And wtf???? Control dragons? Dense.


However, would Cersei want to control dragons over killing Tyrion?


Oh....right....names, thats something im never good at.


And wtf???? Control dragons? Dense.


However, would Cersei want to control dragons over killing Tyrion?


Not sure.... if say if anyone does first it's Olenna Tyrell....


I'm saying I think he brings back the head of Olenna



Hmmm. Never crossed my mind. I doubt it though. Jamie really trying to convince Cersei that High Garden are her friends.


Im liking the progression with the hound. Hes almost turning human lol.


Im excited to see what Arya will do with those kings landing guards.


Jon is the fucking shit as always. Hope he gets the letter......






It was inevitable that America's own political climate be referenced in some way in this first new episode of the Trump era, but I wish it could have been done in a less ham-fisted manner.  Oh well, stupidity is the new common denominator. 


It was inevitable that America's own political climate be referenced in some way in this first new episode of the Trump era, but I wish it could have been done in a less ham-fisted manner.  Oh well, stupidity is the new common denominator.

What was the reference?

Liked the episode.  Just not sure I trust that the momentum will play out for the rest of the season.


I think Olenna will get swept under the rug in the next episode.  My guess is Jaime will go after Highdarden because it's his only real choice as he says this episode.  But given that the Lannisters were basically only doing well against Stannis was because of their allegiance with Highgarden.  And Dorn is also apparently with Highgarden.  So - not sure how they plan to pull that off.  But I feel like that's the showrunner's intent, to have Jaime invade Highgarden successfully.  So I guess we'll see.  If it happens, I'm guessing Olenna will off herself rather than submit to the indignity of being a Lannister hostage.


In the books, even if Loris, Margerie and Mace all got killed, there are actually more Tyrells.  They have another son and a daughter I think.  Plus Olenna is a Redwine, so she has all the Redwines in theory backing her as well who are all still alive.


I kind of expected the first couple episodes to be like last season when it was like - Hotah, one of the biggest badass fighters in the seven kingdoms is like stabbed by a little girl and dies immediately.  I thought maybe this season would be more of that.  Just furiously killing off characters just to wrap things up.


But they spent a lot of time on Dondarion and Thoros this episode.  So who knows.  Maybe they won't just do any "character dump" episodes and just get on with the story itself.




Euron will end up grabbing somebody, probably somebody in Dany's camp.


Jon will eventually get Sam's letter, which will, single minded creature that he is, compel him toward Dany because he needs to mine the dragonglass beneath Dragonstone.


When you think about it, Dany has surrounded herself with all the boogie-men and women of the 7 kingdoms.  Varys was never seen as much more than a spider.  Tyrion is a devil dwarf Lannister.  The Sand Snakes are renowned evil assassins.  The Greyjoys, who took Winterfell and started two different wars in the North recently.  So a Dany/Snow liaison is going to be a tough sell.  Which will create tension that Littlefinger might be able to leverage. 


Given the rhythm of GOT, "stormborn" sound like a 'triumphant dany" title.  But she's due for a slapdown by fate.  So maybe "stormborn" is a metaphor for her getting knocked down yet again, but having been born to storms, gets right back up or something.


Queen's Justice might have to do with what Cersei does with whoever Euron brings her.  Or it could mean something going well for Cersei.  Given the positioning plot-wise, I would expect for Cersei to stage a bit of a comeback in the first few episodes.  So it might be her striking down some other enemy faction.  There is more than one queen though, so maybe it means both queens will be involved in situations that require them to weigh a situation and render some for of justice.


Looks like Dondarion's band is headed to the Wall to join the Night's Watch.


Curious to see what Bran and Meera do. 


Also Littlefinger.  If he finally senses that he can no longer maneuver Sansa, he might just jump ship to Cersei's side, or do something else.


Then there's Jorah in a cell apparently at the Citadel, the greyscale having advanced to his whole arm.  Not sure what part he may play as things move forward.


I was going to ask you about Jorah because it will be interesting to see how it corrupts him.... and what has he done to find a cure? Does he have someone at the citadel working on it?


