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Everything posted by Skiles

  1. I've had trouble focusing for my entire life, but it feels like it's gotten a lot worse lately. I don't know why.
  2. Give it a couple days.
  3. I disagree.
  4. Skiles

    Ah, shit...

    Watch your God damn mouth!
  5. Shit.......... Shit.
  6. So would I, regardless of what the other option was.
  8. That you just found...
  9. Dude, Ronda Rousey in her last fight WAS worse than Punk. At least time-wise.
  10. I want this to happen more than you could ever imagine.
  11. Some were definitely foregone conclusions, for sure. I expected the Falcons-Seahawks game and the Giants-Packers game to be way more interesting. Matter of fact, I was 100% certain the Giants were gonna win on some crazy-ass 4th quarter play. But nope, those games were boring too.
  12. Obviously I'm super stoked that my Packers won, but really I was just happy to see a good playoff game finally. The first six games STUNK.
  13. Zeni's favorite wrestler growing up, I'll bet. No but seriously, RIP. He was a great wrestler, which means he should be forgiven for probably killing a woman once.
  14. Eff the haters! You do you! Go get 'em, killer!
  15. No, I think you pretty much nailed it.
  16. Of having awesome songs with names that are not great.
  17. With a banana up my hungry cunt.
  18. I can say for certain that that is not 100% true.
  19. Asking for a friend, I presume?
  20. In my head, it was human-sized, sentient penises.
  21. youtube is bitch
  22. Well, NOW where are those wild animals gonna get their drugs?
  23. I feel like there are way too many songs called "Dreams."
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