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dad is pressing me to get a job


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right? How dare he ask? To get out, make money, and move out like you're supposed to.....what a prick amirite?


Hey lay off. I have worked very hard to stay sober and I am trying to just fix this mental health issue and then I will get a job, not very nice of you to judge judy me.

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I need foodstamps too. Maybe go to the methodone clinic as well.


And child support for the fuggletz.

If you live far enough away from the methadone clinic you'll get a car fare check and you can get foodstamps as well, maybe rent money for your mom's basement,

just sayin' if you ain't ready to work at least get something to help in some way.

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there's no limit on SSI you're thinking of SSD which you wouldn't qualify for anyway cuz you need a certain number of quarters worked in a certain length of time



Oh I see. Only thing I use uncle sam for was the food stamps. There are restrictions on those now apparently. Other then that I don't take up a great deal of resources around here.


I plan on getting a job as soon as I get this fucking goddamn mental health issue sorted out once and fucking for goddamn all.

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Well then, you can either do the sensible thing, and join forces with him, overthrow the Emperor, and bring peace and order to the galaxy. Or you can jump off a building like a whiny little bitch.


Either way, sorry for your loss. We know how important your right hand was to you.

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Well then, you can either do the sensible thing, and join forces with him, overthrow the Emperor, and bring peace and order to the galaxy. Or you can jump off a building like a whiny little bitch.


Either way, sorry for your loss. We know how important your right hand was to you.






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