I always thought he'd just hook up with Melisandre at some point and she'd cure him or something.


But yeah, unless she's at the Citadel, I guess it'll have to be Sam or some other Maester if he's going to get cured.


Also was just thinking about it and whatever happened to the Iron Bank of Braavos?  They were breathing down Cersei's neck and then nothin.


I'd heard he's supposed to be in this season.


hmmm.  I wonder if Arya, in her quest to kill the Queen, comes across him in or near King's Landing or something.


He might not even be in this season.  I just read rumors that he was.

Guest The Hound

LOL@ specific people's doubt in the rest of the series in this thread.






Yea I noticed the dragonglass being the cure in the actual episode. I mean they alluded to it the ENTIRE episode and with certain camera positioning and how the story moved.



Also the first 5 minutes of the episode was probably the most fire part of GoT so far. Only going by the fact of what happened in the first few minutes of the show after a long hiatus.

But yea. I was cheering. I originally thought Bran was going to meet up with the rest of the remaining "starks", and thought that would have been too quick - glad that didn't happen.



Guest The Hound

Prediction Spoiler:


Littlefinger wins GOT in the end.

Guest The Hound

Im liking the progression with the hound. Hes almost turning human lol.


Im excited to see what Arya will do with those kings landing guards.


Jon is the fucking shit as always. Hope he gets the letter......

The hell? The hound has been my favorite character since the start. He has ALWAYS been like this.

What was the reference?


The speech from the old maester to Sam.  I feel bad pointing it out if you didn't pick up on it, as I suspect S7 is going to be enough of a dog already.


Ya for real... I didn't see that coming.


So How will they realign their plans now? I mean... it would seem some serious pieces have been taken off the board... unless this just makes Dorn get that much more aggro'd


Another oddly reasonable episode.


It feels like this season so far, every episode has one big dumb thing, and the rest is pretty smooth.  I would say it's better than the last couple seasons have been overall.


Like the first episode, don't get me wrong, I love the idea and the scene was well written enough.  BUT - just logistically speaking, in like what was probably like a day or so, Arya kills Walder Frey, takes his place, invites all the Freys from all over the Seven Kingdoms to a feast, they all RSVP and travel to the Twins, get the feast ready, poison all the wine, then just like five minute scene all the Freys are dead NEXT SCENE.


The Sand Snakes I always felt were a dumb addition.  They never really served a purpose in the show.  And this episode that was kind of the dumb thing for me.  Was - just these basically pointlessly included characters finally reach their moment of being randomly killed off to thin the herd of GOT characters moving into its final seasons.


The battle I liked, but I felt like the camera was a little too jittery and mobile, so much so that it almost didn't matter what was actually going on in any of the shots.  They could literally have just lit a hanky on fire and waved it around and screamed or something.  Like it was tough to make out which character was doing what, though there were a few focused moments, enough to pull it off maybe.  But mostly it was just explosions and fire and yelling and it was - kind of cool and also kind of stupid all at once.  I felt like it could have been a little more cool if they'd taken just a beat or two more on any specific image. 


The rest of the episode was pretty awesome.  The stuff in the Citadel was interesting in how - like to the old maesters, being a maester is about preserving the past to a certain extent.  Whereas the young maesters like Sam are more interested in applying knowledge to the present, and speculating about future applications.  And perhaps that's how the Maesters have inserted their order into everything.  Being sort of more knowledge/past oriented, they seem useful, yet that focus on the past makes them somewhat unthreatening as an order.




oh yeah and the wolf whatshername.


Not surprised the wolf didn't rejoin Arya.  Because FX budget and all that.  The showrunners were very vocal about what a pain in the ass the dire wolves were.  So I suspected we wouldn't be seeing too much more of any of them.  I guess in a sense that's a lingering mildew of how the series handles things according more to budget than story.  But the scene was okay.


Olenna/Danaerys stuff was neat.


With Dorn shanghaied and its current leader in the hands of Cersei, that's probably how Jaime is able to waltz into Highdarden.


