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Everything posted by Skiles

  1. A classic Jim Croce ballad.
  2. They picked that because "never" wasn't an option.
  3. I voted for 2017. I think this is finally the year he throws caution to the wind and commits a rape.
  4. It will be returned soon. Soon...
  5. Well, you can always go to the bathroom. It's just that nothing may happen when you get there.
  6. Is it a conversation?
  7. mochi[/member] is it a hearty breakfast?
  8. Is it a fruitful sales deal?
  9. Never got into that show. But I'm not into cartoons as much as I was even a couple years ago. I'm not sure if that speaks to the quality of cartoons, or to the fact that I'm getting old, but yeah.
  10. I can see it on my computer. *thumbs up* (also what's-his-dick needs to make a thumbs-up emoji for us*
  11. Sounds like your team is losing.
  12. http://www.kayfabenews.com/damien-sandow-still-back-wwe-thanks-obama/
  13. Your mom got her new phone in, eh? That's good.
  14. Bro, I'm like 8 inches... FROM THE GROUND!!!
  15. Dude, that shit looks like a result on a Quizilla quiz from back in the day.
  16. Like throwing a hot dog down a hallway, babeh.
  17. Another track by Bowie, released on his channel this past Wednesday.
  18. Vagina doesn't start with a D.
  19. I remember him. He was a real piece of shit. jk I don't remember that person at all besides the name.
  20. Why, I oughta...
  21. I'm full of a lot of things. Sometimes surprises is one of those things.
  22. Medium sized dick is fine. Nothing that's too big for my mouth.
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