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Everything posted by Skiles

  1. They just walk in, dude. The police makes your landlord give them a key and they walk in.
  2. But then at the very least, you would get evicted, if not arrested.
  3. And started telling you what you can and can't do or say, and if you didn't obey, you went to prison for seventeen years? That would suck.
  4. No good can come of going to bed early.
  5. A warrant or two, hopefully.
  6. They attacked and murdered him with knives.
  7. That would be funny if my cat was homophobic, and wheezing is the only way it can communicate that he disapproves of my lifestyle.
  8. I might pop in in a little while.
  9. Thankfully, it doesn't affect his quality of life other than being wheezy for a few minutes a day. If it wasn't a constant thing, I would look into getting an inhaler or something.
  10. This cat doesn't mind hugs... Piper cat HATES hugs, but the oldest one, Albert, actually gives hugs. Like, legit human-like hugs.
  11. I read somewhere that taking him in the bathroom and running the shower would help, because the steam would loosen things up in there. I'm gonna talk to a vet before trying it though. <.<
  12. It is a bummer for dear catto.
  13. It always makes me feel sad when he starts getting all puffy. It only lasts a few minutes and he goes back to normal, though.
  14. Dude, weed is evil and bad for you. I know it's bad for you because it's illegal. Cigarettes are significantly more healthful. That's why they're legal.
  15. Good, serves that idiot right for not just smoking like a normal person. You know what never blew any teeth out of someone's mouth? Cigarettes.
  16. Sometimes if you're in a pickle long enough, you'll end up in a tizzy.
  17. A salient point.
  18. I'm cool if you're cool. We cool?
  19. Which is worse than being in a jam, but not as bad as being in a rut.
  20. I don't wanna get too specific, but I have various antidepressants and anti-anxiety meds. I also have a healthy supply of Benadryl because my allergies are stupid and they're even worse because I live with cats now.
  21. Just call me a dirty faggot. You know you wanna.
  22. Wow, that's where this went? Over a dumb song? Jesus Christ. You guys are fucking retarded.
  23. the orange man love yellow pee haha
  24. It's freezing. Literally, it's 32 degrees Farenheit right now.
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