Actually, it'll be half of my life later this year. I started posting in late '03, thereabouts. But still... God damn, HALF?
And I can't even call it a waste of time, because I've met a lot of people here that I will call my friends forever. This is where I've been, through all my mental health issues, addiction, sobriety, and sexual confusion that took WAY too long to figure out. I've shared information here that I wouldn't tell my closest family members, and probably a lot of information that I shouldn't share with any human being ever.
Early on, I assumed several identities with several different alts, before finally making my Skiles name and just being my own weird self. I've spent hours upon hours in TC, laughing and having a fantastic time with people that went from just letters on a black screen, to faces and voices and personalities. I watched a number of those people die, and shed tears with the ones left. One time, I drunkenly made a thread in IB asking people to post their SSN's, got banned, and some of you never let me live it down. To this day, I still use running jokes and callbacks from YEARS ago that came from just a bunch of us drunk bullshitting.
I guess my point is that you guys are really weird, but it's cool, because I'm weird too, and I'm glad I found you guys.