It's looking like as Jaime waltz's into Highgarden, Grey Worm will likewise waltz into Casterly Rock.  I would say the Lannisters get the better end of that exchange, as Highgarden = food stores for the winter, whereas Casterly Rock is basically just a rock.


Davos and John headed to Dragonstone, where they will find Melissandre.  Be interesting to see how that comes out.


When Arya hits Winterfell, Sansa will be in charge.  That'll be an interesting reunion. 


Not sure Baelish isn't just mishandling his whole game at this point.  He seems to be hanging back in the wrong spots and pushing in the wrong spots.  Though no huge errors yet, he seems more to be testing things.  But Royce now seems to mostly be speaking for the Arons.  And Sansa seems to have come into her own to the point where it's tough for Littlefinger to manipulate her, or at least tougher than it was.  And if Arya's coming into town, he'll have way more problems than he knows what to do with. 


He may well end up just saying "fuck it" and going over to Cersei.  And if not directly, then as kind of a spy maybe.  Not that he hasn't already done a decent job of playing all sides.


Varys finally gets a good bit of dialogue with Dany.  Enjoyed that bit.


I'm sure the idea to take Casterly Rock is Tyrion's, but I don't see what good it does, other than finally get Casterly Rock under Tyrion's thumb, which is kind of what he always seemed to want.  All it does is add a drain on Dany's troops, as she'll now not only have to take King's Landing, but also have to hold Casterly Rock.  Just doesn't seem like they're really getting a lot for their trouble.


Cersei and Kyburn hooking up was freakin kismet.  They're like perfectly in sync.  She feeds his ego and creativity and he adds to her power base significantly and creates more opportunity for her to maintain that power base.


plus grey worm got sommmmmee woooo!  he dipped his worm in that!  got his worm wet!  that worm ain't grey no more!  now he's happy worm!  or - like - sex worm! 


penis worm.




things seem to be going well for the Lannisters.  Euron's surprise attack on Yara, and subsequent capture of Ellaria.  If they then take Highgarden (as it looks like they will), they'll be better off than they were.


meanwhile in the North, while it's probably a bigger and better army overall, they are sandwiched between to enemies that are very single minded in terms of their tyranny.


Dany's already gotten a whif of the threat from the North from Melissandre, she's about to get an earful from Jon Snow.


My guess is, Dany will ultimately have to choice but to parley with Cersei.  Whether this will come before or after there's an actual full-fledged war on, I'm not sure.


from the previews I've seen, it looks pretty much like Casterly Rock and Highgarden will both fall.


But beyond that - there's five episodes left.


so if that stuff takes a couple of episodes, that leaves 3 episodes left in the season.


And part of that will indeed be spent on the wall and with the Hound and Dondarion's band.  Not sure if Bran and Meera will stay at the wall or go to Winterfell.


But I would think the actual war between the Lannisters and Danaerys may see like the upcoming skirmishes, and possibly even a big battle?  But I think Dany will have to realize that they just can't be fighting a war now.  That will just leave Cersei to fall in line. 


My guess is Euron's attack won't actually alter Dany's strategy so much as Jon Snow's visit will.  I think because of that, she'll shift from a war with Cersei, to attempting to unite everyone, including Cersei against the Night's King.


The Dornish I don't know.  My kneejerk reaction is that the showrunners will sweep that detail under the rug somehow.  But Doran was only tentatively holding the Dornish at bay when Oberyn was killed.  And also subsequently it's why he met his end in a silly blur of a scene that must have been scripted as "k then we go to Dorn and Prince Doran gets kilt *bweh*".  So I can't imagine the Dornish will be like "oh well" when not only did the Lannisters kill Oberyn, his sister and her children, but also the Sand Snakes, and also took their current monarch and her daughter captive.  If they were only being held back by a thread under Doran, I don't see why they wouldn't all just be suiting up and riding for King's Landing immediately.


But again, it depends on how the show will handle Dorn.  They could just as easily come up with some contrivance to keep that from happening.

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