I couldn't even begin to list them in a straight up, top-to-bottom order. But in the realm of what we're speaking of, the top ten consists of:
-Spyro 1 - Favorite video game of all time. Beaten it hundreds of times. Literally. This game is meditation for me.
-Michael Bolton - All of it. Screw picking a song. IT'S ALL GREAT. FIGHT ME.
-Hook - That movie, oddly enough, really shaped who I am as a man today.
-Pokemon Yellow - Shit, man, I still play it all the time. Just as I have for 20 years.
-Big Brother - Hatters gonna hat. This show is the shit. I've watched all 18 American seasons, every Canadian season, most of the UK seasons, and one season in Australia.
-Dragonball Z - This show was to me and my friends growing up what Walking Dead and Game of Thrones is to grown-ups now.
-Case Closed - I've seen all 130-ish dubbed episodes multiple times. It sparked my interest in true crime, Sherlock Holmes, and whodunnit murder mystery shit.
-InuYasha - My relationship with this show has been love/hate, on-again/off-again, whatever you wanna call it. But it's been 16 years, and I still haven't completed the series. And the fucking RPG game haunted me for a decade as well. Fuck this God damn series, I love it so much.
-Wrestling - I've watched and obsessed over it since I was a little kid. Now I'm a genuine, bonafide smart mark and I don't give a damn who knows.
-The Lion King - It's my favorite movie ever. Hook is close, and Goodfellas is close, but The Lion King will always hold that special place in my heart.